By group

Group: Development/Perl

perl-Graphics-Magick Libraries and modules for access to GraphicsMagick from perl Development/Perl
perl-Image-Magick Libraries and modules for access to ImageMagick from perl Development/Perl
perl-MythTV Perl bindings for MythTV Development/Perl
perl-Clone Recursively copy Perl datatypes Development/Perl
perl-File-Sync Perl access to fsync() and sync() function calls Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-Df Disk free based on Filesys::Statvfs Development/Perl
perl-List-MoreUtils Provide the stuff missing in List::Util Development/Perl
perl-List-MoreUtils-XS Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions Development/Perl
perl-Locale-gettext Message handling functions for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Test-LeakTrace A LeakTrace interface for whole scripts Development/Perl
perl-URPM Librpm perl bindings for urpmi Development/Perl
perl-XML-LibXML Perl Bindings for libxml2 Development/Perl
acme Letsencrypt perl client Development/Perl
autodia AutoDia handler for DBI connections Development/Perl
cpan-upload Upload one or more files to CPAN, using PAUSE Development/Perl
cpan2pkg Worker dedicated to Mageia distribution Development/Perl
cpanminus Get, unpack, build and install modules from CPAN Development/Perl
epoll A web voting application Development/Perl
fatpack Pack your dependencies onto your script file Development/Perl
git-info Displays a summary of information about the git repository Development/Perl
grepmail Search mailboxes for mail matching a regular expression Development/Perl
grok A Pod 6 backend for grok Development/Perl
ldetect-lst-devel Devel for ldetect-lst Development/Perl
lib64parrot Parrot Virtual Machine run time library Development/Perl
lib64parrot-devel Parrot Virtual Machine development headers and libraries Development/Perl
magpie MAGeia Perl Integration Easy Development/Perl
mdv-distrib-tools Tools use to maintains a urpmi based distrib tree Development/Perl
mga-mirrors Mageia Mirrors management Development/Perl
mgatools Mageia distribution tools Development/Perl
nopaste easy access to any pastebin Development/Perl
openscap-perl Perl bindings for openscap Development/Perl
parrot Virtual Machine for dynamic languages Development/Perl
parrot-doc Parrot Virtual Machine documentation Development/Perl
parrot-src Parrot Virtual Machine sources Development/Perl
perl The Perl programming language Development/Perl
perl-AI-Gene-Sequence Base class of mutation methods Development/Perl
perl-AI-Genetic A class that implements various selection operators Development/Perl
perl-AI-NNFlex Flexible API for neural networks Development/Perl
perl-AI-Termites Artificial termites simulation Development/Perl
perl-AOL-TOC Perl extension for interfacing with AOL's AIM service Development/Perl
perl-API-Google A Perl module for easy access to Google services via their API Development/Perl
perl-ARGV-Struct Parse complex data structures passed in ARGV Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Bleach For I<really> clean programs Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Boolean There is more then one way to be true Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Boom BOOM! Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Brainfuck Embed Brainfuck in your perl code Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Buffy An encoding scheme for Buffy fans Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Damn 'Unbless' Perl objects Development/Perl
perl-Acme-JavaTrace Module for using Java-like stack traces Development/Perl
perl-Acme-MetaSyntactic Generates themed metasyntactic variables Development/Perl
perl-Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes The original Acme::MetaSyntactic themes Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Metification Give Perl the power of Metaprogramming! Development/Perl
perl-Acme-POE-Acronym-Generator Generate random POE acronyms Development/Perl
perl-Acme-Turing Turing machine emulation Development/Perl
perl-Acpi A class to get informations about your battery Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Annotate Perl module to represent a series of changes in annotate form Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Backoff Backoff exponentially Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-C3 A module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-ChooseSubsets OO interface to iterate through subsets of a list Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Cluster Perl interface to Michiel Jan Laurens de Hoon's C clustering library Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Combinatorics Efficient generation of combinatorial sequences Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Dependency Algorithmic framework for implementing dependency tree Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Diff Compute 'intelligent' differences between two files / lists Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Diff-Apply Apply one or more Algorithm::Diff diffs Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-FastPermute Rapid generation of permutations Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Graphs-TransitiveClosure Calculate the transitive closure Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Merge Implements 3-way merge and diff algorithms Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Munkres Algorithm-Munkres module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle Shuffle a list Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Permute Handy and fast permutation with OO interface Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-RectanglesContainingDot Find rectangles containing a given dot Development/Perl
perl-Algorithm-Search Module for traversing an object Development/Perl
perl-Alias CPAN Alias module for aliasing services Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Autotools Build and install the GNU build system Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Base API Reference for Alien:: Authors Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild Authoring an C<Alien::> module using Alien::Base::ModuleBuild Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Build Build external dependencies for use in CPAN Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Build-Plugin-Download-GitLab Alien::Build plugin to download from GitLab Development/Perl
perl-Alien-GMP Alien package for the GNU Multiple Precision library Development/Perl
perl-Alien-GvaScript Gva extension to the prototype javascript framework Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Hunspell Building, finding and using libhunspell binaries Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Libxml2 Alien package for libxml2 Development/Perl
perl-Alien-Role-Alt Alien::Base role that supports alternates Development/Perl
perl-Alien-SDL Building, finding and using SDL binaries Development/Perl
perl-Alien-TidyHTML5 Alien package for HTML Tidy Development/Perl
perl-Alien-autoconf Build or find autoconf Development/Perl
perl-Alien-automake Build or find automake Development/Perl
perl-Alien-cmake3 Find or download or build cmake 3 or better Development/Perl
perl-Alien-gmake Find or build GNU Make Development/Perl
perl-Alien-libtool Build or find libtool Development/Perl
perl-Alien-libuv Interface to the libuv library Development/Perl
perl-Alien-m4 Find or build GNU m4 Development/Perl
perl-Alien-wxWidgets Building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries Development/Perl
perl-Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt RSA public-key cryptosystem, using Math::BigInt Development/Perl
perl-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc Integrate AnnoCPAN notes locally into perldoc Development/Perl
perl-AnnoCPAN-Perldoc-SyncDB Download the AnnoCPAN database Development/Perl
perl-Any-Moose Use Moose or Mouse modules Development/Perl
perl-Any-URI-Escape Load URI::Escape::XS preferentially over URI::Escape Development/Perl
perl-AnyData Easy access to data in many formats Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent Provide framework for multiple event loops Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-AIO Truly asynchronous file and directory I/O Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-BDB Truly asynchronous berkeley db access Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-CacheDNS Simple DNS resolver with caching Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-EV Provide framework for multiple event loops - EV integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-Event-Lib Provide framework for multiple event loops - Event::Lib integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-FTP Server response encoder that encodes responses so they cannot be confused Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-HTTP Simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-IOAsync Provide framework for multiple event loops - IO::Async integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-Irssi Provide framework for multiple event loops - Irssi integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-POE Provide framework for multiple event loops - POE integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-Tk Provide framework for multiple event loops - Tk integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-UV Provide framework for multiple event loops - UV integration Development/Perl
perl-AnyEvent-XMPP Low level TCP/TLS connection Development/Perl
perl-Apache-DBI Initiate a persistent database connection Development/Perl
perl-Apache-Filter Apache-Filter module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Apache-Htpasswd Manage Unix crypt-style password file Development/Perl
perl-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler Compile a log format string to perl-code Development/Perl
perl-Apache-LogRegex Perl module to parse a line from an Apache logfile into a hash Development/Perl
perl-Apache-ProxyRewrite Apache::ProxyRewrite - mod_perl URL-rewriting proxy Development/Perl
perl-Apache-SSLLookup Hooks for various mod_ssl functions Development/Perl
perl-Apache-Session A persistence framework for session data Development/Perl
perl-Apache-Session-Browseable Store persistent data in a Cassandra database Development/Perl
perl-Apache-Session-Wrapper A simple wrapper around Apache::Session Development/Perl
perl-Apache-SessionX An extended persistence framework for session data Development/Perl
perl-Apache-Test wrapper with helpers for testing Apache Development/Perl
perl-Apache2-ClickPath Apache WEB Server User Tracking Development/Perl
perl-Apache2-DebugFilter Apache2::DebugFilter - Debug mod_perl and native Apache2 filters Development/Perl
perl-App-Asciio Plain ASCII diagram Development/Perl
perl-App-Bootstrap-Perl Bootstrap Perl inclusive CPAN from git Development/Perl
perl-App-CLI Dispatcher module for command line interface programs Development/Perl
perl-App-CSV2Chart Command line utility to convert CSV data to a graphical chart Development/Perl
perl-App-Cache Module for easy application-level caching Development/Perl
perl-App-ClusterSSH A container for functions of the ClusterSSH programs Development/Perl
perl-App-Cmd "app cmd --subcmd" style subdispatching Development/Perl
perl-App-Cme Generates pod doc from model files Development/Perl
perl-App-Daemon Start an Application as a Daemon Development/Perl
perl-App-Deps-Verify An app and API to verify the presence of dependencies Development/Perl
perl-App-Du-Analyze Analyzes and sorts the output of a recursive du Development/Perl
perl-App-Gezer HTML Postprocessor and frontend to html-minifier Development/Perl
perl-App-GitHub-update Update a github repository (description, homepage, etc.) from the commandline Development/Perl
perl-App-Info Information about software packages on a system Development/Perl
perl-App-Maisha Maisha interface to Development/Perl
perl-App-Module-Locate Interface for module locate Development/Perl
perl-App-Notifier-Client Implements the notifier command-line Development/Perl
perl-App-Notifier-Service An HTTP service for the notifier application for Development/Perl
perl-App-Options Combine cmdline opts, env vars, config files Development/Perl
perl-App-Pod2CpanHtml Convert Pod to style HTML Development/Perl
perl-App-PrereqGrapher Generate dependency graph for perl source Development/Perl
perl-App-Rad Extend the App::Rad framework! Development/Perl
perl-App-Rad-Plugin-MoreHelp App::Rad plugin for providing extra help info Development/Perl
perl-App-SVG-Graph Generate SVG graphs from the command line Development/Perl
perl-App-SerializeUtils Utilities for serialization tasks Development/Perl
perl-App-SmokeBox-PerlVersion SmokeBox helper module to determine perl version Development/Perl
perl-App-Stacktrace Stack trace Development/Perl
perl-App-Timestamper Prefix lines with the timestamps of their arrivals Development/Perl
perl-App-Timestamper-Format Prefix lines with formatted timestamps of their arrivals Development/Perl
perl-App-Trace Embedded debug statements, including call/return tracing Development/Perl
perl-App-XML-DocBook-Builder Translate DocBook/XML to other formats Development/Perl
perl-App-a2p Awk to Perl translator Development/Perl
perl-App-intrunningsum Running sum of decimal big integers from stdin or files Development/Perl
perl-App-intsum Sums decimal big integers from stdin or files - one in each line Development/Perl
perl-App-perlall build, test and do with all perls Development/Perl
perl-AppConfig Perl5 modules for reading configuration Development/Perl
perl-AppConfig-Std Subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Any Single interface to deal with file archives Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Any-Lite Simple CPAN package extractor Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Cpio Manipulations of cpio archives Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Extract A generic archive extracting mechanism Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Peek Peek into archives without extracting them Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Tar Module for manipulation of tar archives Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper API wrapper around the 'tar' utility Development/Perl
perl-Archive-Zip Provide an interface to ZIP archive files Development/Perl
perl-Argus Client tools for argus network audit Development/Perl
perl-Array-Columnize Arrange list data in columns Development/Perl
perl-Array-Compare Perl extension for comparing arrays Development/Perl
perl-Array-Diff This module do diff two arrays, and return added and deleted arrays Development/Perl
perl-Array-Each Array-Each module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Array-IntSpan Handles arrays of scalars or objects using integer ranges Development/Perl
perl-Array-Iterator A subclass of Array::Iterator to allow forwards and backwards iteration Development/Perl
perl-Array-PrintCols Print or format array elements in vertically sorted columns Development/Perl
perl-Array-RefElem Direct access to the internal perl routines for arrays & hashes Development/Perl
perl-Array-Unique Tie-able array that allows only unique values Development/Perl
perl-Array-Window Array-Window Perl module: calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays Development/Perl
perl-Aspect Observer pattern with events Development/Perl
perl-Astro-FITS-Header Interface to FITS headers Development/Perl
perl-Astro-SunTime Calculate sun rise/set times Development/Perl
perl-Async-MergePoint Resynchronise diverged control flow Development/Perl
perl-Attribute-Handlers Simpler definition of attribute handlers Development/Perl
perl-Attribute-Storage Declare and retrieve named attributes about CODE Development/Perl
perl-Attribute-Util Assorted general utility attributes Development/Perl
perl-Audio-Beep Audio::Beep player module using the B<beep> program Development/Perl
perl-Audio-CD Perl interface to libcdaudio Development/Perl
perl-Audio-DSP Perl interface to OSS digital audio device Development/Perl
perl-Audio-MPD Class for talking to MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers Development/Perl
perl-Audio-MPD-Common A bunch of common helper classes for mpd Development/Perl
perl-Auth-Yubikey_Decrypter Decrypting the output from the Yubikey token Development/Perl
perl-Auth-Yubikey_WebClient Authenticating the Yubikey against the Yubico Web API Development/Perl
perl-AuthCAS Client library for CAS 2.0 authentication server Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Bitcard Bitcard authentication verification Development/Perl
perl-Authen-CAS-UserAgent CAS-aware LWP::UserAgent Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Captcha Perl extension for creating captcha's to verify the human element in transactions Development/Perl
perl-Authen-DecHpwd DEC VMS password hashing Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Htpasswd Interface to read and modify Apache .htpasswd files Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Krb5 XS bindings for Kerberos 5 Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Libwrap Access to Wietse Venema's TCP Wrappers library Development/Perl
perl-Authen-PAM Perl interface to the PAM library Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Passphrase Hashed passwords/passphrases as objects Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Radius Radius authentication interface to Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-Authen-SASL SASL Authentication framework Development/Perl
perl-Authen-SASL-SASLprep A Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords (RFC 4013) Development/Perl
perl-Authen-SCRAM Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (RFC 5802) Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Simple Simple Authentication Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Simple-LDAP Simple LDAP authentication Development/Perl
perl-Authen-Simple-Passwd Simple Passwd authentication Development/Perl
perl-Authen-WebAuthn A library to add Web Authentication support to server applications Development/Perl
perl-AutoLoader Load subroutines only on demand Development/Perl
perl-AutoXS-Header Container for the AutoXS header files Development/Perl
perl-B-COW B::COW additional B helpers to check COW status Development/Perl
perl-B-CodeLines Lists executable lines of a Perl Program Development/Perl
perl-B-Compiling Expose PL_compiling to perl Development/Perl
perl-B-Debug Walk Perl syntax tree, printing debug info about ops Development/Perl
perl-B-Flags Friendlier flags for B Development/Perl
perl-B-Hooks-EndOfScope Execute code after a scope finished compilation Development/Perl
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Annotation Annotate and delegate hooked OPs Development/Perl
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check Wrap OP check callbacks Development/Perl
perl-B-Hooks-OP-Check-StashChange Invoke callbacks when the stash code is being compiled in changes Development/Perl
perl-B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr Hook into opcode execution Development/Perl
perl-B-Hooks-Parser Interface to perls parser variables Development/Perl
perl-B-Keywords Lists of reserved barewords and symbol names Development/Perl
perl-B-Lint Adds debugging stringification to B:: Development/Perl
perl-B-Utils Easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions Development/Perl
perl-BDB Asynchronous Berkeley DB access Development/Perl
perl-BFD Impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes Development/Perl
perl-BSD-Resource BSD process resource limit and priority functions Development/Perl
perl-BZ-Client A client for the Bugzilla web services API Development/Perl
perl-BackPAN-Index Role to dump object data as a hash Development/Perl
perl-BackupPC-XS Perl extension for BackupPC libraries Development/Perl
perl-Beam-Emitter Role for event emitting classes Development/Perl
perl-Benchmark-Perl-Formance Benchmark Suite for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Benchmark-Timer Benchmark::Timer - Perl code benchmarking tool Development/Perl
perl-Bencode BitTorrent serialisation format Development/Perl
perl-BerkeleyDB Perl module for BerkeleyDB 2.x and greater Development/Perl
perl-BerkeleyDB-Manager General purpose L<BerkeleyDB> wrapper Development/Perl
perl-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene Regular expression-based Perl Parser for NCBI Entrez Gene Development/Perl
perl-Bio-Cluster Instantiates a new Bio::ClusterI (or derived class) through a factory Development/Perl
perl-Bio-DB-EMBL Database object interface for EMBL entry retrieval Development/Perl
perl-Bio-DB-NCBIHelper Taxonomy Entrez driver Development/Perl
perl-Bio-EUtilities Webagent which interacts with and retrieves data from NCBI's eUtils Development/Perl
perl-Bio-FeatureIO Handler for FeatureIO Development/Perl
perl-Bio-Phylo Analysis and manipulation of phylogenies Development/Perl
perl-Bio-SeqReader Class providing methods for representing header, Development/Perl
perl-Bio-Variation Module used by Bio-Cluster Development/Perl
perl-BioPerl BioPerl core modules Development/Perl
perl-BioPerl-Run BioPerl wrappers for external programs Development/Perl
perl-Bit-Vector Bit-Vector module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Boost-Geometry-Utils Bindings for the Boost Geometry library Development/Perl
perl-Bot-BasicBot A simple IRC bot base class Development/Perl
perl-Browser-Open Open a browser in a given URL Development/Perl
perl-Business-CreditCard Credit card number check digit test Development/Perl
perl-Business-Hours Calculate business hours in a time period Development/Perl
perl-Business-ISBN Work with International Standard Book Numbers Development/Perl
perl-Business-ISBN-Data Data pack for Business::ISBN Development/Perl
perl-Business-ISMN Perl library for International Standard Music Numbers Development/Perl
perl-Business-ISSN Perl library for International Standard Serial Numbers Development/Perl
perl-Bytes-Random-Secure Cryptographically suitable random bytes Development/Perl
perl-C-Analyzer Generates C Call Control Flow tree for C source code Development/Perl
perl-CACertOrg-CA's CA root certificate in PEM format Development/Perl
perl-CBOR-XS Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) Development/Perl
perl-CDB_File Extension for access to cdb databases Development/Perl
perl-CDDB A high-level interface to cddb protocol servers Development/Perl
perl-CDDB-File Parse a CDDB/freedb data file Development/Perl
perl-CDDB_get Read the CDDB entry for an audio CD in your drive Development/Perl
perl-CGI Simple Common Gateway Interface class for Perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application Framework for building reusable web-applications Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Dispatch Dispatch requests to CGI::Application based object Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-AutoRunmode CGI::App plugin to automatically register runmodes Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-CAPTCHA Easily create, use, and verify CAPTCHAs in Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-YAML add Config::YAML support to CGI::Application Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH Easy DBI access from CGI::Application Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-ErrorPage A simple error page plugin for CGI::Application Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Forward Pass control from one run mode to another Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-LogDispatch Add Log::Dispatch support to CGI::Application Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RateLimit Limits runmode call rate per user Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RequireSSL Force SSL in specified pages or modules Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session Add CGI::Session support to CGI::Application Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Auth Simple session-based password authentication for CGI applications Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Compile Compile .cgi scripts to a code reference like ModPerl::Registry Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Cookie-Splitter Split big cookies into smaller ones Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Echo CGI-Echo module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Emulate-PSGI PSGI adapter for CGI Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Fast CGI Interface for Fast CGI Development/Perl
perl-CGI-FastTemplate Perl extension for managing templates, and performing variable interpolation Development/Perl
perl-CGI-FormBuilder Easily generate and process stateful forms Development/Perl
perl-CGI-FormMagick CGI-FormMagick module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-GuruMeditation Guru Meditation for CGIs Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Lite CGI-Lite module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Minimal Extremely lightweight CGI processing package Development/Perl
perl-CGI-PSGI Adapt to the PSGI protocol Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Panel CGI-Panel module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-ParamComposite CGI-ParamComposite module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Persistent CGI-Persistent module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CGI-SSI Use SSI from CGI scripts Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Safe Safe method of using Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Session Persistent session data in CGI applications Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Session-ID-uuid UUID based CGI Session Identifiers Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Simple Simple totally OO CGI interface that is compliant Development/Perl
perl-CGI-SpeedyCGI Speed up perl scripts by running them persistently Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Struct Build structures from CGI data Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Test Off-line CGI test framework Development/Perl
perl-CGI-Untaint CGI-Untaint Perl module: process CGI input parameters Development/Perl
perl-CGI-XML CGI-XML perl module Development/Perl
perl-CGI-XMLApplication CGI-XMLApplication module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CHI Nothing is cached Development/Perl
perl-CLASS Alias for __PACKAGE__ Development/Perl
perl-CLI-Osprey Produce usage information for CLI::Osprey apps Development/Perl
perl-CPAN CPAN module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Changes Information about a particular release Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Checksums Write a C<CHECKSUMS> file for a directory as on CPAN Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Common-Index Search index via custom local CPAN package flatfile Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Dependency Analyzes CPAN modules and generates their dependency tree Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-DistnameInfo Extract distribution name and version from a distribution filename Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-FindDependencies Object representing a module dependency Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Meta Validate CPAN distribution metadata structures Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Meta-Check Verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements A set of version requirements for a CPAN dist Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML Read and write a subset of YAML for CPAN Meta files Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Mini Create a minimal mirror of CPAN Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Mini-Extract Create CPAN::Mini mirrors with the archives extracted Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-PackageDetails Create or read 02packages.details.txt.gz Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases Mapping Perl releases on CPAN to the location of the tarballs Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Recent-Uploads Retrieves recent files from a CPAN mirror Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-ReleaseHistory Release iterator for CPAN::ReleaseHistory Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Reporter Adds CPAN Testers reporting to Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic Dynamic prerequisites in meta files Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-SQLite Maintain and search a minimal CPAN database Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeOne CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeOne module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeThree module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeTwo CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-Make-CircDepeTwo module for perl Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Testers-Report Versions of particular modules installed on a system Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Upload-Tiny A tiny CPAN uploader Development/Perl
perl-CPAN-Uploader Upload things to the CPAN Development/Perl
perl-CPANDB CPANDB class for the distribution table Development/Perl
perl-CPANPLUS API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors Development/Perl
perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Build Constants for CPANPLUS::Dist::Build Development/Perl
perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Mageia CPANPLUS backend to build Mageia RPMs Development/Perl
perl-CPANPLUS-Dist-Mdv A cpanplus backend to build mandriva rpms Development/Perl
perl-CPANPLUS-Shell-Default-Plugins-Prereqs Plugin for CPANPLUS to automate Development/Perl
perl-CPS Iterate at some later point Development/Perl
perl-CQL-Parser compiles CQL strings into parse trees of Node subtypes Development/Perl
perl-CSS Object oriented access to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Development/Perl
perl-CSS-DOM Document Object Model for Cascading Style Sheets Development/Perl
perl-CSS-Minifier Remove unnecessary whitespace from CSS files Development/Perl
perl-CSS-Minifier-XS XS based CSS minifier Development/Perl
perl-CSS-Packer Another CSS minifier Development/Perl
perl-CSS-Squish Compact many CSS files into one big file Development/Perl
perl-CSS-Tiny Read/Write .css files with as little code as possible Development/Perl
perl-Cache The Cache interface Development/Perl
perl-Cache-Cache Cache-Cache module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Cache-FastMmap Uses an mmap'ed file to act as a shared memory interprocess cache Development/Perl
perl-Cache-LRU A simple, fast implementation of LRU cache in pure perl Development/Perl
perl-Cache-Memcached Client library for memcached (memory cache daemon) Development/Perl
perl-Cache-Memcached-Managed Inactive Cache::Memcache::Managed object Development/Perl
perl-Cache-Memory-Simple Yet another on memory cache Development/Perl
perl-Cache-Ref Memory only cache of live references Development/Perl
perl-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry Perl module to add expiry to Cache::Simple object Development/Perl
perl-Cairo-GObject Integrate Cairo into the Glib type system Development/Perl
perl-Calendar-Simple Perl extension to create simple calendars Development/Perl
perl-Callback-Frame Preserve error handlers and "local" variables across callbacks Development/Perl
perl-Canary-Stability Canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules Development/Perl
perl-Captcha-reCAPTCHA A Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API Development/Perl
perl-Capture-Tiny Capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl, XS or external programs Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Always Warns and dies noisily with stack backtraces Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Assert Carp::Assert - executable comments Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Assert-More Convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert module Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Clan Carp-Clan module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Clan-Share Share your Carp::Clan settings with your whole Clan Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Parse Represent the parsed caller information for a line of the Carp stack trace Development/Perl
