Package : freetumble

Package details

Summary: Colourful puzzle game with three game modes

FreeTumble is a free colourful puzzle game for Windows and Linux. It features three game modes, with simple rules but different gameplay. NORMAL: Click groups of 3 or more stones to make them disappear. Each time you click a group, a new row will be added. Don't let the stones reach the top of the grid or you're done, and make a good use of the various bonus stones available! MOTION: Pretty much the same as the 'Normal' game, but real time: the new row will be added after an amount of time (decreasing as the player level increases). CLASSIC: Click groups of two or more stones to make them disappear. Try to clear the entire grid to get the best score.
License: GPLv3+ and CC-BY-SA and CC-BY

Last packager: umeabot <umeabot>

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