Package : nomacs
Package details
Summary: A fast and small image viewer
nomacs is an image viewer based on the Qt5 library. It is free, small, fast and is able to handle the most common image formats including RAW images. Additionally, synchronization of viewers running on the same computer or via LAN is possible, which allows one to compare images and spot the differences. This package also contains some usefull plugins for nomacs image viewer: * Affine transformations * RGB image from greyscales * Fake miniature filter * Page extractions * Painting
License: GPLv3
Last packager: daviddavid <daviddavid>
nomacs is an image viewer based on the Qt5 library. It is free, small, fast and is able to handle the most common image formats including RAW images. Additionally, synchronization of viewers running on the same computer or via LAN is possible, which allows one to compare images and spot the differences. This package also contains some usefull plugins for nomacs image viewer: * Affine transformations * RGB image from greyscales * Fake miniature filter * Page extractions * Painting
License: GPLv3
Last packager: daviddavid <daviddavid>
List of RPMs
- nomacs-3.19.0-3.mga10.src Media: Mageia cauldron SRPMS Core Release Install
- nomacs-3.19.0-3.mga10.x86_64 Media: Mageia cauldron x86_64 Core Release Install