perl-Carp-Parse-Redact Represent the parsed caller information for a line of the Carp stack trace Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Action-REST A request trait for REST and browsers Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Action-RenderView Sensible default end action Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL User role-based authorization action class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-OpenID OpenID credential for Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication framework Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI User object representing a Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class Catalyst Auth storage using DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP LDAP authentication storage backend Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT Make the current Catalyst context available in Models and Views Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext Return a new instance a component on each request Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole Apply roles to action instances Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Controller-BindLex Stash your lexical goodness Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu Hidden text field which contains a unique token Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Controller-SOAP Helper controller for SOAP Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Devel Catalyst Development Tools Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex LocalRegexp DispatchType Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Engine-Apache Catalyst Apache Engines Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl Integrates Log::Log4perl with Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Manual Catalyst Manual - The Catalyst developer's manual Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor Helper for the incredibly lazy Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-DBI Catalyst DBI Model Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema DBIx::Class::Schema Model Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP Catalyst LDAP Model Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP-FromAuthentication Provides an LDAP model bound as the user who logged in Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-REST REST model class for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-SOAP Map a WSDL to a catalyst model class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-SVN Helper for SVN Models Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Model-WebService-Solr Use WebService::Solr in your Catalyst application Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-P-A-ACL ACL support for Catalyst applications Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-P-A-Credential-PAM Authenticate a user against PAM Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-P-A-Store-DBIC Authentication and authorization against a Class::DBI model Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-P-A-Store-LDAP Catalyst - Authentication from an LDAP Directory Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-P-S-State-Cookie Cookie-based session plugin for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap FastMmap session storage backend Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication Infrastructure plugin for the Catalyst authentication framework Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-CDBI CDBI Authentication for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd Authentication database in $c->config Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles Role based authorization for Catalyst based on Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD Instant AJAX web front-end for DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart Catalyst plugin to restart server Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache Choose a cache backend based on key regexes Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FastMmap Mmap cache for Catalyst applications Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap A thin wrapper for Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Captcha Create and validate Captcha for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Compress-Zlib Gzip response Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader Load config files of various types Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-CustomErrorMessage Catalyst plugin to have more "cute" error message Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-DateTime DateTime plugin for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd Sensible default end action for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-FillInForm FillInForm for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator FormValidator for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget HTML Widget And Validation Framework Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N I18N for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Images Generate image tags for static files Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache Cache the output of entire pages Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype Plugin for Prototype Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Redirect Redirect for Catalyst used easily is offered Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session Generic Session plugin for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap File storage backend for session data Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache Store sessions using a Catalyst::Plugin::Cache Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBI Store your sessions in a database Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File File storage backend for session data Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Memcached Memcached storage for Catalyst sessions Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv Allows you to set up the environment from Catalyst's config file Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace Display a stack trace on the debug screen Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple Make serving static pages painless Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-ByClass Locate static content in @INC Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest Make subrequests to actions in Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile Textile for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode Unicode aware Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC Dispatch XMLRPC methods with Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-Runtime The Elegant MVC Web Application Framework Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-Email Templated Email View for [% app %] Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-Excel-Template-Plus Excel::Plus View for [% app %] Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-GD A Catalyst View for GD images Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-GraphViz GraphViz View Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-JSON JSON view for your data Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-Mason Mason View Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-REST-XML XML View Class Development/Perl
perl-Catalyst-View-TT Catalyst TT View Class Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-CMS A drop-in content management system for Catalyst Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-CRUD CRUD framework for Catalyst applications Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-InjectComponent Inject components into your Catalyst application Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-LeakChecker Debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-RoleApplicator Apply roles to your Catalyst application-related classes Development/Perl
perl-CatalystX-SimpleLogin Redirect Development/Perl
perl-Chart A series of charting modules Development/Perl
perl-Chart-Graph Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace Development/Perl
perl-Check-ISA DWIM, correct checking of an object's class Development/Perl
perl-Chemistry-Mol Molecular formula reader/formatter Development/Perl
perl-Chemistry-MolecularMass Perl extension for calculating Development/Perl
perl-Chess A framework for writing chess programs with Perl Development/Perl
perl-Chess-Play Play chess games, calculate legal moves, use a search algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor Automated accessor generation Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Assert Accessors which type-check Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Chained Class-Accessor-Chained module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Class Simple class variable accessors Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Classy Accessors with minimal inheritance Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Complex Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets and more Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Constructor Support for an automated dirty flag in Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped Lets you build groups of accessors Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Installer Install an accessor subroutine Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Lite A minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Lvalue Class-Accessor-Lvalue module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Accessor-Ref Class-Accessor-Ref module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Adapter Generate Class::Adapter classes Development/Perl
perl-Class-ArrayObjects Class-ArrayObjects module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-AutoClass Yet another OO helper Development/Perl
perl-Class-Autouse Run-time class loading on first method call in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Base Useful base class for deriving other modules Development/Perl
perl-Class-C3 A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT Make NEXT suck less Development/Perl
perl-Class-C3-Componentised Load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class Development/Perl
perl-Class-C3-XS XS speedups for Class::C3 Development/Perl
perl-Class-Container Glues object frameworks together transparently Development/Perl
perl-Class-Contract Class-Contract module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI Simple Database Abstraction Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-AutoLoader Generates Class::DBI subclasses dynamically Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-FromForm Update Class::DBI data using Data::FormValidator or HTML Widget Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-Loader Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-Pg Class::DBI extension for Postgres Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin Abstract base class for Class::DBI plugins Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-AbstractCount Get COUNT(*) results with abstract SQL Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-Plugin-Pager Paged queries for CDBI Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-SQLite Class::DBI extension for sqlite Development/Perl
perl-Class-DBI-mysql Class::DBI extension for MySQL Development/Perl
perl-Class-Data-Accessor Inheritable, overrideable class and instance data accessor creation Development/Perl
perl-Class-Data-Inheritable Inheritable, overrideable class data Development/Perl
perl-Class-Date Class for easy date and time manipulation Development/Perl
perl-Class-Declare Class-Declare module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Declare-Attributes Class-Declare-Attributes module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Dot Class representing a perltags property tag Development/Perl
perl-Class-ErrorHandler Base class for error handling Development/Perl
perl-Class-Factory Base class for dynamic factory classes Development/Perl
perl-Class-Factory-Util Provide utility methods for factory classes Development/Perl
perl-Class-Field Class Field Accessor Generator Development/Perl
perl-Class-Fields Inspect the fields of a class Development/Perl
perl-Class-Forward A class dispatcher that handles namespaces like paths Development/Perl
perl-Class-Generate Generate Perl class hierarchies Development/Perl
perl-Class-Gomor Class::Gomor - another class and object builder Development/Perl
perl-Class-ISA Report the search path thru an ISA tree Development/Perl
perl-Class-Inner Class-Inner module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-InsideOut A safe, simple inside-out object construction kit Development/Perl
perl-Class-Inspector Get information about a class and its structure Development/Perl
perl-Class-Iterator A perl iterator class Development/Perl
perl-Class-Listener Executes methods on events Development/Perl
perl-Class-Load A working (require "Class::Name") and more Development/Perl
perl-Class-Load-XS XS implementation of parts of Class::Load Development/Perl
perl-Class-Loader Load modules and create objects on demand Development/Perl
perl-Class-MakeMethods Generate common types of methods Development/Perl
perl-Class-Maker Classes, reflection, schema, serialization, attribute- and multiple inheritance Development/Perl
perl-Class-Measure Calculate measurements of length Development/Perl
perl-Class-Member Class::Member - A set of modules to make module development easier Development/Perl
perl-Class-Method-Modifiers provides Moose-like method modifiers Development/Perl
perl-Class-Method-ModifiersX-Augment Adds "augment method => sub {...}" support to Class::Method::Modifiers Development/Perl
perl-Class-MethodMaker Create generic methods for OO Perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Mix Dynamic class mixing Development/Perl
perl-Class-Multimethods A multiple dispatch mechanism for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Null Implements the Null Class design pattern Development/Perl
perl-Class-Observable Allow other classes and objects to respond to events in yours Development/Perl
perl-Class-ParamParser CPAN Class-ParamParser perl module Development/Perl
perl-Class-Prototyped Fast prototype-based OO programming in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Proxy An object proxy Development/Perl
perl-Class-Refresh Refresh your classes during runtime Development/Perl
perl-Class-ReturnValue Class-ReturnValue module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Singleton A Singleton class for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-Sniff Look for class composition code smells Development/Perl
perl-Class-Spiffy Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You Development/Perl
perl-Class-Std Support for creating standard "inside-out" classes Development/Perl
perl-Class-Std-Fast faster but less secure than Class::Std Development/Perl
perl-Class-Std-Utils Utility subroutines for building "inside-out" objects Development/Perl
perl-Class-Throwable A minimal lightweight exception class Development/Perl
perl-Class-Tiny Minimalist class construction Development/Perl
perl-Class-Trigger Mixin to add / call inheritable triggers Development/Perl
perl-Class-Unload Unload a class Development/Perl
perl-Class-WhiteHole Base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors Development/Perl
perl-Class-XPath Class-XPath module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Class-XSAccessor Generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation Development/Perl
perl-ClearSilver Neotonic ClearSilver Perl Module Development/Perl
perl-Clipboard Copy and paste with any OS Development/Perl
perl-Clone Recursively copy Perl datatypes Development/Perl
perl-Clone-Choose Choose appropriate clone utility Development/Perl
perl-Clone-Fast Natively copying Perl data structures Development/Perl
perl-Clone-PP Recursively copy Perl datatypes Development/Perl
perl-Clownfish Apache Clownfish symbiotic object system Development/Perl
perl-Clownfish-CFC Compiler for Apache Clownfish Development/Perl
perl-Code-TidyAll All-in-one tidier and validator Development/Perl
perl-Code-TidyAll-Plugin-ClangFormat Run clang-format using Code::TidyAll Development/Perl
perl-Code-TidyAll-Plugin-ESLint Use eslint with tidyall Development/Perl
perl-Code-TidyAll-Plugin-Flake8 Run flake8 using Code::TidyAll Development/Perl
perl-Code-TidyAll-Plugin-TSLint Runs tslint, pluggable linting utility for TypeScript Development/Perl
perl-Code-TidyAll-Plugin-TestCount Ascertain that the test plan agrees with the Test::Count annotations Development/Perl
perl-Color-ANSI-Util Routines for dealing with ANSI colors Development/Perl
perl-Color-Library (NBS/ISCC TC) Standard Color Card of America Development/Perl
perl-Color-RGB-Util Utilities related to RGB colors Development/Perl
perl-Color-Scheme Generate pleasant color schemes Development/Perl
perl-ColorThemeBase-Static Base class for color theme modules with static list of item Development/Perl
perl-ColorThemeRole-ANSI Roles for using ColorTheme::* with ANSI codes Development/Perl
perl-ColorThemeUtil-ANSI Utility routines related to color themes and ANSI code Development/Perl
perl-ColorThemes-Standard A standard collection of generic color themes Development/Perl
perl-Commandable Find commands stored as subs with attributes Development/Perl
perl-Complete Convention for Complete::* modules family and common settings Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Bash Completion module for bash shell Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Common Common stuffs for completion routines Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Env Completion routines related to environment variables Development/Perl
perl-Complete-File Completion routines related to files Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Fish Completion module for fish shell Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Getopt-Long Complete command-line argument using Getopt::Long specification Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Path Complete path Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Tcsh Completion module for tcsh shell Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Unix Unix-related completion routines Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Util General completion routines Development/Perl
perl-Complete-Zsh Completion module for zsh shell Development/Perl
perl-Compress-Bzip2 Interface to Bzip2 compression library Development/Perl
perl-Compress-LZF Extremely light-weight Lempel-Ziv-Free compression Development/Perl
perl-Compress-LZO Compress-LZO module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library Development/Perl
perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma Low-Level Interface to lzma compression library Development/Perl
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib Low-level interface to the zlib compression library Development/Perl
perl-Compress-Zstd Zstd decompression dictionary Development/Perl
perl-Config-Any Load configuration from different file formats, transparently Development/Perl
perl-Config-ApacheFormat Use Apache format config files Development/Perl
perl-Config-Augeas Edit configuration files through Augeas C library Development/Perl
perl-Config-Auto Magical config file parser Development/Perl
perl-Config-AutoConf A module to implement some of AutoConf macros in pure perl Development/Perl
perl-Config-Crontab Read/Write Vixie compatible crontab(5) files Development/Perl
perl-Config-Find Find configuration files Development/Perl
perl-Config-General Generic Config perl module Development/Perl
perl-Config-GitLike Git-like config file parsing with cascaded inheritance Development/Perl
perl-Config-Grammar A grammar-based, user-friendly config parser Development/Perl
perl-Config-Hosts Config::Hosts is an interface to /etc/hosts file Development/Perl
perl-Config-INI A subclassable .ini-file emitter Development/Perl
perl-Config-INI-Reader-Ordered .ini-file parser that returns sections in order Development/Perl
perl-Config-INI-Simple Simple reading and writing from an INI file--with preserved comments Development/Perl
perl-Config-Identity Load (and optionally decrypt via GnuPG) user/pass identity information Development/Perl
perl-Config-IniFiles A module for reading .ini-style configuration files Development/Perl
perl-Config-JFDI Just * Do it: A Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader-style layer over Config::Any Development/Perl
perl-Config-JSON A JSON based config file system Development/Perl
perl-Config-MVP Multivalue-property config-loading state machine Development/Perl
perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI Multi-value capable .ini file reader (for plugins) Development/Perl
perl-Config-MVP-Slicer Extract embedded plugin config from parent config Development/Perl
perl-Config-Merge Load Perl config files Development/Perl
perl-Config-Model Framework for config validation and edition Development/Perl
perl-Config-Model-CursesUI Curses interface for Config::Model Development/Perl
perl-Config-Model-Itself Edit and validate configuration models Development/Perl
perl-Config-Model-OpenSsh OpenSsh configuration files editor and API Development/Perl
perl-Config-Model-Tester Test framework for Config::Model Development/Perl
perl-Config-Model-TkUI GUI for conf editors based on Config::Model Development/Perl
perl-Config-Path Path-like config API with multiple file support, directory Development/Perl
perl-Config-Perl-V A module that will return you the output of Development/Perl
perl-Config-Properties Configuration using Java style properties Development/Perl
perl-Config-Record Perl module for Configuration file access Development/Perl
perl-Config-Simple Config-Simple module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Config-Std Load and save configuration files in a standard format Development/Perl
perl-Config-Tiny Read/Write .ini style files with as little code as possible Development/Perl
perl-Config-Versioned Simple, versioned access to configuration data Development/Perl
perl-Config-YAML Generic Config perl module Development/Perl
perl-ConfigReader Read directives from a configuration file Development/Perl
perl-ConfigReader-Simple Read simple configuration file formats Development/Perl
perl-Const-Fast Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes Development/Perl
perl-Constant-Generate Common tasks for symbolic constants Development/Perl
perl-Context-Preserve Run code after a subroutine call, preserving the context the subroutine would have seen if it were the last statement in the caller Development/Perl
perl-Contextual-Return Utility module for Contextual::Return Development/Perl
perl-Convert-ASCII-Armour Convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages Development/Perl
perl-Convert-ASN1 ASN.1 Encode/Decode library for perl Development/Perl
perl-Convert-BER Convert-BER (module for perl) Development/Perl
perl-Convert-Base32 Encoding and decoding of base32 strings Development/Perl
perl-Convert-Bencode_XS Faster conversions to/from Bencode format Development/Perl
perl-Convert-BinHex Extract data from Macintosh BinHex files Development/Perl
perl-Convert-Binary-C Convert-Binary-C module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Convert-Color A color value represented as red/green/blue in Development/Perl
perl-Convert-Color-XTerm Indexed colors used by XTerm Development/Perl
perl-Convert-EBCDIC Convert-EBCDIC module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Convert-GeekCode Convert and generate geek code sequences Development/Perl
perl-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT Convert Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT <-> strftime Format Strings Development/Perl
perl-Convert-PEM Read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files Development/Perl
perl-Convert-Scalar Convert-Scalar module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Convert-TNEF Convert-TNEF module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Convert-UU UUencode and UUdecode Development/Perl
perl-Convert-UUlib Convert-UUlib module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Convert-X509 Parse pkcs7 messages just to get only Development/Perl
perl-Cookie-Baker Cookie string generator / parser Development/Perl
perl-Coro Coroutine process abstraction Development/Perl
perl-Cpanel-JSON-XS JSON::XS for Cpanel, fast and correct serializing Development/Perl
perl-Cpuinfo Perl bindings for cpuinfo Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Argon2 Perl interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Blowfish Perl Blowfish encryption module Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Blowfish_PP Crypt::Blowfish_PP - Blowfish encryption algorithm implemented purely in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-CAST5 Crypt::CAST5 - CAST5 block cipher Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-CAST5_PP CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-CBC Encrypt Data with Cipher Block Chaining Mode Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-CipherSaber Perl module implementing CipherSaber encryption Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Cracklib Perl interface to Alec Muffett's Cracklib Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Curve25519 Generate shared secret using elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman function Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-DES Perl DES encryption module Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-DES_EDE3 Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-DH Diffie-Hellman key exchange system Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-DH-GMP Compatibility Mode For Crypt::DH Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-DSA DSA Signatures and Key Generation Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Eksblowfish Blowfish-based Unix crypt() password hash Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Enigma Crypt-Enigma module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-GPG A Perl Object Oriented Interface to GnuPG Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-IDEA Perl interface to IDEA block cipher Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-JWT JSON Web Token (JWT, JWS, JWE) as defined by RFC7519, RFC7515, RFC7516 Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-MySQL Emulate MySQL PASSWORD() function Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-NULL Crypt-NULL module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenPGP Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA Digital Signature Algorithm using OpenSSL Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC Perl extension for OpenSSL EC (Elliptic Curves) library Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA Perl extension for OpenSSL ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess Guess OpenSSL include path Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random Crypt-OpenSSL-Random module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509 Perl extension to OpenSSL's X509 API Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-PBKDF2 Digest::HMAC hash support for Crypt::PBKDF2 Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-PKCS10 Parse PKCS #10 certificate requests Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-PasswdMD5 Perl extension for crypt()-compatible interfaces to the MD5-based crypt() Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Password Unix-style, Variously Hashed Passwords Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Password-Util Crypt password utilities Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Primes Provable Prime Number Generator suitable for Cryptographic Application Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-RC4 Crypt-RC4 module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-RC5 Crypt-RC5 module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-RC6 Crypt-RC6 module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-RIPEMD160 Crypt-RIPEMD160 module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-RSA RSA public-key cryptosystem Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-RandPasswd Random password generator based on FIPS-181 Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Random Crypt-Random Perl module Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Random-Seed Simple method to get strong randomness Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Random-Source Base class for random devices Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Random-TESHA2 Configuration data Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Rijndael Crypt::CBC compliant Rijndael encryption module Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Rot13 Crypt-Rot13 module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-SMIME S/MIME message signing, verification, encryption and decryption Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-SSLeay Support for the https protocol under LWP Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-SaltedHash Working with salted hashes Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Simple Encrypt stuff simply Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-SmbHash Crypt::SmbHash Perl module - generate LM/NT hashes like smbpasswd Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Twofish Crypt-Twofish module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-Twofish2 Crypt::CBC compliant Twofish encryption module Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-URandom Provide non blocking randomness Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-UnixCrypt Crypt-UnixCrypt module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-UnixCrypt_XS Perl-xs implementation of crypt(3) Development/Perl
perl-Crypt-X509 Parse a X.509 certificate Development/Perl
perl-CryptX Symmetric cipher SAFER_SK128, key size: 128 bits (Crypt::CBC compliant) Development/Perl
perl-Cstools Tools for dealing with Czech and Slovak texts in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Curses Perl module for character screen handling and windowing Development/Perl
perl-Curses-Toolkit An about dialog window Development/Perl
perl-Curses-UI A curses based perl OO user interface framework Development/Perl
perl-Curses-UI-POE A subclass makes Curses::UI POE Friendly Development/Perl
perl-CursesForms Form management for Curses::Widgets Development/Perl
perl-CursesWidgets Assorted widgets for rapid interface design Development/Perl
perl-Cwd-Guard Temporary changing working directory (chdir) Development/Perl
perl-Cyrus Cyrus IMAPd utility Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-DBD-CSV Perl module to access CSV files through DBI Development/Perl
perl-DBD-Firebird Firebird database driver for the DBI module Development/Perl
perl-DBD-Mock Mock database driver for testing Development/Perl
perl-DBD-Multi Manage Multiple Data Sources with Failover and Load Balancing Development/Perl
perl-DBD-Pg PostgreSQL database driver for the DBI module Development/Perl
perl-DBD-SQLite Self Contained RDBMS in a DBI Driver Development/Perl
perl-DBD-Sybase Sybase database driver for the DBI module Development/Perl
perl-DBD-XBase Module for dealing with XBase files Development/Perl
perl-DBI The Perl Database Interface Development/Perl
perl-DBI-ProfileDumper-Apache DBI profiling data for mod_perl Development/Perl
perl-DBI-Shell Interactive command shell for the DBI Development/Perl
perl-DBICx-TestDatabase A DBICx::TestDatabase you can add your Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-Candy Create sugar for your favorite ORM, DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached Cursor class with built-in caching support Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch Automatic inflation/deflation of epoch-based columns to/from DateTime objects Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler Extensible DBIx::Class deployment Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault Automatically set and update fields Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn Encrypt columns using Crypt::OpenPGP Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget Like FromForm but with DBIx::Class and HTML::Widget Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-Helpers Simplify the common case stuff for DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS FS columns resultset class Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Object-Enum Allows a DBIx::Class user to define a Object::Enum column Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M Introspect many-to-many shortcuts Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-OptimisticLocking Optimistic locking support for DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate DBIx-Class extension for providing recursive updates Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config Credential Management for DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp DBIx::Class extension to update and create date and time based fields Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns Create uuids using Win32API::GUID Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Connector Fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-ContextualFetch Add contextual fetches to DBI Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-DBSchema Database-independent schema objects Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Introspector Detect what database you are connected to Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Recordset Perl extension for DBI recordsets Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-RunSQL Run SQL to create a database schema Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-SQLite-Simple Superclass only used to handle SQL tables Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder Encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl object Development/Perl
perl-DBIx-Simple Easy-to-use OO interface to DBI Development/Perl
perl-DBM-Deep A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions Development/Perl
perl-DB_File Perl5 access to Berkeley DB version 1.x Development/Perl
perl-DB_File-Lock DB_File-Lock module for perl Development/Perl
perl-DCOP Extensible inheritable class to dcop Development/Perl
perl-DNS-ZoneParse Parse and manipulate DNS Zone Files Development/Perl
perl-DVD-Read Access to DVD IFO file using libdvdread Development/Perl
