Package : konqueror

Package details

Summary: KDE file and web browser

Konqueror is KDE's Webbrowser and Swiss army knife for any kind of file-management and file previewing. Features: * Webbrowsing using KHTML or KDEWebEngine as rendering engines * File management using most of Dolphin's features (including version-control, service menus and the basic UI) * File management on ftp and sftp servers * Full featured FTP-client (you can split views to display local and remote folders and previews in the same window) * Embedded applications to preview and edit files (e.g. Okular and KOffice for documents, Gwenview for pictures, KTextEditor for text-files) * Different kinds of plugins: Service-menus, KParts (embedded applications), * KIO (accessing files using special protocols like http or ftp) and * KPart-plugins (like AdBlocker...)
License: GPLv2+

Last packager: daviddavid <daviddavid>

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