Package : aeolus

Package details

Summary: Synthesized pipe organ emulator

Aeolus is a synthesized (i.e. not sampled) pipe organ emulator that should be good enough to make an organist enjoy playing it. It is a software synthesizer optimised for this job, with possibly hundreds of controls for each stop, that enable the user to "voice" his instrument. Main features of the default instrument: three manuals and one pedal, five different temperaments, variable tuning, MIDI control of course, stereo, surround or Ambisonics output, flexible audio controls including a large church reverb. Aeolus is not very CPU-hungry, and should run without problems on a e.g. a 1GHz, 256MB machine.
License: GPLv2+ and CC-BY-SA

Last packager: philippedidier <philippedidier>

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