perl-Daemon-Control Create init scripts in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Daemon-Daemonize An easy-to-use daemon(izing) toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Daemon-Generic Framework to provide start/stop/reload for a daemon Development/Perl
perl-Daemon-Shutdown Shutdown Daemon Development/Perl
perl-Daemon-Whois A WHOIS daemon Development/Perl
perl-Dahdi Interface to Dahdi information Development/Perl
perl-Dancer Template Toolkit wrapper for Dancer Development/Perl
perl-Dancer-Plugin-Database Subclassed DBI connection handle Development/Perl
perl-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core Shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins Development/Perl
perl-Dancer-Plugin-WindowSession Manage Per-Browser-Window sessions Development/Perl
perl-Dancer-Template-Caml Use Template::Caml for templating with Dancer Development/Perl
perl-Dancer2 Lightweight yet powerful web application framework Development/Perl
perl-Dancer2-Plugin-REST A plugin for writing RESTful apps with Dancer2 Development/Perl
perl-Danga-Socket Event loop and event-driven async socket base class Development/Perl
perl-Data-Binary Simple detection of binary versus text in strings Development/Perl
perl-Data-BitStream A bit stream class including integer coding Development/Perl
perl-Data-BitStream-XS A bit stream class including integer coding methods Development/Perl
perl-Data-Buffer Read/write buffer class Development/Perl
perl-Data-Clone Polymorphic data cloning Development/Perl
perl-Data-Compare Compare perl data structures Development/Perl
perl-Data-DPath Magic functions available inside filter conditions Development/Perl
perl-Data-Denter An alternative to Data::Dumper and Storable Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dmp Dump Perl data structures as Perl code Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dump Pretty printing of data structures Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dump-Color Like Data::Dump, but with color Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dump-Options Like Data::Dump but with some more options Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dump-SExpression Dump Perl data structures as S-expression Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dump-Streamer Accurately serialize a data structure as Perl code Development/Perl
perl-Data-DumpXML Dump arbitrary perl data structures as XML Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dumper Convert data structure into perl code Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dumper-Compact Vertically compact width-limited data formatter Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dumper-Concise Less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing Development/Perl
perl-Data-Dumper-Perltidy Stringify and pretty print Perl data structures Development/Perl
perl-Data-Entropy Download entropy from Development/Perl
perl-Data-Float Details of the floating point data type Development/Perl
perl-Data-Flow Simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data Development/Perl
perl-Data-FormValidator Validates user input based on input profile Development/Perl
perl-Data-GUID Globally unique identifiers Development/Perl
perl-Data-HexDump A Simple Hexadecimal Dumper Development/Perl
perl-Data-Hierarchy Perl module to handle data in a hierarchical structure Development/Perl
perl-Data-ICal Generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files Development/Perl
perl-Data-ID-Exim Generate Exim message IDs Development/Perl
perl-Data-IEEE754 Pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles Development/Perl
perl-Data-Inherited Hierarchy-wide accumulation of list and hash results Development/Perl
perl-Data-Integer Details of the native integer data type Development/Perl
perl-Data-Localize BerkeleyDB Backend Development/Perl
perl-Data-MessagePack (DEPRECATED)messagepack streaming deserializer Development/Perl
perl-Data-Miscellany Collection of miscellaneous subroutines Development/Perl
perl-Data-Morph Provides a Data::Morph backend for talking to objects Development/Perl
perl-Data-Munge Various utility functions Development/Perl
perl-Data-ObjectDriver Object driver for caching objects with memcached Development/Perl
perl-Data-OptList Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs Development/Perl
perl-Data-Page Help when paging through sets of results Development/Perl
perl-Data-Pageset Page numbering and page sets Development/Perl
perl-Data-Paginate OO interface to paginate data with 1 module Development/Perl
perl-Data-Paginator Pagination with Moose Development/Perl
perl-Data-Password Perl extension for assessing password quality Development/Perl
perl-Data-Password-Meter Data::Password::Meter - Check the strength of passwords Development/Perl
perl-Data-Password-zxcvbn Ranked dictionaries for common English words Development/Perl
perl-Data-PathSimple Navigate and manipulate data structures using paths Development/Perl
perl-Data-Peek A collection of low-level debug facilities Development/Perl
perl-Data-Perl Wrapping class for Perl's built in array structure Development/Perl
perl-Data-PowerSet Generate all subsets of a list of elements Development/Perl
perl-Data-Printer Pretty-printing date and time objects (not just DateTime!) Development/Perl
perl-Data-Random Data::Random - Perl module to generate random data Development/Perl
perl-Data-Record "split" on steroids Development/Perl
perl-Data-SearchEngine Digest flag & configuration Development/Perl
perl-Data-Section read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section Development/Perl
perl-Data-Section-Simple Read data from __DATA__ Development/Perl
perl-Data-Semantic Adapter for Regexp::Common patterns Development/Perl
perl-Data-Serializer Generic interface to serializer modules Development/Perl
perl-Data-Stack OO Stack Development/Perl
perl-Data-Stag Data-Stag module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Data-Stream-Bulk L<Path::Class::Dir> traversal Development/Perl
perl-Data-Struct Simple struct building Development/Perl
perl-Data-Structure-Util Change nature of data within a structure Development/Perl
perl-Data-Taxi Taint-aware, XML-ish data serialization Development/Perl
perl-Data-Transform-ExplicitMetadata Encode Perl values in a json-friendly way Development/Perl
perl-Data-Transformer Traverse a data structure, altering it in place Development/Perl
perl-Data-TreeDumper Improved replacement for Data::Dumper Development/Perl
perl-Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-GTK Gtk2::TreeView renderer for Data::TreeDumper Development/Perl
perl-Data-Types Validate and convert data types Development/Perl
perl-Data-UUID Perl extension for generating Globally/Universally Unique Identifiers Development/Perl
perl-Data-Undump Perl extension for securely and quickly deserializing simple Data::Dumper dumps Development/Perl
perl-Data-Util Exports subroutines lexically Development/Perl
perl-Data-Validate-Domain Light weight module for validating domains Development/Perl
perl-Data-Validate-IP Lightweight IPv4 and IPv6 validation module Development/Perl
perl-Data-Validate-Type Public interface encapsulating Params::Util to offer data type validation functions that pass PerlCritic Development/Perl
perl-Data-Validate-URI Common url validation methods Development/Perl
perl-Data-Validation Filter and validate data values Development/Perl
perl-Data-Visitor A visitor for Perl data structures Development/Perl
perl-Data-YAML Easy YAML serialisation Development/Perl
perl-Date-Calc Gregorian calendar date calculations Development/Perl
perl-Date-Extract Extract probable dates from strings Development/Perl
perl-Date-HolidayParser Parser for ~/.holiday-style files Development/Perl
perl-Date-Manip Date-Manip upstream_name for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Date-Pcalc Pure-Perl drop-in replacement for Date::Calc Development/Perl
perl-Date-Range Work with a range of dates Development/Perl
perl-Date-Simple A simple date object Development/Perl
perl-DateTime A date and time object in Perl Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Calendar-Discordian DateTime extension for the Discordian calendar Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Calendar-Julian Julian Calendar support for Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical Dates in the pataphysical calendar Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Event-ICal Perl DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Event-Recurrence DateTime::Set extension for create basic recurrence sets Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Builder Create DateTime parser classes and objects Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-CLDR Parse and format CLDR time patterns Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-DateManip Perl DateTime extension to convert Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-DateParse Parses Date::Parse compatible formats Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Duration Format and parse DateTime::Durations Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Epoch Active Directory epoch seconds Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible A module that try very hard to parse string into DateTime object Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-HTTP Date conversion routines Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-ICal Parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 Parses almost all ISO8601 date and time formats Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Mail Convert between DateTime and RFC2822/822 formats Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL Parse and format MySQL dates and times Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Natural Base class for DateTime::Format::Natural::Lang:: Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Oracle Parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Pg Parse and format PostgreSQL dates and times Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-RFC3339 Parse and format RFC3339 datetime strings Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-RSS Format DateTime For RSS Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-SQLite Parse and format SQLite dates and times Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-Strptime Parse and format strp and strf time patterns Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF Parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Functions Procedural interface to DateTime functions Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-HiRes Create DateTime objects with sub-second current time resolution Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Incomplete An incomplete datetime, like January 5 Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Locale Localization support for DateTime Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Precise Perform common time and date operations with Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Set Extends Set::Infinite with recurrence functions Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-TimeZone Time zone object base class and factory Development/Perl
perl-DateTime-Tiny A date object, with as little code as possible Development/Perl
perl-DateTimeX-Easy Parse a date/time string using the best method available Development/Perl
perl-Debug-Client Client side code for perl debugger Development/Perl
perl-Debug-ShowStuff A collection of handy debugging routines for displaying Development/Perl
perl-Declare-Constraints-Simple Declarative Validation of Data Structures Development/Perl
perl-DefHash Sah schemas to validate DefHash Development/Perl
perl-DelimMatch Perl extension to find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting Development/Perl
perl-Devel-ArgNames Figure out the names of variables passed into subroutines Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Autoflush Set autoflush from the command line Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Backtrace Object-oriented backtrace Development/Perl
perl-Devel-CallTrace See what your code's doing Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Caller Meatier versions of caller() Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Caller-Perl Devel-Caller-Perl module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Callsite Get caller return OP or Interp address Development/Perl
perl-Devel-CheckBin Check that a command is available Development/Perl
perl-Devel-CheckCompiler Check the compiler's availability Development/Perl
perl-Devel-CheckLib Check that a library is available Development/Perl
perl-Devel-CheckOS Check what OS we're running on Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Chitin Programmatic interface to the Perl debugging API Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Comments Fix ::Tie_STDx TELL() issue Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Confess Include stack traces on all warnings and errors Development/Perl
perl-Devel-CoreStack Try to generate a stack dump from a core file Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Cover Code coverage metrics for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Cycle Find memory cycles in objects Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Declare Adding keywords to perl, in perl Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Deprecations-Environmental Deprecations for your code's surroundings Development/Perl
perl-Devel-DumpTrace PPI-based version of Devel::DumpTrace Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Dumpvar A pure-OO reimplementation of Development/Perl
perl-Devel-FindPerl Find the path to your perl Development/Perl
perl-Devel-GlobalDestruction Expose PL_dirty, the flag which marks global Development/Perl
perl-Devel-GlobalPhase Detect perl's global phase on older perls Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Hide Forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules (for testing) Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Leak Utility for looking for perl objects that are not reclaimed Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Leak-Object Detect leaks of objects Development/Perl
perl-Devel-LeakGuard-Object Scoped object leak checking Development/Perl
perl-Devel-LexAlias Alias lexical variables Development/Perl
perl-Devel-MAT Working out what an SV actually is Development/Perl
perl-Devel-MAT-Dumper Give XS modules extensions for memory dumping Development/Perl
perl-Devel-NYTProf Powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler Development/Perl
perl-Devel-OverloadInfo Introspect overloaded operators Development/Perl
perl-Devel-OverrideGlobalRequire Override CORE::GLOBAL::require safely Development/Perl
perl-Devel-PPPort Portability aid for your XS code Development/Perl
perl-Devel-PartialDump Partial dumping of data structures, optimized for argument Development/Perl
perl-Devel-PatchPerl Replacement 'hints' files Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Platform-Info Retrieve Solaris platform metadata Development/Perl
perl-Devel-REPL a modern perl interactive shell Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Refactor Perl extension for refactoring Perl code Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Refcount Obtain the REFCNT value of a referent Development/Perl
perl-Devel-SimpleTrace See where you code warns and dies using stack traces Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Size Find the memory usage of Perl variables Development/Perl
perl-Devel-StackTrace Stack trace and stack trace frame objects Development/Perl
perl-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML Displays stack trace in HTML Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Symdump Dump symbol names or the symbol table Development/Perl
perl-Devel-TakeHashArgs make a hash from @_ and set defaults in subs while checking that all mandatory arguments are present Development/Perl
perl-Devel-Trace Devel-Trace module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Devel-TraceUse Hack around calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function Development/Perl
perl-Devel-TraceVars Print each line of code with variables evaluated Development/Perl
perl-Devel-hdb Perl debugger as a web page and REST service Development/Perl
perl-Devel-ptkdb Perl debugger using a Tk GUI Development/Perl
perl-Device-Cdio Module for CD Input and Control library Development/Perl
perl-Device-Gsm Interface gsm handphones and modems Development/Perl
perl-Device-MAC Handle hardware MAC Addresses (EUI-48 and EUI-64) Development/Perl
perl-Device-Modem Interface modems and other AT based devices Development/Perl
perl-Device-OUI Resolve an Organizationally Unique Identifier Development/Perl
perl-Device-SerialPort POSIX clone of Win32::SerialPort Development/Perl
perl-Digest Calculate digests of files Development/Perl
perl-Digest-BubbleBabble Create bubble-babble fingerprints Development/Perl
perl-Digest-CRC Generic CRC functions Development/Perl
perl-Digest-GOST Perl interface to the GOST R 34.11-94 digest algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-HMAC Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication Development/Perl
perl-Digest-JHash Perl extension for 32 bit Jenkins Hashing Algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-Keccak Perl interface to the Keccak digest algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-MD2 Perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-MD4 Perl interface to the MD4 Algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-MD5 MD5 message digest algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-MD5-File Digest::MD5 Sub Class to use paths directly Development/Perl
perl-Digest-MD5-M4p Perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-Nilsimsa Perl interface to the Nilsima Algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-Perl-MD5 Pure perl implementation of MD5 Development/Perl
perl-Digest-SHA Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512 Development/Perl
perl-Digest-SHA-PurePerl Perl implementation of SHA-1/224/256/384/512 Development/Perl
perl-Digest-SHA1 Perl interface to the SHA1 Algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Digest-SHA3 Perl extension for SHA-3 Development/Perl
perl-Digest-Whirlpool Perl 512-bit one-way hash Development/Perl
perl-Dir-Manifest Load texts or blobs from a directory of files Development/Perl
perl-Dir-Self A __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in Development/Perl
perl-Directory-Iterator Simple, efficient recursive directory listing Development/Perl
perl-Directory-Iterator-PP Recursively list file contents Development/Perl
perl-Directory-Scratch Perl Module to generate self-cleaning scratch space for tests Development/Perl
perl-Directory-Scratch-Structured creates temporary files and directories from a structured description Development/Perl
perl-Directory-Transactional Traverse files in L<Directory::Transactional> Development/Perl
perl-Dist-CheckConflicts Declare version conflicts for your dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla Something that provides a version number for the dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-App-Command-cover Code coverage metrics for your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-App-Command-pot Update i18n messages.pot file with new strings Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-App-Command-weaverconf Extract your distribution's Pod::Weaver configuration Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-BeLike-CSJEWELL Build a modern dist like CSJEWELL does it Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Config-Slicer Pass Portions of Bundle Config to Plugins Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Deb Build and release debian package Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-LocaleTextDomain Tools for managing Locale::TextDomain language catalogs Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Alien Dist::Zilla::PluginBundle::Basic for Alien Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ApacheTest Build a Makefile.PL that uses ExtUtils::MakeMaker with Apache::Test Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ApocalypseTests Creates the Test::Apocalypse testfile for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AppendExternalData Append data to gathered files Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AssertOS Require that our distribution is running on a particular OS Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-CONTRIBUTING Generates a CONTRIBUTING file for KENTNL's distributions Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-Prereqs-Latest-Selective Selectively upgrade a few modules to depend on the version used Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-RecommendFixes Recommend generic changes to the dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-TravisCI A specific subclass of TravisCI that does horrible things Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-Plicease Add a travis status button to the file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AuthorSignatureTest An Author Distribution C<SIGNATURE> Test for L<Dist::Zilla> Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Authority Add the $AUTHORITY variable and metadata to your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AuthorityFromModule Add metadata to your distribution indicating what module to copy PAUSE permissions from Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AutoMetaResources Automagical MetaResources Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AutoVersion-Relative Time-Relative versioning Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BlockRelease Prevent a release from occurring Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib A minimal boot-strapping for Dist::Zilla Plug-ins Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Breaks Add metadata about potential breakages to your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bugtracker Automatically sets the bugtracker URL Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BuildFile Build files by running an external command Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BumpVersionAfterRelease Bump module versions after distribution release Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BumpVersionFromGit Provide a version number by bumping the last git release tag Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Catalyst A subclass of Catalyst::Helper Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangeStats-Git Provides an accessor for the changelog Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangelogFromGit Build CHANGES from git commits and tags Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckBin Require that our distribution has a particular command available Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangeLog Dist::Zilla with Changes check Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangesHasContent Ensure Changes has content before releasing Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests Check xt tests before release Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckIssues Retrieve count of outstanding RT and github issues for your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckLib Require that our distribution has a particular library available Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckMetaResources Ensure META includes resources Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckPrereqsIndexed Prevent a release if you have prereqs not found on CPAN Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckSelfDependency Check if your distribution declares a dependency on itself Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckStrictVersion BeforeRelease plugin to check for a strict version number Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckVersionIncrement Prevent a release unless the version number is incremented Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Clean Clean after release Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CoalescePod Merge .pod files into their .pm counterparts Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CoderwallEndorse Adds a Coderwall 'endorse' button to README Markdown file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Config-Git Plugin configuration containing settings for a Git repo Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Conflicts Declare conflicts for your distro Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ConsistentVersionTest Adds a release test to ensure that all modules have the same $VERSION Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFile This module adds a file listing all contributors Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFromGit Populates your 'CONTRIBUTORS' POD from the list of git authors Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromBuild Copy (or move) specific files after building (for SCM inclusion, etc.) Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromBuild-Filtered Copy files from build directory, but filter out lines Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromRelease Copy files from a release (for SCM inclusion, etc.) Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyReadmeFromBuild Copy README after building (for SCM inclusion, etc.) Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyTo Copy to other places plugin for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Covenant Add the author's pledge to the distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CustomLicense Setting legal stuff of Dist::Zilla while keeping control Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DOAP Create a doap.xml file for your project Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Doppelgaenger Creates an evil twin of a CPAN distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DualBuilders Allows use of Module::Build and ExtUtils::MakeMaker in a dzil dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DualLife Distribute dual-life modules with Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DynamicPrereqs Specify dynamic (user-side) prerequisites for your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-EOLTests Release tests making sure correct line endings are used Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-EnsureLatestPerl Ensure the author is releasing using the latest Perl Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FatPacker Pack your dependencies onto your script file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FileKeywords Standard Keywords plugin Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FindDirByRegex A regex-based FileFinder plugin Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GatherFromManifest Gather all files from MANIFEST Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GenerateFile-FromShareDir Create files in the repository or in the build, based on a template located in a dist sharedir Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GenerateFile-ShareDir Create files in the build, based on a template located in a dist sharedir Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git Commit dist.ini and changelog Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Contributors Add contributor names from git to your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Describe Add the results of `git describe` (roughly) to your main module Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-DescribeVersion Provide version using git-describe Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-NextRelease Use time-stamp from Git instead of process start time Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-NextVersion-Sanitized Sanitize versions handed to you by Git::NextVersion Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-PushInitial Do initial git push from your minting profile Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Remote-Check Update a remote with Git before build Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Tag-ForRelease Create a Release Tag Before Building the Distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitFmtChanges Build CHANGES file from a project's git log using git log format Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitHub Update GitHub repo info on release Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitHubREADME-Badge Dist::Zilla - add badges to github Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitObtain Obtain files from a git repository before building a distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GithubMeta Automatically include GitHub meta information in META.yml Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-HasVersionTests Release tests for version numbers Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-HelpWanted Insert 'Help Wanted' information in the distribution's META Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Homepage Automatically sets the homepage URL Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Inject Inject into a CPAN::Mini mirror Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InsertCopyright Insert copyright statement into source code files Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InsertExample Insert example into your POD from a file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallGuide Build an INSTALL file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallRelease Installs your dist after releasing Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Keywords Add keywords to metadata in your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-KwaliteeTests Release tests for kwalitee Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-LatestPrereqs Adjust prereqs to use latest version available Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-LocaleMsgfmt Dist::Zilla plugin that compiles Local::Msgfmt .po files to .mo files Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome A more awesome MakeMaker plugin for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Fallback Generate a Makefile.PL containing a warning for legacy users Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-SkipInstall Skip the install rule of MakeMaker Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MatchManifest Ensure that MANIFEST is correct Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Mercurial Check for modified/removed/unknown files Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaData-BuiltWith Go overkill and report everything in all name-spaces Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides In the event nothing else works, pull in hand-crafted metadata from a specified file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-FromFile In the event nothing else works, pull in hand-crafted metadata from a specified file Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package Extract namespaces/version from traditional packages for provides Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaResourcesFromGit Metadata resource URLs from Git configuration Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaYAML-Minimal Generate a reductionist YAML META file for compatibility only Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MinimumPerl Detects the minimum version of Perl required for your dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuild-XSOrPP Add a --pp option to your Build.PL to force an XS-less build Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny Build a Build.PL that uses Module::Build::Tiny Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny-Fallback Generate a Build.PL that uses Module::Build::Tiny, falling back to Module::Build as needed Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleInstall Build Module::Install based Distributions with Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MojibakeTests Release tests for source encoding Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NextVersion-Semantic Extract previous version from changelog Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NoAutomatedTesting Avoid running under CPAN Testers Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NoSmartCommentsTests Make sure no Smart::Comments escape into the wild Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OSPrereqs List prereqs conditional on operating system Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OnlyCorePrereqs Check that no prerequisites are declared that are not part of core Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion No line insertion and does Package version with our Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PerlTidy Perltidy your dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PkgVersion-Block PkgVersion for block packages Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Pod2Readme Generate README from Pod, as simply as possible Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodLoom Process module documentation through Pod::Loom Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodPurler Like PodWeaver, but more erratic and amateurish Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodWeaver Do horrible things to POD, producing better docs Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prepender prepend lines at the top of your perl files Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-AuthorDeps