Package : fuse-emulator-utils

Package details

Summary: The additional utilities for Fuse ZX Spectrum emulator

The Fuse utilities are a few tools which may be of occasional use when dealing with ZX Spectrum emulator files. The available utilities are: * audio2tape: convert an audio file to tape format. * createhdf: create an empty .hdf IDE hard disk image. * fmfconv: converter tool for FMF movie files. * listbasic: list the BASIC in a snapshot or tape file. * profile2map: convert Fuse profiler output to Z80-style map format. * raw2hdf: create a .hdf IDE hard disk image from another file. * rzxcheck: verify the digital signature in an RZX file. * rzxdump: list the contents of an RZX input recording file. * rzxtool: add, extract or remove the embedded snapshot from an RZX file, or compress or uncompress the file. * scl2trd: convert .scl disk images to .trd disk images. * snap2tzx: convert snapshots to TZX tape images. * snapconv: convert between snapshot formats. * tape2pulses: dumps the pulse information from tape images to text files. * tape2wav: convert a tape file to .wav audio format. * tapeconv: convert between .tzx and .tap files. * tzxlist: list the contents of a TZX, TAP, PZX or Warajevo TAP file.
License: GPLv2

Last packager: umeabot <umeabot>

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