By group

Group: Networking/Instant messaging

akarixb A Jabber/XMPP bot based on Qt and QXMPP Networking/Instant messaging
bitlbee IRC proxy to connect to ICQ, AOL, MSN and Jabber Networking/Instant messaging
centerim Console ncurses based multi-protocol instant messenger Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2 Multi-protocol instant messaging and chat client Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-core Multi-protocol instant messaging and chat client Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-gadu-gadu Gadu-gadu protocol plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-gpg GPG plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-gtk2 GTK2 UI plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-ioctld Keyboard LED control plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-jabber Jabber protocol plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-logsqlite SQLite log plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
ekg2-voip GSM VoIP protocol plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
evolution-chime Evolution plugin for Amazon Chime Networking/Instant messaging
finch A text-based user interface for Pidgin Networking/Instant messaging
folks Aggregates people from multiple sources to create metacontacts Networking/Instant messaging
folks-bluez-backend Bluetooth Phonebook Access Profile backend for folks Networking/Instant messaging
folks-common Common files for folks Networking/Instant messaging
folks-eds-backend EDS backend for folks Networking/Instant messaging
folks-ofono-backend Ofono backend for folks Networking/Instant messaging
folks-telepathy-backend Telepathy backend for folks Networking/Instant messaging
gajim Jabber Client written in PyGTK Networking/Instant messaging
gajim-plugin-omemo Gajim plugin for OMEMO Multi-End Message and Object Encryption Networking/Instant messaging
get-telegram Download and Install Telegram Desktop Networking/Instant messaging
iksemel XML parser library designed for Jabber applications Networking/Instant messaging
jitsi Open Source Video Calls And Chat Networking/Instant messaging
lib64gadu3 A Gadu-gadu protocol compatible library Networking/Instant messaging
lib64gloox-devel Headers for gloox Networking/Instant messaging
lib64gloox18 Libraries for gloox Networking/Instant messaging
lib64otr-devel Development related files of libotr Networking/Instant messaging
lib64otr5 Off-The-Record Messaging library and toolkit Networking/Instant messaging
libotr-utils Helper utilities of libotr Networking/Instant messaging
mcabber Console jabber client Networking/Instant messaging
nheko Desktop client for the Matrix protocol Networking/Instant messaging
perl-ekg2 Perl scripting plugin for ekg2 Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin A GTK+ based multiprotocol instant messaging client Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-awayonlock Away-on-Lock is simple plugin for Pidgin Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-bonjour Bonjour plugin for Purple Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-chime Pidgin/libpurple protocol plugin for Amazon Chime Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-client Plugin and sample client to control purple clients Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-discord Adds pixmaps, icons and smileys for Discord protocol Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-googlechat Adds pixmaps, icons and smileys for Google Chat protocol Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-gpg GPG plugin for pidgin Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-i18n Translation files for Pidgin/Finch Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-indicator StatusNotifierItem tray icon plugin for Pidgin Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-libnotify Popup for Pidgin via libnotify and the notification-daemon Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-meanwhile Lotus Sametime Community Client plugin for Purple Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-msn-pecan Alternative implementation of the MSN protocol plug-in for libpurple Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-otr Pidgin plugin that implements Off-the-Record Messaging Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-perl Purple extension, to use perl scripting Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-plugin-pack Plugin Pack for libpurple and derived IM clients Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-plugins Pidgin plugins shared by the Purple and Finch Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-privacy-please Pidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying you Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-silc Purple extension, to use SILC (Secure Internet Live Conferencing) Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-sipe Pidgin protocol (SIP/SIMPLE) plugin to connect to MS Office Communicator Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-skypeweb Adds pixmaps, icons and smileys for Skype protocol Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-tcl Purple extension, to use tcl scripting Networking/Instant messaging
pidgin-telegram-tdlib Adds pixmaps, icons and smileys for Telegram protocol Networking/Instant messaging
psi Jabber client using Qt5 Networking/Instant messaging
psi-iconsets Package with iconsets Networking/Instant messaging
psi-plugins Plugins for Psi Jabber client Networking/Instant messaging
psi-smileysets Package with smileysets Networking/Instant messaging
purple-chime Libpurple protocol plugin for Amazon Chime Networking/Instant messaging
purple-discord Discord plugin for libpurple Networking/Instant messaging
purple-events libpurple events handling plugin and library Networking/Instant messaging
purple-facebook Facebook protocol plugin for libpurple Networking/Instant messaging
purple-googlechat Google Chat plugin for libpurple Networking/Instant messaging
purple-libnotify-plus Provide libnotify interface to Pidgin and Finch Networking/Instant messaging
purple-lurch OMEMO Encryption plugin for libpurple Networking/Instant messaging
purple-skypeweb SkypeWeb Plugin for Pidgin Networking/Instant messaging
purple-telegram-tdlib Libpurple Telegram plugin using tdlib Networking/Instant messaging
qtox A powerful Tox client that follows the Tox design guidelines Networking/Instant messaging
silc-toolkit SILC toolkit Networking/Instant messaging
sofia-sip RFC3261 compliant SIP User-Agent library Networking/Instant messaging
telegram-cli Linux Command-line interface for Telegram Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-accounts-signon Telepathy integration for the Accounts SSO framework Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-gabble A Jabber/XMPP connection manager Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-haze A multiprotocol connection manager based on pidgin Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-idle A Telepathy connection manager implementation for the IRC protocol Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-logger A logger for the telepathy framework Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-mission-control Telepathy component managing connection managers Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-rakia A SIP protocol implementation for the Telepathy stack Networking/Instant messaging
telepathy-salut Connection manager implementing link-local messaging for XMPP Networking/Instant messaging
wmcoincoin Yet another funny dockapp for reading news feed Networking/Instant messaging
ytalk A chat program Networking/Instant messaging