Add Dist::Zilla authordeps to META files as develop prereqs Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-FromCPANfile Parse cpanfile for prereqs Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-MatchInstalled Depend on versions of modules the same as you have installed Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-MatchInstalled-All Upgrade ALL your dependencies to the ones you have installed Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Plugins Add all Dist::Zilla plugins presently in use as prerequisites Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Recommend-MatchInstalled Advertise versions of things you have as soft dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Soften Downgrade listed dependencies to recommendations if present Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-SyncVersions Homogenize prerequisites so dependency versions are consistent Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Upgrade Upgrade existing prerequisites in place Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PromptIfStale Check at build/release time if modules are out of date Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PurePerlTests Run all your tests twice, once with XS code and once with pure Perl Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Readme-Brief Provide a short simple README with just the essentials Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeAnyFromPod Automatically convert POD to a README in any format for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod Automatically convert POD to a README for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeMarkdownFromPod Automatically convert POD to a README.mkdn for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RemovePrereqs-Provided Remove prerequisites that are already provided Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportPhase Report whats going on Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportVersions Write a test that reports used module versions Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportVersions-Tiny Reports dependency versions during testing Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Repository Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RequiresExternal Make dists require external commands Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RewriteVersion-Sanitized RewriteVersion but force normalizing ENV{V} and other sources Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RewriteVersion-Transitional Ease the transition to [BumpVersionAfterRelease] in your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Rsync Dist::Zilla plugin to upload using rsync Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Run Execute a command of the distribution before release Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Signature Sign releases with Module::Signature Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SpellingCommonMistakesTests Tests for common POD spelling mistakes Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-StaticInstall (EXPERIMENTAL, DANGEROUS) Identify a distribution as eligible for static installation Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-StaticVersion Specify version number manually, using a plugin Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SurgicalPodWeaver Surgically apply PodWeaver Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-SvnObtain Obtain files from a subversion repository before building a distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TaskWeaver Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TaskWeaver's helper Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TemplateCJM Process templates, including version numbers & changes Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TemplateFile Use files as templates to build a distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CPAN-Changes Release tests for your changelog Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CPAN-Meta-JSON Release tests for your META.json Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CheckBreaks Generate a test that shows what modules you are breaking Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CheckChanges Release tests for checking changes Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CleanNamespaces Generate a test to check that all namespaces are clean Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile Common tests to check syntax of your modules Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile-PerFile Create a single .t for each compilable file in a distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-DistManifest Release tests for the manifest Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-EOL Author tests making sure correct line endings are used Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Kwalitee Release tests for kwalitee Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-MinimumVersion Release tests for minimum required versions Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs Release tests making sure hard tabs aren't used Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-PAUSE-Permissions Generate a test to verify PAUSE permissions Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Perl-Critic Tests to check your code against best practices Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Pod-LinkCheck Add release tests for POD links Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Pod-No404s Add release tests for POD HTTP links Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-PodSpelling Release tests for POD spelling Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Portability Release tests for portability Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-ReportPrereqs Report on prerequisite versions during automated testing Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Synopsis Release tests for synopses Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-TidyAll Adds a tidyall test to your distro Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-TrailingSpace Test for trailing whitespace Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-UnusedVars Release tests for unused variables Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Version Release Test::Version tests Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TestBaseIncluder Ship your Test::Base version Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TestMLIncluder Ship your TestML version Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TravisCI Integrating the generation of .travis.yml into your dzil Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Twitter Twitter when you release with Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-UploadToGoogleCode Upload your dist to Google Code (experimental) Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-UseUnsafeInc Indicates the value of PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC to use during installation Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-VerifyPhases Compare data and files at different phases of the distribution build process Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-VersionFromMainModule Set the distribution version from your main module's $VERSION Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-AJGB Pod::Weaver configuration for AJGB Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-AMD Build your distributions like AMD does Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-AVAR Use L<Dist::Zilla> like AVAR does Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-CJM Get distribution version from its main_module Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-ETHER Mint distributions like ETHER does Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-JQUELIN Build & release a distribution like jquelin Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-KENTNL-Lite A Minimal Build-Only replacement for @Author::KENTNL for contributors Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-LESPEA My Dist::Zilla configs Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-OLIVER Dists like OLIVER's Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-RTHOMPSON RTHOMPSON's Dist::Zilla Configuration Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-RWSTAUNER RWSTAUNER's Pod::Weaver config Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-BINGOS BeLike::BINGOS when you build your dists Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-CEBJYRE My default dzil plugins Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-DAGOLDEN DAGOLDEN's default Pod::Weaver config Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-DANIELP (you shouldn't) use Dist::Zilla like DANIELP Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-DOY Dist::Zilla plugins for me Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Dancer Dzil plugins used by Dancer projects Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-FAYLAND Dist::Zilla like FAYLAND when you build your dists Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-GENEHACK BeLike::GENEHACK when you zilla your dist Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-GETTY BeLike::GETTY when you build your dists Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Git-CheckFor Check that you're on the correct branch before release Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Git-VersionManager A plugin bundle that manages your version in git Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-JROCKWAY JROCKWAY does not like boilerplate Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MITHALDU Some templates for MITHALDU's dzil pluginbundle Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-MSCHOUT Use L<Dist::Zilla> like MSCHOUT does Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RBO Dist::Zilla plugins for RBO Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RJBS See what the mantissa for an rjbs-style version is today Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-ROKR Copy README after building (for SCM inclusion, etc.) Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Rakudo rakudo bundle for dist-zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-SHLOMIF Dzil plugins for SHLOMIF (Shlomi Fish) Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-TestingMania Test your dist with every testing plugin Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-WOLVERIAN Dist::Zilla according to wolverian Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM Allow a dist to have a custom Build.PL Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-Bootstrap Shared logic for bootstrap things Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-BundleDeps Automatically add all plugins in a bundle as dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-DynamicConfig A Role that accepts a dynamic configuration Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-FileWatcher Receive notification when something changes a file's contents Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-MetaCPANInterfacer Something that will interact with MetaCPAN's API Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-ModuleIncluder Explicitly include modules into a distribution Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-ModuleMetadata A role for plugins that use Module::Metadata Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-PluginBundle-PluginRemover Add '-remove' functionality to a bundle Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-RegisterStash A plugin that can register stashes Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-RepoFileInjector Create files outside the build directory Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-Stash-Plugins A Stash that stores arguments for plugins Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-Tempdir Shell Out and collect the result in a DZ plug-in Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Role-Version-Sanitize Sanitize a version from a plugin Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Shell An interactive shell for Dist::Zilla Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Stash-PodWeaver A stash of config options for Pod::Weaver Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-TravisCI Helper class for chainsmoke command Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-BundleInfo Load and interpret a bundle Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-ConfigDumper Easy implementation of 'dumpconfig' Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-CurrentCmd Attempt to determine the current command Dist::Zilla is running under Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-EmulatePhase A dummy Dist::Zilla to fake a 'prereq' object on Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-ExpandINI Read an INI file and expand bundles as you go Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-FileGenerator Helper to generate files with little repetition in a PluginBundle Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-Git-Wrapper A role to make adding a ->git method easy, and low-complexity Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-Util-Test-KENTNL KENTNL's DZil plugin testing tool Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zilla-UtilRole-MaybeZilla Soft-dependency on Dist::Zilla for Utilities Development/Perl
perl-Dist-Zooky The other command that Dist::Zooky uses Development/Perl
perl-Docker-CLI-Wrapper Wrap the Docker's CLI Development/Perl
perl-Domain-PublicSuffix Default PublicSuffix data file Development/Perl
perl-Dumbbench Benchmarks a string of Perl code Development/Perl
perl-EBook-EPUB Perl module for generating EPUB documents Development/Perl
perl-EBook-Tools E-Book creation, modification, and unpacking Development/Perl
perl-EV Wrapper for the libev high-performance event loop library Development/Perl
perl-Emacs-Run Routines for just for writing tests of Emacs::Run Development/Perl
perl-Email-Abstract Unified interface to mail representations Development/Perl
perl-Email-Address RFC 2822 Address Parsing and Creation Development/Perl
perl-Email-Address-List RFC close address list parsing Development/Perl
perl-Email-Address-XS Parse and format RFC 2822 email addresses and groups Development/Perl
perl-Email-Date Find and Format Date Headers Development/Perl
perl-Email-Date-Format Produce RFC 2822 date strings Development/Perl
perl-Email-Find Email-Find perl module Development/Perl
perl-Email-Folder Reads raw RFC822 mails from a maildir Development/Perl
perl-Email-FolderType Class to help Email::FolderType recognise maildirs Development/Perl
perl-Email-LocalDelivery Deliver a piece of email - simply Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME Easy MIME message parsing Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper Strip the attachments from a mail Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-ContentType Parse a MIME Content-Type Header Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-CreateHTML Finds resources via the filesystem Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-Encodings A unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-Kit build messages from templates Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-Kit-Assembler-TextifyHTML Textify some HTML arguments to assembly Development/Perl
perl-Email-MIME-Kit-Renderer-TT Render parts of your mail with Template-Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Email-MessageID Generate world unique message-ids Development/Perl
perl-Email-Reply Reply to a Message Development/Perl
perl-Email-Send Simply Sending Email Development/Perl
perl-Email-Sender An SMTP client that stays online Development/Perl
perl-Email-Sender-Transport-SMTP-TLS Email::Sender with L<Net::SMTP::TLS> (Eg. Gmail) Development/Perl
perl-Email-Simple Simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers Development/Perl
perl-Email-Stuffer A more casual approach to creating and sending Email:: emails Development/Perl
perl-Email-Valid Check validity of Internet email addresses Development/Perl
perl-Email-Verify-SMTP Specify dependencies on external non-Perl things Development/Perl
perl-Encode Character Encodings Handler Development/Perl
perl-Encode-Detect An Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data Development/Perl
perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII EucJP-ascii - An eucJP-open mapping Development/Perl
perl-Encode-HanConvert Traditional and Simplified Chinese mappings Development/Perl
perl-Encode-HanExtra Extra sets of Chinese encodings Development/Perl
perl-Encode-IMAPUTF7 Modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP Development/Perl
perl-Encode-JIS2K JIS X 0212 (aka JIS 2000) Encodings Development/Perl
perl-Encode-Locale Determine the locale encoding Development/Perl
perl-Encode-Newlines Normalize line ending sequences Development/Perl
perl-Encoding-FixLatin Takes mixed encoding input and produces UTF-8 output Development/Perl
perl-Env-PS1 Prompt string formatter Development/Perl
perl-Env-Path Advanced operations on path variables Development/Perl
perl-Env-Sanctify Lexically scoped sanctification of %ENV Development/Perl
perl-Erlang-Parser Erlang source code parser Development/Perl
perl-Error Error/exception handling in an OO-ish way Development/Perl
perl-Error-Helper Provides some easy error related methods Development/Perl
perl-Eval-Closure Safely and cleanly create closures via string eval Development/Perl
perl-Eval-Context Evaluate perl code in context wrapper Development/Perl
perl-Eval-LineNumbers Add line numbers to hereis blocks that contain perl source code Development/Perl
perl-Eval-WithLexicals Persist compile hints between evals Development/Perl
perl-Event Event module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Event-ExecFlow Event-RPC - High level API for event-based execution flow control Development/Perl
perl-Event-File Mimic the 'tail -f' behaviour using Event Development/Perl
perl-Event-Lib Perl extensions for event-based programming Development/Perl
perl-Event-RPC Event-RPC - Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework Development/Perl
perl-Excel-Template Templating module that generates Excel Development/Perl
perl-Excel-Template-Plus Testing module for use with Excel::Template::Plus Development/Perl
perl-Excel-Writer-XLSX Light weight re-implementation of XML::Writer Development/Perl
perl-Exception-Base Lightweight exceptions Development/Perl
perl-Exception-Class A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Exception-Class-TryCatch Syntactic tryE<sol>catch sugar for use with Exception::Class Development/Perl
perl-Expect Expect for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Expect-Simple Perl wrapper around the Expect module Development/Perl
perl-Exporter Implements default import method for modules Development/Perl
perl-Exporter-Declare Export class for exports that should be Development/Perl
perl-Exporter-Easy Takes even more drudgery out of Exporting symbols Development/Perl
perl-Exporter-Lite Exporter-Lite perl module Development/Perl
perl-Exporter-Tidy Another way of exporting symbols Development/Perl
perl-Exporter-Tiny An exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-AutoInstall ExtUtils::AutoInstall - Automatic install of dependencies via CPAN Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder Compile and link C code for Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-CChecker Configure-time utilities for using C headers, Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Config A wrapper for perl's configuration Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-CppGuess Guess C++ compiler and flags Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Depends Perl module for further extending extensions Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-F77 Simple interface to F77 libs Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-HasCompiler Check for the presence of a compiler Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Helpers Windows specific helper bits Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Install yet another framework for writing test scripts Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-InstallPaths Build.PL install path logic made easy Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-LibBuilder A tool to build C libraries Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker Writes Makefiles for extensions Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile cpanfile support for EUMM Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Manifest Utilities for managing MANIFEST files Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-PL2Bat Batch file creation to run perl scripts on Windows Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS Converts Perl XS code into C code Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-PerlPP ExtUtils-PerlPP module for perl Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-PkgConfig Perl module for further extending extensions Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Typemap A compatibility wrapper for ExtUtils::Typemaps Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default A set of typemaps for STL std::vectors Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder ExtUtils::XSBuilder - Automatic XS glue code generation Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-XSpp A tiny C++ class example that holds a string and an int Development/Perl
perl-ExtUtils-configPL Perl extension to automagically configure perl scripts Development/Perl
perl-FBP Role for objects which can contain other objects Development/Perl
perl-FCGI A Fast CGI module for Perl Development/Perl
perl-FCGI-Client FCGI record factory Development/Perl
perl-FCGI-Daemon An easy to use FastCGI daemon for nginx Development/Perl
perl-FCGI-ProcManager Functions for managing FastCGI applications Development/Perl
perl-FCGI-ProcManager-MaxRequests Restrict max number of requests by each child Development/Perl
perl-FFI-CheckLib Check that a library is available for FFI Development/Perl
perl-FWS-Lite Lightweight access to FWS methodologies and installations Development/Perl
perl-Facebook How to cook your :) Development/Perl
perl-Feature-Compat-Class Make class syntax available Development/Perl
perl-Feature-Compat-Try Make C<try/catch> syntax available Development/Perl
perl-Feed-Find Perl Module for Syndication feed auto-discovery Development/Perl
perl-Fennec-Lite Minimalist Fennec, the commonly used bits Development/Perl
perl-File-AtomicWrite Writes files atomically via rename() Development/Perl
perl-File-BOM Utilities for handling Byte Order Marks Development/Perl
perl-File-BaseDir Perl module to use the freedesktop basedir spec Development/Perl
perl-File-Binary Binary file reading module Development/Perl
perl-File-Cache File-Cache module for perl Development/Perl
perl-File-Cat Perl implementation of cat(1) Development/Perl
perl-File-ChangeNotify Inotify-based watcher subclass Development/Perl
perl-File-ConfigDir Get directories of configuration files Development/Perl
perl-File-Copy-Recursive Perl module for recursively copying files and directories Development/Perl
perl-File-Copy-Recursive-Reduced Recursive copying of files and directories within Perl 5 toolchain Development/Perl
perl-File-CounterFile Persistent counter class Development/Perl
perl-File-DesktopEntry Object to handle .desktop files Development/Perl
perl-File-Dir-Dumper Writer for a stream of JSON data Development/Perl
perl-File-DirCompare Perl module to compare two directories using Development/Perl
perl-File-FcntlLock File locking with fcntl() Development/Perl
perl-File-Fetch A generic file fetching mechanism Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-CaseCollide Test for collisions in filenames, differing only in case Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Iterator Iterator interface for search files Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Object An object-oriented directory tree traversal module Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Object-Rule File::Find::Object::Rule's procedural interface Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Rule Alternative interface to File::Find Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Rule-Age Rule to match on file age Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Rule-Perl Common rules for searching for Perl things Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Rule-VCS Exclude files/directories for Version Control Systems Development/Perl
perl-File-Find-Upwards Look for a file in the current directory and upwards Development/Perl
perl-File-Finder Steps for File::Finder Development/Perl
perl-File-Flat Perl module that implements a flat filesystem Development/Perl
perl-File-Flock File locking with flock Development/Perl
perl-File-Flock-Retry Yet another flock module Development/Perl
perl-File-FnMatch Simple filename and pathname matching Development/Perl
perl-File-Fu Temporary files Development/Perl
perl-File-Grep A grep function taking a list of files as argument Development/Perl
perl-File-HomeDir Get home directory for self or other users Development/Perl
perl-File-HomeDir-PathClass File::HomeDir returning Path::Class objects Development/Perl
perl-File-Inplace Perl module for in-place editing of files Development/Perl
perl-File-IsSorted Test files for being lexicographical sorted Development/Perl
perl-File-LibMagic Perl wrapper for libmagic Development/Perl
perl-File-List Perl extension for crawling directory trees and compiling lists of files Development/Perl
perl-File-Listing Parse directory listings Development/Perl
perl-File-Lockf File-Lockf module for perl Development/Perl
perl-File-MMagic Guess file type from filename and/or filehandle Development/Perl
perl-File-Map Memory mapping made simple and safe Development/Perl
perl-File-MimeInfo Determine file type Development/Perl
perl-File-Modified File::Modified - checks intelligently if files have changed Development/Perl
perl-File-NCopy Copies files to directories, or a single file to another file Development/Perl
perl-File-NFSLock File-NFSLock module for perl Development/Perl
perl-File-Next File-finding iterator Development/Perl
perl-File-Path File path and name utilities Development/Perl
perl-File-Path-Expand Expand filenames Development/Perl
perl-File-Path-Tiny Recursive versions of mkdir() and rmdir() without as much overhead as File::Path Development/Perl
perl-File-PathInfo Oo access to path variables stat data about a file on disk Development/Perl
perl-File-PathList Find a file within a set of paths (like @INC or Java classpaths) Development/Perl
perl-File-Permissions-Unix A simple object oriented interface to handling file permissions Development/Perl
perl-File-Pid Pid File Manipulation Development/Perl
perl-File-Policy Simple policy for file I/O functions Development/Perl
perl-File-ReadBackwards Perl extension for reading a file backwards by lines Development/Perl
perl-File-Remove Remove files and directories Development/Perl
perl-File-Rsync Perl module interface to rsync Development/Perl
perl-File-RsyncP Perl Rsync client Development/Perl
perl-File-Scan Perl extension for Scanning files for Viruses Development/Perl
perl-File-SearchPath Search for a file in an environment variable path Development/Perl
perl-File-Share Extend File::ShareDir to Local Libraries Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir Locate per-dist and per-module shared files Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir-Dist A prove plugin that works with File::ShareDir::Dist Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir-Install Install shared files Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir-PAR File::ShareDir with PAR support Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir-PathClass File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir Simple set-and-forget using of a '/share' directory in your projects root Development/Perl
perl-File-ShareDir-Tarball Deal transparently with shared files distributed as tarballs Development/Perl
perl-File-ShouldUpdate Should files be rebuilt? Development/Perl
perl-File-Slurp Efficient Reading/Writing of Complete Files Development/Perl
perl-File-Slurp-Remote Discover canonical hostnames, sometimes with `hostname` Development/Perl
perl-File-Slurp-Tiny A simple, sane and efficient file slurper Development/Perl
perl-File-Slurper A simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file Development/Perl
perl-File-Sort Sort a file or merge sort multiple files Development/Perl
perl-File-Spec-Native Use native OS implementation of File::Spec from a subclass Development/Perl
perl-File-Sync Perl access to fsync() and sync() function calls Development/Perl
perl-File-Tail File::Tail module for Perl Development/Perl
perl-File-Temp Return name and handle of a temporary file safely Development/Perl
perl-File-Tempdir A module to make easier temporary directories deletion Development/Perl
perl-File-Touch Update access and modification timestamps Development/Perl
perl-File-TreeCreate Recursively create a directory tree Development/Perl
perl-File-Type Perl module to determine file type using magic Development/Perl
perl-File-TypeCategories Determine if files match a specific type Development/Perl
perl-File-Update Update/modify/mutate a file only on change in contents Development/Perl
perl-File-Value Routines to manipulate file name or content as a single value Development/Perl
perl-File-Which Portable implementation of the `which' utility Development/Perl
perl-File-Zglob Extended globs Development/Perl
perl-File-chdir A more sensible way to change directories Development/Perl
perl-File-chmod Implements symbolic and ls chmod modes Development/Perl
perl-File-pushd Change directory temporarily for a limited scope Development/Perl
perl-FileHandle-Unget Perl modules that allow to place back more than one byte on a Filehandle Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-Cap Test filesystem capabilities/characteristics Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-Df Disk free based on Filesys::Statvfs Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-DiskSpace Filesys-DiskSpace displays information on a file system Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-Notify-Simple Simple and dumb file system watcher Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-POSIX Provide POSIX-like filesystem semantics in pure Perl Development/Perl
perl-Filesys-Statvfs Interface between Perl and the statvfs() system call Development/Perl
perl-Filter Source filter modules for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Filter-Simple Simplified source filtering Development/Perl
perl-Filter-signatures Very simplistic signatures for Perl < 5.20 Development/Perl
perl-Finance-Bank-LaPoste Check your "La Poste" accounts from Perl Development/Perl
perl-Finance-Quote Get stock and mutual fund quotes from various exchanges Development/Perl
perl-Find-Lib Helper to find libs to use in the filesystem Development/Perl
perl-Flickr-API Perl interface to the API Development/Perl
perl-Flickr-Upload Upload images to Development/Perl
perl-Font-AFM Interface to Adobe Font Metrics files Development/Perl
perl-Font-TTF Perl module for TrueType Font hacking Development/Perl
perl-Forest Indexes a Forest::Tree heirarchy by its UID Development/Perl
perl-Format-Human-Bytes Format bytecounts in a human readable form Development/Perl
perl-Format-JSON-Stream Reader for stream of JSON objects Development/Perl
perl-FreezeThaw Converting Perl structures to strings and back Development/Perl
perl-Frontier-RPC Frontier-RPC module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Function-Parameters Information about parameter lists Development/Perl
perl-Furl Response object for Furl Development/Perl
perl-FurlX-Coro Furl::HTTP wrapper for FurlX::COro Development/Perl
perl-Fuse Write filesystems in Perl using FUSE Development/Perl
perl-Future Represent an operation awaiting completion Development/Perl
perl-Future-IO Base class for C<Future::IO> implementations Development/Perl
perl-Future-Mojo Use Future with Mojo::IOLoop Development/Perl
perl-GD A perl5 interface to Thomas Boutell's gd library Development/Perl
perl-GD-Graph3d Create 3D Graphs with GD and GD::Graph Development/Perl
perl-GD-SecurityImage Security image (captcha) generator Development/Perl
perl-GDGraph Graph Plotting Module for Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-GDTextUtil Text utilities for use with GD Development/Perl
perl-GIFgraph Graph Plotting Module (deprecated) Development/Perl
perl-GIS-Distance Great circle distance calculations Development/Perl
perl-GPS-Babel Perl interface to gpsbabel Development/Perl
perl-GPS-Garmin Perl interface to GPS equipment using the Garmin Protocol Development/Perl
perl-GPS-Point Provides an object interface for a GPS point Development/Perl
perl-GSSAPI Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library Development/Perl
perl-GTop Perl interface to libgtop Development/Perl
perl-Game-Life Plays Conway's Game of Life Development/Perl
perl-Games-ABC_Path-Generator Represents a final layout Development/Perl
perl-Games-ABC_Path-Solver An ABC Path Solver Development/Perl
perl-Games-AIBots An improved clone of A.I.Wars in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Games-Dice Simulates rolling dice Development/Perl
perl-Games-Mastermind-Cracker Guess every code in order Development/Perl
