Package : xymon

Package details

Summary: A system for monitoring servers and networks

Xymon monitors your hosts, your network services, and anything else you configure it to do via extensions. Xymon will periodically generate requests to network services - HTTP, FTP, SMTP and so on - and record if the service is responding as expected. Through the use of agents installed on the servers (the xymon-client package), you can also monitor local disk utilization, log files and processes. Xymon is the successor to the BBGEN toolkit, which has been available as an add-on to Big Brother since late 2002. It was also previously known as Hobbit. If you have used BBGEN before, Xymon will seem quite familiar. You should install this package if you want this machine to monitor services running on other machines.
License: GPLv2

Last packager: umeabot <umeabot>

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