Package : easytag

Package details

Summary: Tag editor for MP3, OGG files

EasyTAG is an utility for viewing and editing tags of MP3, MP2, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, MP4/AAC, MusePack, Wavpack, Speex and Monkey's Audio files. Its simple and nice GTK+ interface makes tagging easier under GNU/Linux. Features: - View, edit, write tags of MP3, MP2 files (ID3 tag with pictures), FLAC files (FLAC Vorbis tag), Ogg Vorbis files (Ogg Vorbis tag), MP4/AAC (MP4/AAC tag), and MusePack, Wavpack, Monkey's Audio files (APE tag), Speex files, - Auto tagging: parse filename and directory to complete automatically the fields (using masks), - Ability to rename files and directories from the tag (using masks) or by loading a text file, - Process selected files of the selected directory, - Recursion for tagging, removing, renaming, saving..., - Can set a field (artist, title,...) to all other files, - Read file header information (bitrate, time, ...) and display them, - Ability to open a directory or a file with an external program, - CDDB support (manual and automatic search), - A tree based browser or a view by Artist & Album, - A playlist generator window,
License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+

Last packager: daviddavid <daviddavid>

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