perl-Games-Solitaire-Verify Process and verify solitaire games Development/Perl
perl-Games-Sudoku-Solver Solve 9x9-Sudokus recursively Development/Perl
perl-Gazelle Preforked Plack Handler for performance freaks Development/Perl
perl-Gearman Client for gearman distributed job system Development/Perl
perl-Gedcomlite Genealogy perl module Development/Perl
perl-Generic-Assertions A Generic Assertion checking class Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Calc Simple geo calculator for points and distances Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Coordinates-DecimalDegrees Convert between degrees/minutes/seconds and decimal degrees Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Coordinates-Transform Transform Latitude/Longitude between various different coordinate Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Coordinates-UTM Translation between Lat Lon and UTM Coords Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Distance Calculate distances and closest locations. (DEPRECATED) Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Google-MapObject Managing the server side of Google Maps API Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Gpx Create and parse GPX files Development/Perl
perl-Geo-IP Look up country by IP Address Development/Perl
perl-Geo-IPfree Look up country by IP Address Development/Perl
perl-Geo-METAR Process aviation weather reports in the METAR format Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Mercator Compute Mercator Projection of latitude/longitude into meters Development/Perl
perl-Geo-Ov2 Library for reading and writing TomTom Navigator .ov2 POI files Development/Perl
perl-Geo-WeatherNOAA Perl extension for interpreting the NOAA weather data Development/Perl
perl-GeoIP2 Contains data for the represented country record associated with an IP address Development/Perl
perl-Geography-Countries Maps 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries Development/Perl
perl-Geometry-Primitive 4 sided polygon Development/Perl
perl-Getargs-Long Parses long function args f(-arg => value) Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-ArgvFile Interpolates script options from files into @ARGV or another array Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-AsDocumented Declare options as pod documentation Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Attribute Attribute wrapper for Getopt::Long Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Auto Option framework for command-line applications Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Base Foundation for oo GetOpt support Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Chain Per-command context Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Euclid Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Inherited Handling inherited command-line options Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Long Advanced handling of command line options Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Long-Complete A drop-in replacement for Getopt::Long, with tab completion Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive Getopt::Long with usage text and validation Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Long-Util Utilities for Getopt::Long Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Lucid Clear, readable syntax for command line processing Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-OO An object oriented command line parser. It handles Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Std-Strict Nicer Getopt::Std Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Tabular Table-driven argument parsing for Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-Getopt-Usaginator Conjure up a usage function for your applications Development/Perl
perl-Git Perl interface to Git Development/Perl
perl-Git-Class A simple git wrapper to capture output Development/Perl
perl-Git-DescribeVersion Use git-describe to show a repo's version Development/Perl
perl-Git-PurePerl A Pure Perl interface to Git repositories Development/Perl
perl-Git-Repository Perl interface to Git repositories Development/Perl
perl-Git-Repository-Plugin-Blame Cache the output of C<< Git::Repository->blame() >> Development/Perl
perl-Git-Repository-Plugin-Log Class representing git log data Development/Perl
perl-Git-SVN Perl interface to Git-SVN Development/Perl
perl-Git-Version-Compare Functions to compare Git versions Development/Perl
perl-Git-Wrapper Wrap git(7) command-line interface Development/Perl
perl-Git-Wrapper-Plus A key -> range list mapping for support features Development/Perl
perl-Github-Backup Back up your repositories, issues, gists and more Development/Perl
perl-Glib-IO Perl bindings to the GIO library Development/Perl
perl-Glib-Object-Introspection Dynamically create Perl language bindings Development/Perl
perl-GnuPG-Interface GnuPG-Interface module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Goo-Canvas Goo::Canvas Perl interface to the GooCanvas Development/Perl
perl-GooCanvas2 Perl binding for GooCanvas2 widget using Glib::Object::Introspection Development/Perl
perl-GooCanvas2-CairoTypes Bridge between GooCanvas2 and Cairo types Development/Perl
perl-Google-Code-Upload Upload files to a Google Code project Development/Perl
perl-Graph Graph data structures and algorithms in perl Development/Perl
perl-Graph-Easy Parse Graphviz text into Graph::Easy Development/Perl
perl-Graph-Easy-As_svg Output a Graph::Easy as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Development/Perl
perl-Graph-Flowchart A node in a Graph::Flowchart, representing a block/expression Development/Perl
perl-GraphViz GraphViz module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Graphics-Color Moose equality role Development/Perl
perl-Graphics-ColorNames provides RGB values for standard color names Development/Perl
perl-Graphics-ColorNamesLite-WWW WWW color names and equivalent RGB values (lite version) Development/Perl
perl-Graphics-Magick Libraries and modules for access to GraphicsMagick from perl Development/Perl
perl-Graphics-TIFF Perl extension for the libtiff library Development/Perl
perl-Gravatar-URL OMG UNICORN AVATAR! Development/Perl
perl-Growl-GNTP Perl implementation of GNTP Protocol Development/Perl
perl-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer A Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD) Development/Perl
perl-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List A simple interface to Gtk2's complex MVC list widget Development/Perl
perl-Gtk2-Notify Perl interface to libnotify Development/Perl
perl-Gtk2-Unique Perl bindings for libunique Development/Perl
perl-Gtk3-ImageView Image viewer widget for Gtk3 Development/Perl
perl-Guard Safe cleanup blocks Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Acronyms Generate HTML5/etc. markup for acronyms Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Clean HTML shrinker Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Display Use an OLE object to display HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-EasyTags Make well-formed XHTML or HTML 4 tags, lists Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Element-Extended Tables as easy HTML element structures Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Encoding Determine encoding of HTML/XHTML documents Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Escape Extremely fast HTML escape Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FillInForm Populates HTML Forms with data Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Form Class that represents an HTML form element Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormFu HTML Form Management Framework for Perl Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormFu-Element-reCAPTCHA "Are you human" tester Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormFu-Model-DBIC Integrate HTML::FormFu with DBIx::Class Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormFu-MultiForm Handle multi-page/stage forms with FormFu Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormHandler An HTML form handler written in Moose Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormHandler-Model-DBIC Generate form classes from DBIC schema Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables Converts HTML to Text with tables intact Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Formatter CPAN HTML-Formatter perl module Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FromANSI Mark up ANSI sequences as HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-FromText Perl module to Convert plain text to HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-HTML5-Entities Drop-in replacement for HTML::Entities Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Latemp-GenMakeHelpers A Latemp Utility Module Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Latemp-NavLinks-GenHtml A class to generate the image-based HTML of the navigation links Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Latemp-News News Maintenance Module for Latemp (and possibly other Development/Perl
perl-HTML-LinkExtractor Perl extension for extracting links from HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Links-Localize Convert HTML Files to be used on a hard disk Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Lint Module to check for HTML errors Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler PSGI handler for HTML::Mason Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Packer Another HTML code cleaner Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Parser Perl module to parse HTML documents Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Prototype Generate HTML and Javascript for the Prototype library Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Quoted Extract structure of quoted HTML mail message Development/Perl
perl-HTML-ResolveLink Resolve relative links in (X)HTML into absolute URI Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Restrict Strip away unwanted HTML tags and attributes Development/Perl
perl-HTML-RewriteAttributes Concise attribute rewriting Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Scrubber Perl extension for scrubbing/sanitizing html Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Selector-XPath CSS Selector to XPath compiler Development/Perl
perl-HTML-SimpleLinkExtor A simple way to extract links Development/Perl
perl-HTML-SimpleParse HTML::SimpleParse Perl module Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Spelling-Site Handles the whitelist file Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Stream HTML output stream class, and some markup utilities Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Strip Perl extension for stripping HTML markup from text Development/Perl
perl-HTML-StripScripts Strip scripting constructs out of HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-StripScripts-Parser XSS filter using HTML::Parser Development/Perl
perl-HTML-StripTags Strip tags from a string with Perl like PHP Development/Perl
perl-HTML-T5 Message object for the Tidy functionality Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Table HTML::Table module for perl Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TableContentParser Do interesting things with the contents of tables Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TableExtract HTML-TableExtract module for perl Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TagCloud Generate An HTML Tag Cloud Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TagReader HTML-TagReader module for perl Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Tagset This module contains data tables useful in dealing with HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Template Perl module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Template-Expr HTML::Template extension adding expression support Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Template-Extension Basic set operations Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Template-Pluggable Extends HTML::Template with plugin support Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Template-Pro Perl/XS module to use HTML Templates from CGI scripts Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TextToHTML Convert plain text file to HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Tidy Web validation in a Perl object Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Tidy5 Web validation in a Perl object Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Tiny Lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Toc Generate, insert and update HTML Table of Contents Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple Easy to use HTML::TokeParser interface Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Tree Build and scan parse-trees of HTML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML HTML::Element compatible API for HTML::TreeBuilder::LibXML Development/Perl
perl-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath Add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Widget HTML Widget And Validation Framework Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Widgets-NavMenu Generate navigation menus for websites Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Widgets-NavMenu-ToJSON YAML-based persistence Development/Perl
perl-HTML-Widgets-SelectLayers Perl extension for selectable HTML layers Development/Perl
perl-HTML-WikiConverter HTML-WikiConverter - An HTML to wiki markup converter Development/Perl
perl-HTML-WikiConverter-Markdown Convert HTML to Markdown markup Development/Perl
perl-HTML-WikiConverter-MediaWiki Convert HTML to MediaWiki markup Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-AcceptLanguage Accept-Language header parser and find available language Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Async Politely process multiple HTTP requests Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Body HTTP Body Parser Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-BrowserDetect Determine the Web browser, version, and platform from an HTTP user agent string Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Cache-Transparent A transparent caching implementation of http get Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-CookieJar LWP adapter for HTTP::CookieJar Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-CookieMonster Easy read/write access to your jar of HTTP:: Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Cookies Storage of cookies Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-DAV A WebDAV client library for Perl5 Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Daemon Base class for simple HTTP servers Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Daemon-SSL A simple http server class with SSL support Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Date Date conversion for HTTP date formats Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser Parser for application/octet-stream Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Exception Throw HTTP-Errors as Exceptions Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Headers-Fast Faster implementation of HTTP::Headers Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Lite Lightweight HTTP implementation Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Message Class encapsulating HTTP Requests Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-MultiPartParser HTTP MultiPart Parser Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Negotiate HTTP content negotiation Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Parser Parse HTTP/1.1 request into HTTP::Request/Response object Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Parser-XS A fast, primitive HTTP request parser Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Proxy A pure Perl HTTP proxy Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Recorder Record interaction with websites Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Request-AsCGI Setup a CGI environment from a HTTP::Request Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Request-Params Retrieve GET/POST Parameters from HTTP Requests Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Response-Encoding Adds encoding() to HTTP::Response Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple Perl module to write simple standalone http daemons Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen Authentication plugin for HTTP::Server::Simple Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason Module for an abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Simple Simple procedural interface to HTTP::Tiny Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Thin A Thin Wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to play nice with HTTP::Message Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Tiny A small, simple, correct HTTP/1.1 client Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Tiny-Mech Wrap a WWW::Mechanize instance in an HTTP::Tiny compatible interface Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Tiny-Multipart Add post_multipart to HTTP::Tiny Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-Tiny-UA Wrap HTTP::Tiny response as objects with accessors Development/Perl
perl-HTTP-XSCookies Fast XS cookie mangling for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Hal-Cdroms Access cdroms through HAL and D-Bus Development/Perl
perl-Hash-AsObject Treat hashes as objects with accessors Development/Perl
perl-Hash-AutoHash Object-oriented access to real and tied hashes Development/Perl
perl-Hash-AutoHash-Args Object-oriented processing of argument lists (version 0) Development/Perl
perl-Hash-DefHash Manipulate defhash Development/Perl
perl-Hash-FieldHash A lightweight field hash implementation Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Flatten Flatten/unflatten complex data hashes Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Merge Merges arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Merge-Simple Recursively merge two or more hashes, simply Development/Perl
perl-Hash-MoreUtils Provide the stuff missing in Hash::Util Development/Perl
perl-Hash-MultiValue Store multiple values per key Development/Perl
perl-Hash-NoRef A HASH that store values without increase the reference count (weak references) Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Ordered Ordered hash benchmarking Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Param CGI/Catalyst::Request-like parameter-hash accessor/mutator Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Rename Rename hash keys Development/Perl
perl-Hash-SafeKeys Get hash contents without resetting each iterator Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Slice Make a hash from a deep slice of another hash Development/Perl
perl-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat Emulate Hash::Util::FieldHash using Development/Perl
perl-Heap Heap module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Heimdal-Kadm5 Perl extension for administration of Heimdal Kerberos servers Development/Perl
perl-Helios Helios service to index MP3s to a database table Development/Perl
perl-Hijk Specialized HTTP client Development/Perl
perl-Hook-LexWrap Lexically scoped subroutine wrappers Development/Perl
perl-Hook-Output-File Redirect STDOUT/STDERR to a file Development/Perl
perl-I18N-Charset IANA Character Set Registry names and Unicode::MapUTF8 Development/Perl
perl-IMAP-Admin IMAP-Admin Perl module Development/Perl
perl-IMDB-Film OO Perl interface to the database of films IMDB Development/Perl
perl-IO-AIO Asynchronous Input/Output Development/Perl
perl-IO-All Magic all-in-one IO class Development/Perl
perl-IO-Async A Loop using an C<IO::Poll> object Development/Perl
perl-IO-BufferedSelect Line-buffered select interface Development/Perl
perl-IO-Callback Emulate file interface for a code reference Development/Perl
perl-IO-Capture IO::Capture- Abstract Base Class to build modules to capture output Development/Perl
perl-IO-Capture-Extended IO::Capture::Extended - Extend functionality of IO::Capture Development/Perl
perl-IO-CaptureOutput capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS Development/Perl
perl-IO-Compress IO Interface to compressed data files/buffers Development/Perl
perl-IO-Compress-Lzf IO::Compress::Lzf - Write lzf files/buffers Development/Perl
perl-IO-Compress-Lzop IO::Compress::Lzop - Write lzop files/buffers Development/Perl
perl-IO-Digest IO-Digest module, calculate digests while reading or writing Development/Perl
perl-IO-Epoll Scalable IO Multiplexing for Linux 2.5.44 and higher Development/Perl
perl-IO-Event Tied Filehandles for Nonblocking IO with Object Callbacks Development/Perl
perl-IO-Extended More print functions Development/Perl
perl-IO-Ftp Wrapper for Net::FTP Development/Perl
perl-IO-HTML Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection Development/Perl
perl-IO-Handle-Util Create L<IO::Handle> like objects using a set Development/Perl
perl-IO-Interactive Utilities for interactive I/O Development/Perl
perl-IO-Interactive-Tiny IO::Interactive::Tiny - is_interactive() without large deps Development/Perl
perl-IO-Interface IO::Interface - Perl extension for access to network card configuration information Development/Perl
perl-IO-LockedFile Supply object methods for locking files Development/Perl
perl-IO-Multiplex Manage IO on many file handles Development/Perl
perl-IO-Null class for null filehandles Development/Perl
perl-IO-Pager Perl Module for Syndication feed auto-discovery Development/Perl
perl-IO-Pipely Portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles, one way or another Development/Perl
perl-IO-Prompt Interactively prompt for user input Development/Perl
perl-IO-Prompt-Hooked Simple prompting with validation hooks Development/Perl
perl-IO-Prompt-Tiny Prompt for user input with a default option Development/Perl
perl-IO-Pty-Easy Easy interface to IO::Pty Development/Perl
perl-IO-SessionData Supporting module for SOAP::Lite Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-DNS IO::Socket like interface using DNS queries Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-INET6 Object interface for AF_INET|AF_INET6 domain sockets Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-IP A drop-in replacement for C<IO::Socket::INET> supporting Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-Multicast Send and receive multicast messages Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-PortState Perl extension for checking the open or closed status of a port Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-SSL Nearly transparent SSL encapsulation for IO::Socket::INET Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-Socks Provides a way to create socks client or server both 4 and 5 version Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-Telnet Transparent telnet negotiation for IO::Socket::INET Development/Perl
perl-IO-Socket-Timeout IO::Socket with read/write timeout Development/Perl
perl-IO-String A Perl module to read from strings Development/Perl
perl-IO-Stty IO-Stty perl module Development/Perl
perl-IO-Tee Multiplex output to multiple output handles Development/Perl
perl-IO-TieCombine Tied scalars for IO::TieCombine Development/Perl
perl-IO-Tty Pseudo TTY object class Development/Perl
perl-IO-Tty-Util Perl bindings for tty utility functions Development/Perl
perl-IO-Util A selection of general-utility IO function Development/Perl
perl-IO-Zlib IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib Development/Perl
perl-IO-stringy Perl module for I/O on in-core objects like strings and arrays Development/Perl
perl-IP-Country Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses Development/Perl
perl-IP-Info Interface to IP geographic and network data Development/Perl
perl-IP-QQWry A simple interface for QQWry IP database(file) Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Cmd Finding and running system commands made easy Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Command-Multiplex Run commands in parallel Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Pipeline Create a shell-like pipeline of many running commands Development/Perl
perl-IPC-PubSub Interprocess Publish/Subscribe channels Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Run IPC-Run module for perl Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Run3 Run a subprocess in batch mode (a la system) Development/Perl
perl-IPC-ShareLite Lightweight interface to shared memory Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Shareable IPC-Shareable perl module Development/Perl
perl-IPC-SharedCache Manage a cache in SysV IPC shared memory Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Signal IPC::Signal - Utility functions dealing with signals Development/Perl
perl-IPC-Signal-Force Force default handling of a signal Development/Perl
perl-IPC-SysV System V shared memory, semaphores, messages Development/Perl
perl-IPC-System-Simple Run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics Development/Perl
perl-IPTables-Parse Perl extension for parsing iptables and ip6tables policies Development/Perl
perl-IRC-Bot Channel Maintenance IRC bot Development/Perl
perl-IRC-Utils Common utilities for IRC-related tasks Development/Perl
perl-IRI Internationalized Resource Identifiers Development/Perl
perl-Ima-DBI Database connection caching and organization Development/Perl
perl-Image-Base Base class for loading, manipulating and saving images Development/Perl
perl-Image-Base-SVG SVG image file output Development/Perl
perl-Image-Caa Colored ASCII Art Development/Perl
perl-Image-Epeg Thumbnail JPEGs at lightning speed Development/Perl
perl-Image-ExifTool Read and write meta information Development/Perl
perl-Image-Imlib2 Interface to the Imlib2 image library Development/Perl
perl-Image-Info Extract meta information from image files Development/Perl
perl-Image-Magick Libraries and modules for access to ImageMagick from perl Development/Perl
perl-Image-Math-Constrain Scaling math used in image size constraining (such Development/Perl
perl-Image-PNG-Libpng Perl interface to the C library "libpng" Development/Perl
perl-Image-Resize Simple image resizer using GD Development/Perl
perl-Image-Sane Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project Development/Perl
perl-Image-Size Read the dimensions of an image in several popular formats Development/Perl
perl-Image-Thumbnail Simple thumbnails with various Perl libraries Development/Perl
perl-Image-Xbm Load, create, manipulate and save xbm image files Development/Perl
perl-Image-Xpm Load, create, manipulate and save xpm image files Development/Perl
perl-Imager Perl extension for generating 24 bit images Development/Perl
perl-Import-Into Import packages into other packages Development/Perl
perl-Importer Alternative but compatible interface to modules that export symbols Development/Perl
perl-Inline Write Perl subroutines in other programming languages Development/Perl
perl-Inline-C Write Perl Subroutines in C Development/Perl
perl-Inline-CPP Write Perl subroutines and classes in C++ Development/Perl
perl-Inline-Files Multiple virtual files after __END__ Development/Perl
perl-Inline-Filters Common source code filters for Inline Modules Development/Perl
perl-Inline-Python Easy implementation of Python extensions Development/Perl
perl-Internals Write-protect variables, manipulate refcounts Development/Perl
perl-Iterator A general-purpose iterator class Development/Perl
perl-Iterator-Util Essential utilities for the Iterator class Development/Perl
perl-JIRA-REST Thin wrapper around JIRA's REST API Development/Perl
perl-JSON Parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Development/Perl
perl-JSON-Any Wrapper Class for the various JSON classes Development/Perl
perl-JSON-Color Encode to colored JSON Development/Perl
perl-JSON-DWIW Return a true or false value when Development/Perl
perl-JSON-MaybeXS Use L<Cpanel::JSON::XS> with a fallback to L<JSON::PP> Development/Perl
perl-JSON-PP Dummy module providing JSON::PP::Boolean Development/Perl
perl-JSON-Parse Tokenize a string containing JSON Development/Perl
perl-JSON-Path Search nested hashref/arrayref structures using JSONPath Development/Perl
perl-JSON-RPC JSON RPC 2.0 Server Implementation Development/Perl
perl-JSON-Tiny Minimal JSON, no dependencies Development/Perl
perl-JSON-Validator Validate data against a JSON schema Development/Perl
perl-JSON-XS JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) serialization Development/Perl
perl-JavaScript-Beautifier Beautify Javascript (beautifier for javascript) Development/Perl
perl-JavaScript-Minifier Perl extension for minifying JavaScript code Development/Perl
perl-JavaScript-Minifier-XS XS based JavaScript minifier Development/Perl
perl-JavaScript-Packer Perl version of Dean Edwards' Packer.js Development/Perl
perl-Jcode Japanese Charset Handle Development/Perl
perl-Jifty-DBI Ensure uniqueness of records in a collection Development/Perl
perl-KinoSearch1 Surround highlight bits with tags Development/Perl
perl-Kwalify Kwalify schema for data structures Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki The Kwiki Wiki Building Framework Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Archive-Rcs Kwiki Page Archival Using RCS Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Attachments Kwiki Page Attachments Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Cache Kwiki Cache Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-CachedDisplay Speed-up Kwiki page display by caching Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Comments Post comments to a page Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Diff Display differences between the current wiki page and older revisions Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Edit-RequireUserName Replaces Kwiki::Edit in order to require a user name to edit Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Image Kwiki Image Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-ListPages List all Kwiki Pages Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-ModPerl Enable Kwiki to work under mod_perl Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-NewPage Kwiki New Page Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-RecentChanges Kwiki Recent Changes Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Revisions Kwiki Revisions Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-Search Kwiki Search Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-UserName Kwiki User Name Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Kwiki-UserPreferences Kwiki User Preferences Plugin Development/Perl
perl-LV This module makes lvalue subroutines easy and practical to use Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Authen-Wsse Library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP Development/Perl
perl-LWP-ConsoleLogger LWP tracing and debugging Development/Perl
perl-LWP-MediaTypes Media types and mailcap processing Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Online Does your process have access to the web Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Parallel-UserAgent A class for parallel User Agents Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Protocol-Net-Curl The power of libcurl in the palm of your hands! Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Protocol-PSGI Override LWP's HTTP/HTTPS backend with your own PSGI application Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Protocol-https Provide https support for LWP::UserAgent Development/Perl
perl-LWP-Protocol-socks Adds support for the socks protocol and proxy facility Development/Perl
perl-LWP-UserAgent-Determined A virtual browser that retries errors Development/Perl
perl-LWPx-ParanoidAgent Paranoid subclass of LWP::UserAgent Development/Perl
perl-LaTeX-Driver Driver to run LaTeX, bibtex and makeindex Development/Perl
perl-LaTeX-Encode Encode LaTeX special chars for typesetting Development/Perl
perl-LaTeX-Table Automatic generation of LaTeX tables Development/Perl
perl-Language-Befunge A generic funge interpreter Development/Perl
perl-Language-Befunge-Vector-XS Language::Befunge::Vector rewritten for speed Development/Perl
perl-Lasso Liberty Alliance Single Sign On (lasso) Perl bindings Development/Perl
perl-Lazy-Util Objects encapsulating a set of lazy evaluation functions Development/Perl
perl-Lchown Use the lchown(2) system call from Perl Development/Perl
perl-Lexical-Persistence Bind lexicals to persistent data Development/Perl
perl-Lexical-SealRequireHints Prevent leakage of lexical hints Development/Perl
perl-Lexical-Var Static variables without namespace pollution Development/Perl
perl-Libconf Configuration file abstraction layer Development/Perl
perl-Libconf-devel Libconf devel Development/Perl
perl-Libconf-gui Graphic User Interface generator for any libconf module Development/Perl
perl-Libconf-samples Set of examples programs using libconf Development/Perl
