Package : pnmixer

Package details

Summary: Lightweight mixer applet

PNMixer is system tray sound mixer. Currently it supports ALSA and PulseAudio. It is written in C, depends only on GTK+, and does not require Gnome. PNMixer is a fork of OBMixer with a number of additions. These include: * Volume adjustment with the scroll wheel * Textual display of volume level in popup window * Continuous volume adjustment when dragging the slider (not just when you let go) * Use system icon theme for icons and use mute/low/medium/high volume icons * Configurable middle click action (default is mute/unmute) * Preferences for: * volume text display * volume text position * icon theme * amount to adjust per scroll * middle click action
License: GPLv3

Last packager: umeabot <umeabot>

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