Package : dot2tex
Package details
Summary: Graphviz to LaTeX converter
The purpose of dot2tex is to give graphs generated by Graphviz a more LaTeX friendly look and feel. This is accomplished by converting dot output from Graphviz to a series of PSTricks or PGF/TikZ commands. This approach allows: * Typesetting labels with LaTeX, allowing mathematical notation. * Using native PSTricks and PGF/TikZ commands for drawing arrows (optional). * Using back-end specific styles to customize the output Dot2tex can preprocess graphs using the preview package. Information about label sizes will be extracted and used to get correctly sized nodes and edge labels.
License: MIT
Last packager: papoteur <papoteur>
The purpose of dot2tex is to give graphs generated by Graphviz a more LaTeX friendly look and feel. This is accomplished by converting dot output from Graphviz to a series of PSTricks or PGF/TikZ commands. This approach allows: * Typesetting labels with LaTeX, allowing mathematical notation. * Using native PSTricks and PGF/TikZ commands for drawing arrows (optional). * Using back-end specific styles to customize the output Dot2tex can preprocess graphs using the preview package. Information about label sizes will be extracted and used to get correctly sized nodes and edge labels.
License: MIT
Last packager: papoteur <papoteur>
List of RPMs
- dot2tex-2.11.3-7.mga10.src Media: Mageia cauldron SRPMS Core Release Install
- dot2tex-2.11.3-7.mga10.noarch Media: Mageia cauldron x86_64 Core Release Install