perl-Libgenders Genders interface Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Fathom Measure readability of English text Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-FindNumber Locate (written) numbers in English text Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect Perl module to find English word inflections Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number Force number of words to singular or plural Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase Inflect short English Phrases Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-NameParse Manipulate persons name Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal Detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Numbers-Ordinate Go from cardinal number (3) to ordinal ("3rd") Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Sentence Split text into sentences Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Syllable Count the number of syllables in English words Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger Part-of-speech tagger for English natural language processing Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums Convert English text to numbers Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Ident Statistical language identification Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-KO-Hangul-Util Utility functions for Hangul in Unicode Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-KO-Romanize-Hangul Romanization of Korean language Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-PT-Stemmer Portuguese language stemming Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Preferred Perl extension to choose a language Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Stem Stemming of words Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Stem-Fr Perl French Stemming Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Stem-It Porter's stemming algorithm for Italian Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Stem-Ru Porter's stemming algorithm for Russian Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball Perl interface to Snowball stemmers Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-StopWords Stop words for several languages Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-Translit Transliterates text between writing systems Development/Perl
perl-Lingua-ZH-Romanize-Pinyin Romanization of Cantonese language Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Clone An interface to the linux clone(2) and unshare(2) syscalls Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Cpuinfo Object Oriented Interface to /proc/cpuinfo Development/Perl
perl-Linux-DVB Interface to (some parts of) the Linux DVB API Development/Perl
perl-Linux-DesktopFiles Get and parse the Linux desktop files Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Distribution Module for Linux distribution determination Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Epoll O(1) multiplexing for Linux Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Inotify2 Scalable directory/file change notification Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Personality Perl interface to the personality(2) Linux system call Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Pid Interface to Linux getpp?id functions Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Prctl Control process parameters and capabilities Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Smaps A Perl interface to /proc/PID/smaps Development/Perl
perl-Linux-Sysfs Perl interface to libsysfs Development/Perl
perl-List-AllUtils Combines List::Util and List::MoreUtils in one bite-sized package Development/Perl
perl-List-BinarySearch Pure-Perl Binary Search functions Development/Perl
perl-List-BinarySearch-XS Binary Search a sorted array with XS routines Development/Perl
perl-List-Compare Compare elements of two or more lists Development/Perl
perl-List-Keywords A selection of list utility keywords Development/Perl
perl-List-Member PROLOG's member/2: return index of $x in @y Development/Perl
perl-List-MoreUtils Provide the stuff missing in List::Util Development/Perl
perl-List-MoreUtils-XS Provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions Development/Perl
perl-List-SomeUtils Pure Perl implementation for List::SomeUtils Development/Perl
perl-List-SomeUtils-XS XS implementation for List::SomeUtils Development/Perl
perl-List-UtilsBy Higher-order list utility functions Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Codes Standard language codes (such as ISO 639) Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Country-Multilingual Recommended Usage with Unicode Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Maketext Framework for software localization Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy Maketext from already interpolated strings Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext Joins the gettext and Maketext frameworks Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon Perl module to use other catalog formats in Maketext Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple Perl module to use other catalog formats in Maketext Development/Perl
perl-Locale-Msgfmt Functions used internally by Locale::Msgfmt Development/Perl
perl-Locale-gettext Message handling functions for Perl Development/Perl
perl-LockFile-Simple simple file locking scheme Development/Perl
perl-Log-Agent Logging agent Development/Perl
perl-Log-Any Bringing loggers and listeners together Development/Perl
perl-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback Send Log::Any logs to a subroutine Development/Perl
perl-Log-Any-Adapter-Dispatch Adapter to use Log::Dispatch with Log::Any Development/Perl
perl-Log-Any-IfLOG Load Log::Any only if "logging is enabled" Development/Perl
perl-Log-Contextual Super simple logger made for playing with Log::Contextual Development/Perl
perl-Log-Contextual-LogDispatchouli Proxy Log::Dispatchouli without getting wrong carp levels Development/Perl
perl-Log-Defer Deferred logs and timers Development/Perl
perl-Log-Dispatch Perl modules for logging messages to multiple outputs Development/Perl
perl-Log-Dispatch-ApacheLog Apache mod_perl dispatcher for Log::Dispatch Development/Perl
perl-Log-Dispatch-Array Log events to an array (reference) Development/Perl
perl-Log-Dispatch-Config Log4j for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Log-Dispatchouli A simple wrapper around Log::Dispatch Development/Perl
perl-Log-Dump Simple logger mainly for debugging Development/Perl
perl-Log-Fu Simplified and developer-friendly screen logging Development/Perl
perl-Log-Handler A simple log file handler Development/Perl
perl-Log-Lite Log info in local file Development/Perl
perl-Log-Log4perl Log4j implementation for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Log-Message Log Message Development/Perl
perl-Log-Message-Simple Standardized logging facilities using the "Log::Message" module Development/Perl
perl-Log-Minimal Minimal but customizable logger Development/Perl
perl-Log-Report Error message dispatcher with translation Development/Perl
perl-Log-Report-Optional Administer one text-domain Development/Perl
perl-Log-Trace A guide to using Log::Trace Development/Perl
perl-Log-ger Create a log($LEVEL, ...) subroutine/method Development/Perl
perl-Logfile-Rotate Perl module to rotate logfiles Development/Perl
perl-Lucy Apache Lucy search engine library Development/Perl
perl-MARC-Charset Convert MARC-8 encoded strings to UTF-8 Development/Perl
perl-MARC-Record MARC-Record module for perl Development/Perl
perl-MCE Many-Core Engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities Development/Perl
perl-MD5 The Perl interface to the RSA Message Digest Algorithm Development/Perl
perl-MDK-Common Various simple functions Development/Perl
perl-MDV-Distribconf Read and write config of a urpmi based distribution tree Development/Perl
perl-MDV-Packdrakeng Simple Archive Extractor/Builder Development/Perl
perl-MIDI-ALSA ALSA library access for Perl, plus some interface functions Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Base32 Base32 encoder / decoder Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Base64 Encode/decode Base 64 (RFC 2045) Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Base64-URLSafe Perl version of Python's URL-safe base64 codec Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Charset Charset Informations for MIME Development/Perl
perl-MIME-EncWords Deal with RFC-1522 encoded words (improved) Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Explode Perl extension for explode MIME messages Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Lite Low-calorie MIME generator Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Lite-HTML Provide routine to transform HTML to MIME Development/Perl
perl-MIME-Types MIME::Types module for Perl Development/Perl
perl-MIME-tools Perl modules for parsing (and creating!) MIME entities Development/Perl
perl-MKDoc-XML The MKDoc XML Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-MLDBM MLDBM - store multi-level hash structure in single level tied hash Development/Perl
perl-MLDBM-Sync MLDBM-Sync module for perl Development/Perl
perl-MP3-Find File::Find-based backend to MP3::Find Development/Perl
perl-MP3-ID3v1Tag Edit ID3v1 Tags from an Audio MPEG Layer 3 Development/Perl
perl-MP3-Icecast MP3::Icecast - Generate Icecast streams Development/Perl
perl-MP3-Info Perl module to manipulate / fetch info from MP3 audio files Development/Perl
perl-MP3-Tag Module for reading tags of MP3 audio files Development/Perl
perl-MRO-Compat mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5 Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Audit Self-cleaning fork-respecting tempdirs Development/Perl
perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as quoted strings Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Box Mail-folder manager API Development/Perl
perl-Mail-DKIM Implements DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Development/Perl
perl-Mail-DomainKeys Perl module that implements DomainKeys Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Graph draw graphical stats for mails/spams Development/Perl
perl-Mail-IMAPClient An IMAP Client API Development/Perl
perl-Mail-LMLM Mailing list type for Google groups mailing Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser A fast and simple mbox folder reader Development/Perl
perl-Mail-MboxParser Read-only access to UNIX-mailboxes Development/Perl
perl-Mail-POP3Client POP3Client module for perl (Mail_and_Usenet_News/Mail) Development/Perl
perl-Mail-RBL Perl extension to access RBL-style host verification services Development/Perl
perl-Mail-RFC822-Address Mail-RFC822-Address module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SPF Perl implementation of Sender Policy Framework and Sender ID Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SPF-Test SPF test-suite class Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SendEasy Send plain/html e-mails through SMTP servers Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Sender Module for sending mails with attachments through an SMTP server Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Sendmail Simple platform-independent mailer Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin SpamAssassin e-mail filter Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-LDAPfilter An LDAP-based blacklist engine for SpamAssassin Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-POPAuth The POPAuth plugin for SpamAssassin Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-SIQ The SIQ plugin for SpamAssassin Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-WebRedirect The WebRedirect plugin for SpamAssassin Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Plugin-ocrtext TextOCR scanner and image validator SpamAssassin plugin Development/Perl
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Spamd A mod_perl2 module implementing the spamd protocol Development/Perl
perl-Mail-Transport-Dbx CPAN Mail-Transport-Dbx perl module Development/Perl
perl-MailTools A set of perl modules related to mail applications Development/Perl
perl-Makefile-DOM Tokens representing ordinary white space Development/Perl
perl-Markdent An event-based Markdown parser toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Marpa-R2 How the NAIF deals with infinite ambiguity Development/Perl
perl-MarpaX-Simple Generate Marpa-based parser Development/Perl
perl-Mason Summary of differences between Mason 1 and Development/Perl
perl-Mason-Tidy Implements masontidy command Development/Perl
perl-MasonX-Request-ExtendedCompRoot MasonX::Request::ExtendedCompRoot - Extend functionality of Mason's component root Development/Perl
perl-MasonX-Request-ExtendedCompRoot-WithApacheSession Extend functionality of Mason's comp_root and add a session to the Mason Request object Development/Perl
perl-MasonX-Request-WithApacheSession MasonX::Request::WithApacheSession - Add a session to the Mason Request object Development/Perl
perl-Math-Assistant Functions for various exact algebraic calculations Development/Perl
perl-Math-Base-Convert Very fast base to base conversion Development/Perl
perl-Math-Base36 Encoding and decoding of base36 strings Development/Perl
perl-Math-Base85 Math::Base85 - Perl extension for base 85 numbers, as referenced by RFC 1924 Development/Perl
perl-Math-BaseCalc Math-BaseCalc perl module Development/Perl
perl-Math-BaseCnv Simple functions for converting between arbitrary number bases Development/Perl
perl-Math-Bezier Solution of Bezier Curves Development/Perl
perl-Math-BigInt Arbitrary size integer/float math package Development/Perl
perl-Math-BigInt-GMP High speed arbitrary size integer math Development/Perl
perl-Math-CDF Generate probabilities and quantiles from several Development/Perl
perl-Math-Calc-Units Human-readable unit-aware calculator Development/Perl
perl-Math-Cephes Interface to St. Moshier's Cephes library Development/Perl
perl-Math-Clipper Polygon clipping in 2D Development/Perl
perl-Math-Combinatorics Perform combinations and permutations on lists Development/Perl
perl-Math-Complex Complex numbers and associated mathematical functions Development/Perl
perl-Math-ConvexHull Calculate convex hulls using Graham's scan Development/Perl
perl-Math-ConvexHull-MonotoneChain Andrew's monotone chain algorithm for finding a convex hull in 2D Development/Perl
perl-Math-Decimal64 Perl interface to C's _Decimal64 operations Development/Perl
perl-Math-Derivative Numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation Development/Perl
perl-Math-Factor-XS Factorize numbers and calculate matching multiplications Development/Perl
perl-Math-Fibonacci Fibonacci numbers Development/Perl
perl-Math-GMP High speed arbitrary size integer math Development/Perl
perl-Math-GMPf Perl interface to the GMP library's floating point (mpf) functions Development/Perl
perl-Math-GMPq Perl interface to the GMP library's rational (mpq) functions Development/Perl
perl-Math-GMPz Perl interface to the GMP library's integer (mpz) functions Development/Perl
perl-Math-Gradient Calculate Gradients Between Multiple Numbers Development/Perl
perl-Math-Int128 128 bit integers Development/Perl
perl-Math-Int64 Catch overflows when using Math::Int64 Development/Perl
perl-Math-Libm Perl extension for the C math library, libm Development/Perl
perl-Math-MPFR Perl interface to the MPFR (floating point) library Development/Perl
perl-Math-MagicSquare-Generator Magic Square Generator Development/Perl
perl-Math-Matrix Matrix data type (transpose, multiply etc) Development/Perl
perl-Math-MatrixBool Matrix of Booleans Development/Perl
perl-Math-MatrixReal Manipulate NxN matrices Development/Perl
perl-Math-ModInt Solving simultaneous integer congruences Development/Perl
perl-Math-NumberBase Number converter from one base to another base Development/Perl
perl-Math-Pari Perl interface to PARI Development/Perl
perl-Math-PlanePath Mathematical paths through the 2-D plane Development/Perl
perl-Math-Primality Check for primes with Perl Development/Perl
perl-Math-Prime-Util Utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves and factoring Development/Perl
perl-Math-Prime-Util-GMP Perl interface to the GMP library's rational (mpq) functions Development/Perl
perl-Math-Prime-XS Detect and calculate prime numbers with deterministic tests Development/Perl
perl-Math-Quaternion Math-Quaternion - Perl class to represent quaternions Development/Perl
perl-Math-RNG-Microsoft A pseudo-random number generator compatible Development/Perl
perl-Math-RPN Perl extension for Reverse Polish Math Expression Evaluation Development/Perl
perl-Math-Random Random Number Generators Development/Perl
perl-Math-Random-ISAAC Pure Perl port of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Math-Random-ISAAC-XS C implementation of the ISAAC PRNG algorithm Development/Perl
perl-Math-Random-MT The Mersenne Twister PRNG Development/Perl
perl-Math-Random-Secure The underlying PRNG, as an object Development/Perl
perl-Math-Roman Arbitrary sized Roman numbers and conversion from and to Arabic Development/Perl
perl-Math-Round Round numbers in different ways Development/Perl
perl-Math-Spline Cubic Spline Interpolation of data Development/Perl
perl-Math-Units Unit conversion Development/Perl
perl-Math-Utils Useful mathematical functions not in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Math-Vector-Real Real vector arithmetic in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Math-Vector-Real-MultiNormalMixture Multinormal Mixture distribution Development/Perl
perl-Math-Vector-Real-Random Generate random real vectors Development/Perl
perl-Math-Vector-Real-kdTree Kd-Tree implementation on top of Math::Vector::Real Development/Perl
perl-Math-VectorReal Handling 3D Vector Mathematics Development/Perl
perl-Math-nSphere Calculate volume and surface of n-spheres Development/Perl
perl-MaxMind-DB-Common A class for metadata related to a MaxMind DB database Development/Perl
perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader Read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses Development/Perl
perl-MealMaster Represent a MealMaster ingredient Development/Perl
perl-MediaWiki-API A OO interface to the Mediawiki API Development/Perl
perl-Memoize Automatically cache results of functions Development/Perl
perl-Memoize-ExpireLRU Provide LRU Expiration for Memoize Development/Perl
perl-Memory-Usage Tools to determine actual memory usage Development/Perl
perl-Meta-Builder Utility functions for Meta::Builder Development/Perl
perl-MetaCPAN-API Distribution and releases information for MetaCPAN::API Development/Perl
perl-MetaCPAN-Client A Distribution data object Development/Perl
perl-Metabase-Client-Simple A client that submits to Metabase servers Development/Perl
perl-Metabase-Fact Class for Metabase resources Development/Perl
perl-Method-Alias Create method aliases (and do it safely) Development/Perl
perl-Method-Signatures-Simple Basic method declarations with signatures, without source filters Development/Perl
perl-Metrics-Any A metrics reporting adapter for unit testing Development/Perl
perl-Minion Minion - Job queue Development/Perl
perl-Mixin-ExtraFields Store extras in a hashy object's guts Development/Perl
perl-Mixin-ExtraFields-Param Make your class provide a familiar "param" method Development/Perl
perl-Mixin-Linewise Get linewise writers for strings and filenames Development/Perl
perl-Mkcd-Commandline Mkcd command line parsing functions Development/Perl
perl-Mo Inline Mo and Features into your package Development/Perl
perl-Mock-Config Temporarily set Config or XSConfig values Development/Perl
perl-Mock-MonkeyPatch Monkey patching with test mocking in mind Development/Perl
perl-Mock-Quick Control a mocked object after creation Development/Perl
perl-Mock-Sub Provides for Mock::Sub Development/Perl
perl-Modem-Vgetty Interface to vgetty(8) Development/Perl
perl-Modern-Perl Enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one command Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build Build and install Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-Deprecated A collection of modules removed from Module-Build Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-Pluggable Set repository information automatically Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-Pluggable-CPANfile Include cpanfile Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-Pluggable-PPPort Generate ppport.h Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-Tiny A tiny replacement for Module::Build Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-Using-PkgConfig Extend Module::Build to easily use platform libraries provided by pkg-config Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-WithXSpp XS++ enhanced flavour of Module::Build Development/Perl
perl-Module-Build-XSUtil A Module::Build class for building XS modules Development/Perl
perl-Module-CPANTS CPAN module testing Development/Perl
perl-Module-CPANTS-Analyse Generate Kwalitee ratings for a distribution Development/Perl
perl-Module-CPANfile Parse cpanfile Development/Perl
perl-Module-Compile Perl Module Compilation Development/Perl
perl-Module-CoreList Tell what modules shipped with versions of perl Development/Perl
perl-Module-Data Introspect context information about modules in @INC Development/Perl
perl-Module-Depends Intrusive discovery of distribution dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Module-Extract Base class for working with Perl distributions Development/Perl
perl-Module-Extract-Namespaces Extract the package declarations from a module Development/Perl
perl-Module-Extract-Use Pull out the modules a module uses Development/Perl
perl-Module-Extract-VERSION Extract a module version without running code Development/Perl
perl-Module-ExtractUse Find out what modules are used Development/Perl
perl-Module-Find Find and use installed modules in a (sub)category Development/Perl
perl-Module-Format Convert and manipulate stringified versions of Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-Module-Format-AsHTML Generate HTML links to metacpan module/dists pages Development/Perl
perl-Module-Implementation Loads one of several alternate underlying implementations for a module Development/Perl
perl-Module-Info Information about Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-Module-Inspector An integrated API for inspecting Perl distributions Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install Standalone, extensible Perl module installer Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-AckXXX Warn Author About Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-AuthorRequires Declare author-only dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-AuthorTests Designate tests only run by module authors Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-AutoLicense A Module::Install extension to automagically generate LICENSE files Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-AutoManifest Generate MANIFEST automatically Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-CheckConflicts Notify users of possible conflicts with the distribution they're installing Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-ExtraTests Ignorable, contextual test support for Module::Install Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-GithubMeta A Module::Install extension to include GitHub meta information in META.yml Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-ManifestSkip Generate a MANIFEST.SKIP file Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod A Module::Install extension to automatically convert POD to a README Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-ReadmeMarkdownFromPod Create README.mkdn from POD Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-Repository Automatically sets repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkout Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-RequiresList Report prerequisite modules and version numbers Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-StandardTests Generate standard tests for installation Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-Template Treat module source code as a template Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-TestBase Module::Install Support for Test::Base Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-TestML Module::Install Support for TestML Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-TrustMetaYml Trusts META.yml list of dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Module-Install-VersionCheck Show Author the Current Versions Development/Perl
perl-Module-List Module `directory' listing Development/Perl
perl-Module-List-Pluggable Stub that imports methods via Module::List::Pluggable Development/Perl
perl-Module-Load Runtime require of both modules and files Development/Perl
perl-Module-Load-Conditional Looking up module information / loading at runtime Development/Perl
perl-Module-Load-Util Some utility routines related to module loading Development/Perl
perl-Module-Loaded Mark modules as loaded or unloaded Development/Perl
perl-Module-Locate Locate modules in the same fashion as C<require> and C<use> Development/Perl
perl-Module-Manifest Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file Development/Perl
perl-Module-Manifest-Skip MANIFEST.SKIP Management for Modules Development/Perl
perl-Module-Mask Pretend certain modules are not installed Development/Perl
perl-Module-Math-Depends Convenience object for manipulating module dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Module-Metadata Gather package and POD information from perl module files Development/Perl
perl-Module-Package A Hands on Guide Development/Perl
perl-Module-Packaged-Generator Role to provide easy url fetching Development/Perl
perl-Module-Path Get the full path to a locally installed module Development/Perl
perl-Module-Pluggable Simple plugins for Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-Module-Pluggable-Fast Fast plugins with instantiation Development/Perl
perl-Module-Pluggable-Ordered Call module plugins in a specified order Development/Perl
perl-Module-Refresh Refresh %INC files when the module is updated on disk Development/Perl
perl-Module-Release Automate software releases Development/Perl
perl-Module-Reload Reload %INC files when updated on disk Development/Perl
perl-Module-Runtime Runtime module handling Development/Perl
perl-Module-Runtime-Conflicts Provide information on conflicts for Module::Runtime Development/Perl
perl-Module-ScanDeps Recursively scan Perl code for dependencies Development/Perl
perl-Module-Signature Check and create SIGNATURE files for CPAN distributions Development/Perl
perl-Module-Starter A simple starter kit for any module Development/Perl
perl-Module-Util Module name tools and transformations Development/Perl
perl-Module-Versions Handle module versions with flex. interface Development/Perl
perl-Module-Versions-Report Perl module to report versions of all modules in memory Development/Perl
perl-Mojo-Pg Transaction Development/Perl
perl-Mojo-mysql Transaction Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious A next generation web framework for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-AssetPack Preprocessor for CoffeeScript Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Bootstrap3 Mojolicious + Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-ClientIP Get client's IP address from X-Forwarded-For Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Mail Mojolicious Plugin for send mail Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2 Auth against OAuth2 APIs including OpenID Connect Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenAPI OpenAPI Mojolicious plugin Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-PPI Mojolicious Plugin for Rendering Perl Code Using PPI Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-Proxy Proxy requests to a backend server Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-RenderFile "render_file" helper for Mojolicious Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-TemplateToolkit Template Toolkit renderer plugin for Development/Perl
perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-YamlConfig YAML Configuration Mojolicious plugin Development/Perl
perl-Mon Perl-Mon module Development/Perl
perl-Monitoring-Availability Load/Store/Access Logfiles Development/Perl
perl-Monitoring-Plugin Class for handling Monitoring::Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Monkey-Patch Scoped monkeypatching Development/Perl
perl-Moo A light-weight object system Development/Perl
perl-MooX MooX is extension for oriented object lang Development/Perl
perl-MooX-ClassStash Extra class information for Moo Development/Perl
perl-MooX-ConfigFromFile Moo eXtension for initializing objects from config file Development/Perl
perl-MooX-File-ConfigDir Moo eXtension for File::ConfigDir Development/Perl
perl-MooX-HandlesVia Collection::Array subclass that simulates Moose's native traits Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Locale-Passthrough Provide API used in translator modules without translating Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Lsub Very shorthand syntax for bulk lazy builders Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Options Role that is apply to your object Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Role-CachedURL A role providing a locally cached copy of a remote file Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Role-Parameterized Dsl to apply roles with composition parameters Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Role-Pluggable MooX::Role::Pluggable EAT values Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Singleton Turn your Moo class into singleton Development/Perl
perl-MooX-StrictConstructor A role to make Moo constructors strict Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Struct Make simple lightweight record-like structures that make sounds like cows Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike Moo types for numbers Development/Perl
perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric Moo types for numbers Development/Perl
perl-MooX-late Easily translate Moose code to Moo Development/Perl
perl-Moose A complete modern object system for Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-Moose-Autobox The Indexed role Development/Perl
