Package : mures

Package details

Summary: Clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket", a multi-player puzzle game

Mures is a cross-platform clone of Sega's "Chu Chu Rocket" written using C. To start the game, run "mures -hN -aiM" where N and M are the number of human and computer players at the local computer. Press enter to start the game, press P to pause, and Q to quit. - Player 1: Use the mouse to target, and click and drag in the desired direction to place an arrow. - Player 2: Use the arrow keys to target, and the number keypad to place arrows. - Player 3: Use A,W,S,D to target and I,J,K,L to place arrows.
License: GPL

Last packager: umeabot <umeabot>

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