perl-Moose-Policy Moose-mounted police Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-AbstractMethod Declare methods requirements that must be satisfied Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Aliases Attribute metaclass trait for L<MooseX::Aliases> Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Alien Extend a non-Moose class with Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-AlwaysCoerce Automatically enable coercions for Moose attributes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-App Meta class role for command classes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-App-Cmd Reads from config file Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-ArrayRef Blessed arrayrefs with Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Async A Method Metaclass for MooseX::Async Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Attribute-Chained Attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-AttributeHelpers Extend your attribute interfaces Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-AttributeShortcuts Shorthand for common attribute options Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-AuthorizedMethods Check roles of the user Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-AutoDestruct Moose 1.x autodestruct traits Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct A L<Data::Visitor> for creating Moose objects Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-ClassAttribute Declare class attributes Moose-style Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-ClassCompositor A factory that builds classes from roles Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Clone The L<Moose::Meta::Attribute> Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-CoercePerAttribute Define Coercions per attribute Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-ConfigFromFile An abstract Moose role for setting attributes from a configfile Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-CurriedDelegation Curry your delegations with methods Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Daemonize A Role with the core daemonization and pidfile management Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Declare Handle method modifier declarations Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast Emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose attributes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Exception-Base Traits class for attributes that are Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-FollowPBP Names accessors in the I<Perl Best Practices> style Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Getopt Optional meta attribute trait for ignoring params Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-GlobRef Store a Moose object in glob reference Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Has-Options Succinct options for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Has-Sugar Experimental sweetness Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-HasDefaults Default "is" to "ro" or "rw" for all attributes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-InsideOut Inside-out objects with Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Interface Random thoughts that might one day become a proper tutorial Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Iterator Iterate over collections Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-LazyRequire Required attributes which fail only when trying to use them Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Log-Log4perl A role for easy usage of logging in your Moose based modules based on L<MooseX::Log::Log4perl> Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-MakeImmutable A convenient way to make many Moosen immutable (or mutable) in one shot Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-MarkAsMethods Mark overload code symbols as methods Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion Force coercion when validating type constraints Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish Translate Moo-style constraints to Moose-style Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Method Method declaration with type checking Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Method-Signatures Method declarations with type constraints and no source filter Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-MethodAttributes Introspect your method code attributes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-MultiInitArg Attributes with aliases for constructor arg Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-NewDefaults Alter attribute defaults with less pain Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-NonMoose Constructor method trait for L<MooseX::NonMoose> Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Object-Pluggable Make your classes pluggable Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-OneArgNew Teach ->new to accept single, non-hashref arguments Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-POE A Instance Metaclass for MooseX::POE Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Param Simple role to provide a standard param method Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Params-Validate An extension of Params::Validate for using Moose's types Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles Apply roles to a class related to yours Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Role-BuildInstanceOf Less Boilerplate when you need lots of Instances Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Role-Loggable Extensive, yet simple, logging role using Log::Dispatchouli Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Role-Matcher Generic object matching based on attributes and methods Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized Metaclass for parameterizable roles Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading Roles which support overloading Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor Names accessors in a semi-affordance style Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-SetOnce Write-once, read-many attributes for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-SimpleConfig A Moose role for setting attributes from a simple configfile Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Singleton Base class for MooseX::Singleton Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-SlurpyConstructor Make your object constructor collect all unknown attributes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Storage A custom meta-attribute-trait to bypass serialization Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-StrictConstructor Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-TraitFor-Meta-Class-BetterAnonClassNames Metaclass trait to *attempt* to demystify generated anonymous class names Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Traitor An alternate way to compose your classes with traits Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Traits Automatically apply roles at object creation time Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable An extension to MooseX::Traits Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-TransactionalMethods Transactional methods trait Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types Organise your Moose types in libraries Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Authen-Passphrase Authen::Passphrase type constraint and coercions Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Common A library of commonly used type constraints Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-CreditCard Moose Types related to Credit Cards Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime L<DateTime> related constraints and coercions for Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions Extensions to L<MooseX::Types::DateTime> Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Email Email address validation type constraint for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-JSON JSON datatype for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Class A Path::Class type library for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Perl Moose types that check against Perl syntax Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Set-Object Set::Object type with coercions and stuff Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Stringlike Moose type constraints for strings or string-like objects Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Structured Structured type constraints Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-Tied Basic tied Moose types library Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-URI L<URI> related types and coercions for Moose Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Types-XMLSchema XMLSchema compatible Moose types library Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-Util Moose::Util extensions Development/Perl
perl-MooseX-YAML DWIM loading of Moose objects from YAML Development/Perl
perl-Morpheus Extra plugins - Env and File Development/Perl
perl-Mouse Moose minus the antlers Development/Perl
perl-MouseX-ConfigFromFile An abstract Mouse role for setting attributes from a configfile Development/Perl
perl-MouseX-NativeTraits Provides methods for ArrayRef Development/Perl
perl-MouseX-SingletonMethod Mouse with Singleton Method facility Development/Perl
perl-MouseX-StrictConstructor Make your object constructors blow up on unknown attributes Development/Perl
perl-MouseX-Types Types shipped with Mouse Development/Perl
perl-MouseX-Types-Path-Class A Path::Class type library for Mouse Development/Perl
perl-Mozilla-CA Mozilla's CA cert bundle in PEM format Development/Perl
perl-Mozilla-LDAP LDAP Perl module that wraps the OpenLDAP C SDK Development/Perl
perl-Msgcat Msgcat, a small Perl module for XPG4 message catalog functions Development/Perl
perl-MultiThread A Pipeline multithreading model Development/Perl
perl-MusicBrainz-DiscID Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library Development/Perl
perl-MythTV Perl bindings for MythTV Development/Perl
perl-NEXT Perl5 implementation of NEXT (RFC190) Development/Perl
perl-NTLM NTLM authentication module Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Cmd Take care of the logistics involved in submitting a command to Nagios's command pipe Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Object Perl objects to represent Nagios configuration Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Passive Submit passive check results to nagios Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Plugin Class for handling Nagios::Plugin Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Plugin-WWW-Mechanize Login to a web page as a user and get data as a Nagios plugin Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Report Perl class to filter and munge Nagios availability data Development/Perl
perl-Nagios-Scrape Scrapes and Parses the status.cgi page of a Nagios installation Development/Perl
perl-Net-Amazon Framework for accessing via SOAP and XML/HTTP Development/Perl
perl-Net-Amazon-S3 An internal class to get a bucket's location constraint Development/Perl
perl-Net-Amazon-Signature-V3 Sign AWS requests -- V3 Development/Perl
perl-Net-Amazon-Signature-V4 Implements the Amazon Web Services signature version 4, AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Development/Perl
perl-Net-Async-HTTP HTTP client protocol handler Development/Perl
perl-Net-BGP Net-BGP module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-Bluetooth Net::Bluetooth - Perl Bluetooth Interface Development/Perl
perl-Net-Bonjour Module for DNS service discovery ( Zeroconf ) Development/Perl
perl-Net-CIDR Manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation Development/Perl
perl-Net-CIDR-Lite Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses Development/Perl
perl-Net-CUPS Common Unix Printing System Interface Development/Perl
perl-Net-Curl Perl extension interface for libcurl Development/Perl
perl-Net-DAAP-Client Client for Apple iTunes DAAP service Development/Perl
perl-Net-DAAP-DMAP Perl module for reading and writing DAAP structures Development/Perl
perl-Net-DAAP-Server-MythTV Publish MythTV videos to DAAP clients like Apple's Front Row Development/Perl
perl-Net-DBus Perl API to the DBus message system Development/Perl
perl-Net-DBus-GLib Perl extension for the DBus GLib bindings Development/Perl
perl-Net-DMAP-Server Base class for D[A-Z]AP servers Development/Perl
perl-Net-DNS Perl interface to the DNS resolver Development/Perl
perl-Net-DNS-Match Perl extension for testing domains against another list of domains (similar to Net::Patricia but for FQDNs) Development/Perl
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock Mock a DNS Resolver object for testing Development/Perl
perl-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable Programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS Development/Perl
perl-Net-DNS-SEC DNSSEC support for Net::DNS perl module Development/Perl
perl-Net-Daemon Perl extension for portable daemons Development/Perl
perl-Net-Delicious Constant variables for response messages Development/Perl
perl-Net-Dict A perl client for accessing network dictionary servers Development/Perl
perl-Net-Domain-TLD Work with TLD names Development/Perl
perl-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect FTP client class with automatic reconnect on failure Development/Perl
perl-Net-FTP-Common Simplify common usages of Net::FTP Development/Perl
perl-Net-FTP-RetrHandle Tied or IO::Handle-compatible interface to a file retrieved by FTP Development/Perl
perl-Net-Facebook-Oauth2 A simple Perl wrapper around Facebook OAuth 2.0 protocol Development/Perl
perl-Net-Finger A Perl implementation of a finger client Development/Perl
perl-Net-Flow Decode and encode NetFlow/IPFIX datagrams Development/Perl
perl-Net-Frame BSD loopback layer object Development/Perl
perl-Net-GPSD3 Net::GPSD3 Return Satellite Object Development/Perl
perl-Net-Gadu Perl module to support Gadu-Gadu protocol Development/Perl
perl-Net-GeoPlanet Access Yahoo's GeoPlanet location service Development/Perl
perl-Net-GitHub Perl Interface for Development/Perl
perl-Net-Google Simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API Development/Perl
perl-Net-Google-AuthSub A response from a Net::Google::AuthSub request Development/Perl
perl-Net-Google-DataAPI Base implementations for modules to negotiate with Google Data APIs Development/Perl
perl-Net-Google-PicasaWeb Use Google Picasa Web services from Perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-Google-Spreadsheets A Perl module for using Google Spreadsheets API Development/Perl
perl-Net-GraphSpace API bindings for GraphSpace Development/Perl
perl-Net-HAProxy Control HAProxy through a socket Development/Perl
perl-Net-HTTP Non-blocking HTTP client Development/Perl
perl-Net-HTTPS-NB Non-blocking HTTPS client Development/Perl
perl-Net-IDN-Encode Encoding/Decoding of IDNs Development/Perl
perl-Net-IDN-Nameprep A Stringprep Profile for Internationalized Domain Names (S<RFC 3491>) Development/Perl
perl-Net-IMAP-Simple Simple IMAP interface to Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-Net-IMAP-Simple-SSL SSL support for Net::IMAP::Simple Development/Perl
perl-Net-INET6Glue Make L<IO::Socket::INET> behave like Development/Perl
perl-Net-IP Perl extension for manipulating IPv4/IPv6 addresses Development/Perl
perl-Net-IP-Match-Regexp Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges via regexp Development/Perl
perl-Net-IP-Minimal Minimal functions from Net::IP Development/Perl
perl-Net-IPv6Addr Check validity of IPv6 addresses Development/Perl
perl-Net-IRC Perl interface to the Internet Relay Chat protocol Development/Perl
perl-Net-Ident Net::Ident - lookup the username on the remote end of a TCP/IP connection Development/Perl
perl-Net-Jabber Jabber Perl Library Development/Perl
perl-Net-Kismet Net::Kismet perl module Development/Perl
perl-Net-LDAP-HTMLWidget Like FromForm but with Net::LDAP and HTML::Widget Development/Perl
perl-Net-LDAP-SID Active Directory Security Identifier manipulation Development/Perl
perl-Net-LDAP-Server LDAP server side protocol handling Development/Perl
perl-Net-LDAP-Server-Test Test Net::LDAP code Development/Perl
perl-Net-LibIDN Perl bindings for GNU Libidn Development/Perl
perl-Net-MAC-Vendor Look up the vendor for a MAC Development/Perl
perl-Net-MySQL Pure Perl MySQL network protocol interface Development/Perl
perl-Net-NBName NetBIOS Name Service Requests Development/Perl
perl-Net-NIS NIS interface to Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-Net-Nessus-XMLRPC Communicate with Nessus scanner via XMLRPC Development/Perl
perl-Net-Netmask Net-Netmask module for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-Nslookup Provide nslookup(1)-like capabilities Development/Perl
perl-Net-OAuth An OAuth protocol response for an Request Token Development/Perl
perl-Net-OAuth2 OAuth 2.0 implementation Development/Perl
perl-Net-OpenID-Common Support for the Simple Registration extension (SREG) Development/Perl
perl-Net-OpenID-Consumer Object representing a verified OpenID identity Development/Perl
perl-Net-OpenID-Server Library for building your own OpenID server Development/Perl
perl-Net-OpenSSH Perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH Development/Perl
perl-Net-Patricia Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups Development/Perl
perl-Net-Pcap Interface to pcap(3) LBL packet capture library Development/Perl
perl-Net-Pcap-Reassemble IP fragment reassembly for Net::Pcap Development/Perl
perl-Net-Ping TCP, UDP, or ICMP ping Development/Perl
perl-Net-Posterous Represent an video object in Net::Posterous Development/Perl
perl-Net-Proxy Framework for proxying network connections in many ways Development/Perl
perl-Net-Radius Object-oriented Perl interface to RADIUS Development/Perl
perl-Net-Random Get random data from online sources Development/Perl
perl-Net-RawIP A perl module can to manipulate raw IP packets Development/Perl
perl-Net-Rendezvous-Publish Module to publish Rendezvous services Development/Perl
perl-Net-Rendezvous-Publish-Backend-Avahi Publish zeroconf data with the Avahi library Development/Perl
perl-Net-Rendezvous-Publish-Backend-Howl Backend module using howl for Net::Rendezvous Development/Perl
perl-Net-Route Portable interface to the routing table Development/Perl
perl-Net-SCP Net-SCP module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol client Development/Perl
perl-Net-SFTP-Foreign Adaptor for Net::SFTP::Attributes compatibility Development/Perl
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL SSL support for Net::SMTP Development/Perl
perl-Net-SMTP-TLS TLS and AUTH enabled mail client Development/Perl
perl-Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained An SMTP client supporting TLS and AUTH Development/Perl
perl-Net-SNMP Object oriented interface to SNMP for perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-SNPP Net::SNPP covers the complete rfc1861 specification Development/Perl
perl-Net-SSH Net-SSH module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-SSH-Expect An ssh wrapper to execute remote commands Development/Perl
perl-Net-SSH-Perl Perl client Interface to SSH Development/Perl
perl-Net-SSH-Tunnel This is a simple wrapper around ssh to establish a tunnel Development/Perl
perl-Net-SSLeay Perl extension for using OpenSSL Development/Perl
perl-Net-Server Extensible, general Perl server engine Development/Perl
perl-Net-Server-Coro A co-operative multithreaded server using Coro Development/Perl
perl-Net-Server-Mail The base class for ESMTP extension system Development/Perl
perl-Net-Syslog Perl extension for sending syslog messages directly to a remote syslogd Development/Perl
perl-Net-TFTP Net::TFTP - TFTP Client class Development/Perl
perl-Net-Telnet Net::Telnet perl module Development/Perl
perl-Net-Telnet-Cisco Net-Telnet-Cisco Perl module Development/Perl
perl-Net-Tor-Servers Perl extension to query a Tor Directory and collect information on servers Development/Perl
perl-Net-Traceroute Net-Traceroute module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Net-Travis-API Anything that fetches from Travis and returns JSON data Development/Perl
perl-Net-Twitter A perl interface to the Twitter API Development/Perl
perl-Net-UPnP Perl extension for UPnP Development/Perl
perl-Net-Whois-Raw Get Whois information for domains Development/Perl
perl-Net-Works An object representing a single IP address (4 or 6) subnet Development/Perl
perl-Net-Write An interface to open and send raw frames to network Development/Perl
perl-Net-XMPP XMPP Perl Library Development/Perl
perl-Net-XWhois Extensible client framework for doing Whois queries and parsing server response Development/Perl
perl-NetAddr-IP Manage IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets in Perl Development/Perl
perl-NetPacket Assemble and disassemble Ethernet packets Development/Perl
perl-NetSNMP Perl utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project Development/Perl
perl-NetworkInfo-Discovery Register of network information Development/Perl
perl-News-Scan Gathers and reports newsgroup statistics Development/Perl
perl-Nice-Try A real Try Catch Block Implementation Using Perl Filter Development/Perl
perl-Nmap-Parser Parse nmap scan data with perl Development/Perl
perl-Nmap-Scanner Perform and manipulate nmap scans using perl Development/Perl
perl-Number-Bytes-Human Convert byte count to human readable format Development/Perl
perl-Number-Compare Numeric comparisons Development/Perl
perl-Number-Format Convert numbers to strings with pretty formatting Development/Perl
perl-Number-Fraction Perl extension to model fractions Development/Perl
perl-Number-Misc Handy utilities for numbers Development/Perl
perl-Number-Nary Encode and decode numbers as n-ary strings Development/Perl
perl-Number-Natural-SetTheory Set-theoretic definition of natural numbers Development/Perl
perl-Number-RGB Manipulate RGB Tuples Development/Perl
perl-Number-Range Extension to work with ranges of numbers Development/Perl
perl-Number-WithError Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding Development/Perl
perl-OAuth-Lite PLAINTEXT signature method class; Development/Perl
perl-ODF-lpOD Open Document Processing Development/Perl
perl-OLE-Storage_Lite Simple Class for OLE document interface Development/Perl
perl-ORDB-CPAN-Mageia Orlite for module table in database Development/Perl
perl-ORLite Extremely light weight SQLite-specific ORM Development/Perl
perl-ORLite-Migrate Extremely light weight SQLite-specific schema migration Development/Perl
perl-ORLite-Mirror Extend ORLite to support remote SQLite databases Development/Perl
perl-ORLite-Pod Documentation generator for ORLite Development/Perl
perl-ORLite-Statistics Statistics enhancement package for ORLite Development/Perl
perl-Object-Accessor Add a Makefile target to determine test coverage using Devel::Cover Development/Perl
perl-Object-Array Array references with accessors Development/Perl
perl-Object-Boolean Boolean objects which stringify to "Yes" or "No" Development/Perl
perl-Object-Declare Declarative object constructor Development/Perl
perl-Object-Dependency Maintain a dependency graph Development/Perl
perl-Object-Enum Perl Enum Replacement Development/Perl
perl-Object-Event A class that provides an event callback interface Development/Perl
perl-Object-ID Supply a unique object identifier to every object Development/Perl
perl-Object-InsideOut Comprehensive inside-out object support perl module Development/Perl
perl-Object-Lexical Object::Lexical - Syntactic Sugar for Easy Object Instance Data & Development/Perl
perl-Object-MultiType Perl Objects as Hash, Array, Scalar, Code and Glob at the same time Development/Perl
perl-Object-Pad Build-time support for extensions to C<Object::Pad> Development/Perl
perl-Object-Persistence Object-Persistence module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Object-Pluggable Importable constants for Object::Pluggable Development/Perl
perl-Object-Realize-Later CPAN Object-Realize-Later perl module Development/Perl
perl-Object-Signature Generate cryptographic signatures for objects Development/Perl
perl-Object-Tiny-RW Class building as simple as it gets (with rw accessors) Development/Perl
perl-Object-Tiny-XS Class building as simple as it gets and FAST Development/Perl
perl-Olson-Abbreviations Globally unique timezones abbreviation handling Development/Perl
perl-Opcodes Opcodes info from opnames.h and opcode.h Development/Perl
perl-OpenAPI-Client Perform Open API requests Development/Perl
perl-OpenGL Interface to OpenGL drawing/imaging library Development/Perl
perl-OpenGL-GLUT Perl bindings to GLUT/FreeGLUT GUI toolkit Development/Perl
perl-OpenGL-List Massively optimise your Perl OpenGL program with display lists Development/Perl
perl-OpenOffice-OOBuilder Perl OO interface for creating OpenOffice documents Development/Perl
perl-OpenOffice-OODoc OpenOffice-OODoc module for perl Development/Perl
perl-PAR Perl Archive Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-PAR-Dist Create and manipulate PAR distributions Development/Perl
perl-PAR-Packer Data package containing a dynamic PARL Development/Perl
perl-PAUSE-Permissions PAUSE permissions for one module (from 06perms.txt) Development/Perl
perl-PBKDF2-Tiny Minimalist PBKDF2 (RFC 2898) with HMAC-SHA1 or HMAC-SHA2 Development/Perl
perl-PDF PDF access and manipulation in Perl Development/Perl
perl-PDF-API2 PDF-API2 Perl module Development/Perl
perl-PDF-Builder Facilitates the creation and modification of PDF files Development/Perl
perl-PDL PerlDL, an efficient numerical language for scientific computing Development/Perl
perl-PHP-Include Include PHP files in Perl Development/Perl
perl-PHP-Serialization Simple flexible means of converting the output of PHP's serialize() into the equivalent Perl memory structure, and vice versa Development/Perl
perl-POD2-Base Base module for translations of Perl documentation Development/Perl
perl-POE Portable multitasking and networking framework for Perl Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-Asterisk-Manager Event-based Asterisk / Aefirion Manager Client Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-DNS POE::Component::Client::DNS - non-blocking, concurrent DNS requests Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-HTTP Non-blocking/parallel web requests engine Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-Ident A component that provides non-blocking ident lookups to your sessions Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive Manage connections, with keep-alive Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-MPD POE component to speak with MPD servers Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-NNTP Importable constants for POE::Component::Client::NNTP plugins Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Client-Ping Concurrent ICMP ping without fork or threads Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-IKC POE IKC proxy session Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-IRC A fully event-driven IRC client module Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Logger POE-Component-Logger module for perl Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Pluggable A base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Resolver A non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Sequence Adds special features to nested sequences Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Server-HTTP Poe Component to write HTTP server Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Server-Syslog Syslog server ability for POE Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Server-XMLRPC Perl module to publish POE event handlers via XMLRPC over HTTP Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-SmokeBox A backend for CPAN::Reporter::Smoker smokers Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-SmokeBox-Dists Search for CPAN distributions by cpanid or distribution name Development/Perl
perl-POE-Component-Syndicator A POE component base class which implements the Observer pattern Development/Perl
perl-POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser A HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers Development/Perl
perl-POE-Filter-IRCD A POE-based parser for the IRC protocol Development/Perl
perl-POE-Loop-Tk A POE/Tk bridge for ActiveState's Tk Development/Perl
perl-POE-Quickie A lazy way to wrap blocking code and programs Development/Perl
perl-POE-Sugar-Args POE-Sugar-Args module for perl Development/Perl
perl-POE-Test-Loops Reusable tests for POE::Loop authors Development/Perl
perl-POSIX-RT-Signal POSIX Real-time signal handling functions Development/Perl
perl-POSIX-Regex Port of the glibc gnu regex engine into perl Development/Perl
perl-POSIX-strftime-Compiler GNU C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers Development/Perl
perl-PPI Parse, Analyze and Manipulate Perl without perl Development/Perl
perl-PPI-HTML Generate syntax-highlighted HTML for Perl using PPI Development/Perl
perl-PPI-PowerToys A handy collection of small PPI-based utilities Development/Perl
perl-PPI-Tester A wxPerl-based interactive PPI debugger/tester Development/Perl
perl-PPI-XS (Minor) XS acceleration for PPI Development/Perl
perl-PPIx-DocumentName Utility to extract a name from a PPI Document Development/Perl
perl-PPIx-EditorTools Introduces a temporary variable using PPI Development/Perl
perl-PPIx-QuoteLike Represent an interpolation Development/Perl
perl-PPIx-Regexp Represent an independent subexpression marker Development/Perl
perl-PPIx-Utilities A problem identified by L<PPIx::Utilities|PPIx::Utilities> Development/Perl
perl-PPIx-Utils Utility functions for classification of PPI Development/Perl
perl-Package-Constants Package Constants Development/Perl
perl-Package-DeprecationManager Manage deprecation warnings for your distribution Development/Perl
perl-Package-Generator pseudo-garbage-collection for packages Development/Perl
perl-Package-Pkg Handy package munging utilities Development/Perl
perl-Package-Stash Routines for manipulating stashes Development/Perl
perl-Package-Stash-XS Faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash API Development/Perl
perl-Package-Variant Parameterizable packages Development/Perl
perl-PadWalker Play with other peoples' lexical variables Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Autoformat Reformat your text within Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-CSS Padre and CSS Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Catalyst Catalyst helper interface for Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-ClassSniff Simple Class::Sniff interface for Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-DataWalker Simple Perl data structure browser Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Ecliptic Padre plugin that provides Eclipse-like useful features Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Git Simple Git interface for Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-HTML L<Padre> and HTML Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Kate Using the Kate syntax highlighter Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Nopaste Send code on a nopaste website from padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-PAR PAR generation from Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Parrot Experimental Padre plugin that runs on Parrot Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Perl6 Perl document syntax-checking in the background Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-PerlCritic Analyze perl files with Perl::Critic Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-PerlTidy Format perl files using Perl::Tidy Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-SVN Dialog for SVN tasks Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-SpellCheck Check spelling in Padre Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-Swarm Tree view panel of swarm resources Development/Perl
perl-Padre-Plugin-ViewInBrowser View selected doc in browser for Padre Development/Perl
perl-Palm-PDB Parse Palm database files Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-ForkManager Simple parallel processing fork manager Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-ForkManager-Segmented Use Parallel::ForkManager on batches / segments of items Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-ForkManager-Segmented-Base Base class for Parallel::ForkManager::Segmented Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-Iterator Simple parallel execution Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-Map Multi processing parallel map code Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-Map-Segmented Use Parallel::Map on batches of items Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-Prefork A prefork server framework with support for (min|max) spare servers Development/Perl
perl-Parallel-Scoreboard A simple PSGI app for monitoring the output of Parallel::Scoreboard in JSON format Development/Perl
perl-Params-Check A generic input parsing/checking mechanism Development/Perl
perl-Params-Classify Argument type classification Development/Perl
perl-Params-Coerce Allows your classes to do coercion of parameters Development/Perl
perl-Params-Smart Use both positional and named arguments in a subroutine Development/Perl
perl-Params-Util Simple standalone param-checking functions Development/Perl
perl-Params-ValidationCompiler Defines exceptions thrown by Params::ValidationCompiler Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Binary Convert between variant records and hashes Development/Perl
perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages Parse 02packages.details.txt.gz Development/Perl
perl-Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast Parse CPAN's package index Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Distname Parse a distribution name Development/Perl
perl-Parse-EDID Extended display identification data (EDID) parser Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Earley Parse::Earley - Parse any Context-Free Grammar Development/Perl
perl-Parse-ErrorString-Perl Parse error messages from the perl interpreter Development/Perl
perl-Parse-ExuberantCTags Efficiently parse exuberant ctags files Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Functions Extracting the list of functions from source code Development/Perl
perl-Parse-IRC A parser for the IRC protocol Development/Perl
perl-Parse-LocalDistribution Parses local .pm files as PAUSE does Development/Perl
perl-Parse-MIME Parse mime-types, match against media ranges Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Method-Signatures Turn parse TC data into Moose TC object Development/Perl
perl-Parse-PMFile Parses .pm file as PAUSE does Development/Perl
perl-Parse-RecDescent A recursive descent parser generator for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Parse-RecDescent-Consumer Parse::RecDescent::Consumer - reveal text matched through n token transitions Development/Perl
perl-Parse-RecDescent-Deparse Parse::RecDescent::Deparse - Turn a Parse::RecDescent object back into its grammar Development/Perl
perl-Parse-RecDescent-FAQ Parse::RecDescent::FAQ - the official, authorized FAQ for Parse::RecDescent Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Services Parse /etc/hosts Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Syslog Parse Unix syslog files Development/Perl
perl-Parse-Yapp Fully re-entrant perl OO LALR(1) parser creator Development/Perl
perl-ParseLex Generator of lexical analyzers Development/Perl
perl-ParseTemplate Processor for templates containing Perl expressions Development/Perl
perl-Parser-MGC Build simple recursive-descent parsers Development/Perl
perl-Passwd-Unix OO interface to files: passwd and shadow Development/Perl
perl-PatchReader Utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS Development/Perl
perl-Path-Class Cross-platform path specification manipulation Development/Perl
perl-Path-Class-File-Lockable Lock your files with Path::Class::File Development/Perl
perl-Path-Class-File-Stat Cache and compare stat() calls on a Path::Class::File object Development/Perl
perl-Path-Class-Rule File finder using Path::Class Development/Perl
perl-Path-Dispatcher All rules must match Development/Perl
perl-Path-Dispatcher-Declarative Sugary dispatcher Development/Perl
perl-Path-Extended Yet another Path class Development/Perl
perl-Path-FindDev Find a development path somewhere in an upper hierarchy Development/Perl
perl-Path-IsDev Determine if a given Path resembles a development source tree Development/Perl
perl-Path-Iter Simple Efficient Path Iteration Development/Perl
perl-Path-Iterator-Rule Iterative, recursive file finder Development/Perl
perl-Path-ScanINC Emulate Perls internal handling of @INC Development/Perl
perl-Path-Tiny File path utility Development/Perl
perl-PathTools Tools for working with paths and file specs across platforms Development/Perl
perl-Pegex Pegex Regex Atoms Development/Perl
perl-Perl-AtEndOfScope Perl::AtEndOfScope - run some code when a variable goes out of scope Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic Critique Perl source for style and standards Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Bangs Adding modifiers to a regular expression made up entirely of a variable created with qr() is usually not doing what you expect Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Compatibility Don't allow three-argument open unless the code uses a version of perl that supports it Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Deprecated Write C<$my_variable = 42> instead of C<$MyVariable = 42> Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Lax Policies that let you slide on common exceptions Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-More Stop mixing long strings with code Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Nits Policies of nits I like to pick Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-PetPeeves-JTRAMMELL Prohibit superfluous initializations Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp Don't use Foo:: style barewords Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Storable Perl::Critic policy for using Storable Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-StricterSubs Perl::Critic plugin for stricter subroutine checks Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Swift Additional policies for Perl::Critic Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Critic-Tics (this => is => not => good) Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Destruct-Level Allow to change perl's destruction level Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Metrics-Simple Methods analyzing a single file Development/Perl
perl-Perl-MinimumVersion Find a minimum required version of perl for Perl code Development/Perl
perl-Perl-OSType Map Perl operating system names to generic types Development/Perl
perl-Perl-PrereqScanner A tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites Development/Perl
perl-Perl-PrereqScanner-NotQuiteLite A tool to scan your Perl code for its prerequisites Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Tags Testing output of L<Perl::Tags> Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Tidy Parses and beautifies perl source Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Tidy-Sweetened Tweaks to Perl::Tidy to support some syntactic sugar Development/Perl
perl-Perl-Version Parse and manipulate Perl version strings Development/Perl
perl-Perl-osnames List possible $^O ($OSNAME) values, with description Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Classes Perl 6 class syntax for Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Doc Perl 6 Documentation Collection Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Export Implements the Perl 6 is export trait Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Export-Attrs The Perl 6 'is export(...)' trait as a Perl 5 attribute Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Form Implements the Perl 6 'form' built-in Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Junction Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5 Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Perldoc Add a to_xhtml() method to Perl6::Perldoc::Parser Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Perldoc-To-Ansi ANSI-colored text renderer for Perl6::Perldoc Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Refactor The great new Perl6::Refactor! Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Signature Parse, query, and pretty-print Perl 6 signatures Development/Perl
perl-Perl6-Slurp Implements the Perl 6 'slurp' built-in Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-Layers Querying your file handle capabilities Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-Util A selection of general PerlIO utilities Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-eol PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-gzip Perl extension to provide a PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict Fast and correct UTF-8 IO Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-via-Bzip2 PerlIO layer for Bzip2 (de)compression Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-via-QuotedPrint PerlIO layer for quoted-printable strings Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-via-Timeout A PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-via-dynamic Perl module that helps creating dynamic PerlIO layers Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-via-gzip PerlIO layer for gzip (de)compression Development/Perl
perl-PerlIO-via-symlink Perl module that helps creating dynamic PerlIO layers Development/Perl
perl-PerlX-Maybe Use syntax qw/maybe/ Development/Perl
perl-PerlX-Maybe-XS XS backend for PerlX::Maybe Development/Perl
perl-Petal Perl Template Attribute Language Development/Perl
perl-Pg A libpq-based PostgreSQL interface for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Physics-Particles Simulate particle dynamics Development/Perl
perl-Physics-Psychrometry Perl extension for calculating Psychrometric Development/Perl
perl-Pithub Github v3 Pull Request Comments API Development/Perl
perl-PkgConfig Pure-Perl Core-Only replacement for pkg-config Development/Perl
perl-Plack Perl Superglue for Web frameworks and Web Servers (PSGI toolkit) Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Assets Concatenate and minify JavaScript and CSS files Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Cached Glues a cache to your PSGI application Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Debug Debug panel to inspect the environment Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Debug-TraceENV Debug panel for tracing %ENV Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Deflater Compress response body with Gzip or Deflate Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-DirIndex Middleware to use with Plack::App::Directory and the like Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect Set body for redirect response, if it's not already set Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-ForceEnv Force set environment variables for testing Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-LogErrors Map psgi.errors to psgix.logger or other logger Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-LogWarn Converts to warns to log messages Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride Override REST methods to Plack apps via POST Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Negotiate Apply HTTP content negotiation as Plack middleware Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Options Implements OPTIONS and filters out unknown methods Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody Removes body for HTTP response if it's not required Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy Supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-ServerStatus-Lite Show server status like Apache's mod_status Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Session Session middleware that saves session data in the cookie Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-XForwardedFor Plack middleware to handle X-Forwarded-For headers Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Middleware-Xslate Serve static templates with Plack Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Test-Agent OO interface for testing low-level Plack/PSGI apps Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Test-AnyEvent Run Plack::Test on AnyEvent-based PSGI applications Development/Perl
perl-Plack-Test-ExternalServer Run HTTP tests on external live servers Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Abstract Basic multipart section numbering Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Constants Pod::Constants - Include constants from POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Coverage Checks if the documentation of a perl module is comprehensive Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Coverage-Moose L<Pod::Coverage> extension for L<Moose> Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Coverage-TrustPod Allow a module's pod to contain Pod::Coverage hints Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Cpandoc Perldoc that works for modules you don't have installed Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Elemental A Pod =command element Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Elemental-MakeSelector Build complex selectors as a single sub Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger A thing that takes a string of Perl and rewrites its documentation Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Elemental-Transformer-List Transform :list regions into =over/=back to save typing Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Elemental-Transformer-Verbatim Transform :verbatim regions into verbatim paragraphs Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Elemental-Transformer-WikiDoc A transformer to replace "wikidoc" data regions with Pod5 elements Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Escapes Perl module to resolve Pod E<...> sequences Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Eventual Just get an array of the stuff Pod::Eventual finds Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Generated Template plugin to help generate POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-HTML2Pod Translate HTML into POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-HtmlEasy Generate personalized HTML from PODs Development/Perl
perl-Pod-LaTeX Converts pod to latex with Pod::Parser Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Loom Do-nothing template for Pod::Loom Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Markdown Convert POD to Markdown Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Markdown-Github Convert POD to Github's specific markdown Development/Perl
perl-Pod-MinimumVersion Report object from Pod::MinimumVersion Development/Perl
perl-Pod-POM POD Object Model Development/Perl
perl-Pod-POM-Web Full-text search for Pod::POM::Web Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Parser Base class for parsing pod documents Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Perldoc Customized option parser for Pod::Perldoc Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Plainer To convert POD to old-style plainer POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-PseudoPod A framework for parsing O'Reilly's PseudoPod Development/Perl
perl-Pod-PseudoPod-LaTeX Convert Pod::PseudoPod documents into LaTeX Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Readme Convert Module POD to a README file Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Simple Perl module to parse Pod Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Spell A formatter for spellchecking Pod Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes Holds the wordlist data for Pod::Spell::CommonMistakes Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Spelling Pod::POM::View::Text without sequence formatting Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Strip Remove POD from Perl code Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Tests Extracts embedded tests and code examples from POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Text-Ansi Convert POD to ANSI-colored text Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Tidy Reformat Pod to be nicely line wrapped Development/Perl
perl-Pod-ToDemo writes a demo program from a tutorial POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Usage-CommandLine Add some common command line options from Pod::Usage Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver A bundle for the most commonly-needed prep work for a pod document Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Plugin-Encoding Add an encoding command to your POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Plugin-EnsureUniqueSections Ensure that POD has no duplicate section headers Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Plugin-StopWords Dynamically add stopwords to your woven pod Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-AMD Document your modules like AMD does Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-Apocalyptic Let the apocalypse generate your POD! Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-Author-DOHERTY Pod::Weaver configuration the way DOHERTY does it Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-FLORA Document your modules like FLORA does Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-MARCEL Build POD documentation like MARCEL Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-SHLOMIF SHLOMIF's default Pod::Weaver config Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-AllowOverride Allow POD to override a Pod::Weaver-provided section Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-Availability Add an AVAILABILITY pod section Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-BugsAndLimitations Add a BUGS AND LIMITATIONS pod section Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-BugsRT Add a BUGS pod section for Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-Consumes Add a list of roles to your POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-Contributors A section listing contributors Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-Extends Add a list of parent classes to your POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-Installation Add an INSTALLATION pod section Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-SeeAlso Add a SEE ALSO pod section Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-SourceGitHub Add SOURCE pod section for a github repository Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-Support Add a SUPPORT section to your POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Weaver-Section-WarrantyDisclaimer Add a standard DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY section (for your Perl module) Development/Perl
perl-Pod-WikiDoc Examples of Pod::WikiDoc usage Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Wordlist-hanekomu Add words for spell checking POD Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Wrap Wrap pod paragraphs, leaving verbatim text and code alone Development/Perl
perl-Pod-Xhtml Allow off-page links in POD to point to a URL Development/Perl
perl-PostScript PostScript module for perl Development/Perl
perl-PostScript-Simple Produce PostScript files from Perl Development/Perl
perl-Prima Standard dialog Development/Perl
perl-Probe-Perl Information about the currently running perl Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Background Generic interface to Unix and Win32 background process management Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Daemon Run a perl program as a daemon process Development/Perl
perl-Proc-FastSpawn Fork+exec, or spawn, a subprocess as quickly as possible Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Find Find processes by name, PID, or some other attributes Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Fork Simple, intuitive interface to fork() Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Forkmap Forking and IPC fmap method Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Guard Process runner with RAII pattern Development/Perl
perl-Proc-InvokeEditor Perl extension for starting a text editor Development/Perl
perl-Proc-PID-File A module to manage process id files Development/Perl
perl-Proc-ParallelLoop Execute loops in parallel Development/Perl
perl-Proc-ProcessTable Interface to process table information Development/Perl
perl-Proc-SafeExec Uses Proc::SafeExec to manage a group of concurrent processes Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Simple Launch and control background processes Development/Perl
perl-Proc-Wait3 Perl extension for wait3 system call Development/Perl
perl-Proc-WaitStat Proc::WaitStat - Interpret and act on wait() status values Development/Perl
perl-Process-Async Handle async background process Development/Perl
perl-Prompt-Timeout Prompt() with auto-selecting default value in case of inactivity Development/Perl
perl-Protocol-Redis Reusable tests for Protocol::Redis implementations Development/Perl
perl-QuadPres Support code for quad-pres Development/Perl
perl-Quantum-Superpositions Conjunctive & Disjunctive logic for Perl5 Development/Perl
perl-Quantum-Usrn Square root of not Development/Perl
perl-Quota Quota module for perl Development/Perl
perl-RDF-DOAP-Lite Write DOAP data quickly and easily Development/Perl
perl-RDF-Query Executable query plan for nested loop joins Development/Perl
perl-RDF-Trine Framework to parse, serialize and store RDF Development/Perl
perl-REST-Client A simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https resources Development/Perl
perl-RPC-XML A set of classes for core data, message and XML handling Development/Perl
perl-RPM2 Perl bindings for the RPM Package Manager API Development/Perl
perl-RPM4 Perl bindings to use rpmlib and manage hdlist files Development/Perl
perl-RRDTool-OO Object-oriented interface to RRDTool Development/Perl
perl-RT-Client-Console Non-blocking input for full-screen console apps Development/Perl
perl-RT-Client-REST Talk to RT using REST protocol Development/Perl
perl-RTF-Writer for generating documents in Rich Text Format Development/Perl
perl-Readonly Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes Development/Perl
perl-Readonly-XS Companion module for, to speed up read-only scalar variables Development/Perl
perl-Reaper Support for reaping child processes via $SIG{CHLD} Development/Perl
perl-Redis Redis Sentinel interface Development/Perl
perl-Ref-Util Utility functions for checking references Development/Perl
perl-Ref-Util-XS Create bare-bones Makefile.PL files for use with dzil Development/Perl
perl-RefDB-Client RefDB-Client module for perl Development/Perl
perl-RefDB-SRU RefDB-SRU module for perl Development/Perl
perl-RefDB-perlmod RefDB-perlmod module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Assemble Assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Bind Regexp::Bind - Bind variables to captured buffers Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Common Regexp-Common module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Common-Email-Address Returns a pattern for Email Addresses Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR Provide patterns for CIDR blocks Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Common-time Date and time regexps Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-DefaultFlags Set default flags on regular expressions Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Extended Regexp::Extended - Perl wrapper that extends the re module with new features Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Grammars Add grammatical parsing features to Perl 5.10 regexes Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-IPv6 Regular expression for IPv6 addresses Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Parser Regexp::Parser - base class for parsing regexes Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Pattern Collection of regexp patterns Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Pattern-DefHash Regexp patterns related to DefHash Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Pattern-License Regular expressions for legal licenses Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Pattern-Perl Regexp patterns related to Perl modules Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-RegGrp Groups a regular expressions collection Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Shellish Shell-like regular expressions for perl Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Stringify Stringify a Regexp object Development/Perl
perl-Regexp-Trie Builds trie-ized regexp Development/Perl
perl-Reindeer Moose with more antlers Development/Perl
perl-Reply Tab completion for function names Development/Perl
perl-Retry-Backoff Retry a piece of code, with backoff strategies Development/Perl
perl-Return-MultiLevel Return across multiple call levels Development/Perl
perl-Return-Value Polymorphic Return Values Development/Perl
perl-Rinci A transactional system based on functions Development/Perl
perl-Role-Basic Why Role::Basic exists Development/Perl
perl-Role-HasMessage A thing with a String::Errf-powered message Development/Perl
perl-Role-Hooks Shim to load files Development/Perl
perl-Role-Identifiable A thing with an ident attribute Development/Perl
perl-Role-REST-Client REST Client Role Development/Perl
perl-Role-Tiny Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@ Development/Perl
perl-Rose-DB Data source registry entry Development/Perl
perl-Rose-DB-Object Datetime year to fraction(5) column metadata Development/Perl
perl-Rose-DateTime DateTime helper functions and objects Development/Perl
perl-Rose-HTML-Objects Object-oriented interfaces for HTML Development/Perl
perl-Rose-Object A simple object base class Development/Perl
perl-Rose-ObjectX-CAF Class::Accessor::Fast compatibility for Rose::Object Development/Perl
perl-Rose-URI An alternative to URI Development/Perl
perl-Router-Simple A simple router class Development/Perl
perl-RpcPerl RPC with a Perl server Development/Perl
perl-SCUBA-Table-NoDeco Calculate no-decompression dive times Development/Perl
perl-SDL Wrapper around the cross platform Simple DirectMedia Layer game library Development/Perl
perl-SDLx-Betweener SDL Perl XS Tweening Animation Library Development/Perl
perl-SExpression-Decode-Marpa S-expression parser using Marpa Development/Perl
perl-SGML-Parser-OpenSP Perl interface to the OpenSP SGML and XML parser Development/Perl
perl-SNA-Network Generate random networks according to the configuration model Development/Perl
perl-SNMP-Info Object Oriented Perl5 Interface to Network devices and MIBs through SNMP Development/Perl
perl-SNMP-MIB-Compiler A MIB Compiler for perl Development/Perl
perl-SNMP-Map Tool for drawing network map Development/Perl
perl-SNMP_Session SNMP support for Perl 5 Development/Perl
perl-SOAP-Lite Client and server side SOAP implementation Development/Perl
perl-SOAP-Lite-SmartProxy SOAP::Transport::HTTPX Server/Client side HTTP Smart Proxy for SOAP::Lite Development/Perl
perl-SOAP-Transport-FTP MQ support for SOAP::Lite Development/Perl
perl-SOAP-Transport-JABBER JABBER support for SOAP::Lite Development/Perl
perl-SOAP-WSDL SOAP with WSDL support Development/Perl
perl-SOAP-payload SOAP::payload - Perl module to send various forms of information as SOAP envelopes Development/Perl
perl-SQ Easily have a string containing single quote (') from the command line Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Abstract Generate SQL from Perl data structures Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Abstract-Classic Generate SQL from Perl data structures Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Abstract-Limit Portable LIMIT emulation Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Abstract-More Extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs and more flexible API Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Abstract-Pg PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Maker Insert multiple rows at once on MySQL Development/Perl
perl-SQL-QueryMaker Helper functions for SQL query generation Development/Perl
perl-SQL-ReservedWords Reserved SQL words by PostgreSQL Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Script An object representing a series of SQL statements, normally Development/Perl
perl-SQL-SplitStatement Split any SQL code into atomic statements Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Statement SQL parsing and processing engine Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Tokenizer A simple SQL tokenizer Development/Perl
perl-SQL-Translator Manipulate structured data definitions (SQL and more) Development/Perl
perl-SQLite-Work A Perl module to report on and update an SQLite database Development/Perl
perl-STD The Standard Perl 6 Grammar Development/Perl
perl-SUPER Internal class to access superclass methods Development/Perl
perl-SVG Perl extension for generating Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents Development/Perl
perl-SVG-Graph Visualize your data in Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) format Development/Perl
perl-SVG-Graph-Kit Data plotting with SVG Development/Perl
perl-SVG-Parser Perl XML Parser for Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) documents Development/Perl
perl-SVG-Sparkline CGI script for generating SVG-based sparklines Development/Perl
perl-SVN Perl bindings for Subversion Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Class Represents the repository of a Subversion workspace Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Dump A property block from a svn dump Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Look A caching wrapper around the svnlook command Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Notify Subversion activity notification Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Notify-Config Config-driven Subversion notification Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Notify-Mirror Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path Development/Perl
perl-SVN-SVNLook Perl wrapper to the svnlook command Development/Perl
perl-SVN-Simple Simple interface to subversion's editor interface Development/Perl
perl-SWF Ming perl module Development/Perl
perl-SWISH-API SWISH::API - Perl interface to the Swish-e C Library Development/Perl
perl-SWISH-API-More Do more with the SWISH::API Development/Perl
perl-SWISH-API-Object Return SWISH::API results as objects Development/Perl
perl-SWISH-API-Stat Reconnect to a SWISH::API handle if index file changes Development/Perl
perl-Safe Restrict eval'd code to safe subset of ops Development/Perl
perl-Safe-Isa Call isa, can, does and DOES safely on things that may not be objects Development/Perl
perl-Sah Schema for data structures (specification) Development/Perl
perl-Sane Perl extension for the SANE (Scanner Access Now Easy) Project Development/Perl
perl-Scalar-Defer Lazy evaluation in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Scalar-Does Additional constants for Scalar::Does, inspired by the built-in Moose type constraints Development/Perl
perl-Scalar-List-Utils List utilities (eg min, max, reduce) Development/Perl
perl-Scalar-MoreUtils Provide the stuff missing in Scalar::Util Development/Perl
perl-Scalar-String String aspects of scalars Development/Perl
perl-Scalar-Util-LooksLikeNumber Access to looks_like_number() perl API function Development/Perl
perl-Schedule-RateLimiter Prevent events from happening too quickly Development/Perl
perl-Scope-Guard Lexically scoped resource management Development/Perl
perl-Scope-Upper Act on upper scopes Development/Perl
perl-Search-Binary Generic binary search Development/Perl
perl-Search-Dict Search a dictionary ordered text file Development/Perl
perl-Search-Elasticsearch A client for running index-level requests Development/Perl
perl-Search-GIN Generalized Inverted Indexing for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Search-Indexer Full-text indexer Development/Perl
perl-Search-Query The default query dialect Development/Perl
perl-Search-QueryParser Parses a query string into a data structure Development/Perl
perl-Search-QueryParser-SQL SQL column object Development/Perl
perl-Search-Sitemap Perl extension for managing Search Engine Sitemaps Development/Perl
perl-Search-Tokenizer Decompose a string into tokens (words) Development/Perl
perl-Search-Tools High-performance tools for building search applications Development/Perl
perl-Search-Xapian Xapian perl bindings Development/Perl
perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver Representation of an HTML Element used by Selenium Remote Driver Development/Perl
perl-Selenium-Server A wrapper of selenium-server-standalone.jar Development/Perl
perl-SelfLoader Automatic function loader (using __DATA__) Development/Perl
perl-Sentinel Create lightweight SCALARs with get/set callbacks Development/Perl
perl-Sentry-Raven Remove stack variables from stack traces in events Development/Perl
perl-Sereal Fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization Development/Perl
perl-Sereal-Decoder Getting the most out of the Perl-Sereal implementation Development/Perl
perl-Sereal-Encoder Fast, compact, powerful binary serialization Development/Perl
perl-Server-Starter A superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs Development/Perl
perl-Set-Infinite Infinite Set Theory module, with Date, Time Development/Perl
perl-Set-IntSpan Manage sets of integers Development/Perl
perl-Set-Intersection Get intersection (of set theory) of arrays Development/Perl
perl-Set-Object Set of objects and strings in Perl Development/Perl
perl-Set-Scalar Basic set operations Development/Perl
perl-Sex Perl teaches the birds and the bees Development/Perl
perl-Shell Run shell commands transparently within perl Development/Perl
perl-Shell-Command Cross-platform functions emulating common shell commands Development/Perl
perl-Shell-Config-Generate Portably generate config for any shell Development/Perl
perl-Shell-Guess Make an educated guess about the shell in use Development/Perl
perl-Shell-Perl Dumpers for Shell::Perl Development/Perl
perl-Signal-Mask Signal pending status made easy Development/Perl
perl-Smart-Comments Comments that do more than just sit there Development/Perl
perl-Snowball-Norwegian Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark Development/Perl
perl-Snowball-Swedish Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish Development/Perl
perl-Socket Defines socket-related constants Development/Perl
perl-Socket-GetAddrInfo RFC 2553's C<getaddrinfo> and C<getnameinfo> Development/Perl
perl-Socket-Packet Object interface to C<AF_PACKET> domain sockets Development/Perl
perl-Socket6 IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators Development/Perl
perl-Software-License Packages that provide templated software licenses Development/Perl
perl-Software-License-CCpack Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs-NonCommercial 1.0 License (CC BY-ND-NC 1.0) Development/Perl
perl-Software-License-ISC The ISC License Development/Perl
perl-Software-License-PublicDomain A Public Domain "License" Development/Perl
perl-Software-Release A change made in a software release Development/Perl
perl-Sort-Key Sort objects by some (calculated) key Development/Perl
perl-Sort-Key-IPv4 Sort IP v4 addresses Development/Perl
perl-Sort-Key-Top Select and sort top n elements Development/Perl
perl-Sort-Maker A simple way to make efficient sort subs Development/Perl
perl-Sort-Naturally sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically Development/Perl
perl-Sort-SQL Manipulate SQL sort strings Development/Perl
perl-Sort-Versions A perl 5 module for sorting of revision-like numbers Development/Perl
perl-Specio A class which represents parameterizable constraints Development/Perl
perl-Specio-Library-Path-Tiny Path::Tiny types and coercions for Specio Development/Perl
perl-Sphinx-Config Sphinx search engine configuration file read/modify/write Development/Perl
perl-Sphinx-Search Sphinx search engine API Perl client Development/Perl
perl-Spiffy Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You Development/Perl
perl-Spoon A Spiffy Application Building Framework Development/Perl
perl-Spork Slide Presentations (Only Really Kwiki) Development/Perl
perl-Spork-Shlomify Spork with some improvements Development/Perl
perl-Spreadsheet-Read Transparent read the data from a spreadsheet Development/Perl
perl-Spreadsheet-ReadSXC Extract OpenOffice 1.x spreadsheet data Development/Perl
perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel Write cross-platform Excel binary file Development/Perl
perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX Utility function for Spreadsheet::XLSX Development/Perl
perl-Starlet A simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server Development/Perl
perl-Starman Plack adapter for Starman Development/Perl
perl-Statistics-Basic A collection of very basic statistics modules Development/Perl
perl-Statistics-CaseResampling Efficient resampling and calculation of medians with confidence intervals Development/Perl
perl-Statistics-ChiSquare How well-distributed is your data? Development/Perl
perl-Statistics-Descriptive Module of basic descriptive statistical functions Development/Perl
perl-Statistics-Distributions Statistics::Distributions - Perl module for calculating critical values and upper probabilities of common statistical distributions Development/Perl
perl-Statistics-TTest Perl module to perform T-test on 2 independent samples Development/Perl
perl-Stream-Buffered Temporary buffer to save bytes Development/Perl
perl-String-Approx Perl extension for approximate matching (fuzzy matching) Development/Perl
perl-String-BufferStack Nested buffers for templating systems Development/Perl
perl-String-CRC-Cksum Perl extension for calculating checksums Development/Perl
perl-String-CRC32 Perl interface for cyclic redundancy check generation Development/Perl
perl-String-CamelCase Internal exception class Development/Perl
perl-String-Clean Clean up for Cross Site Scripting (XSS) Development/Perl
perl-String-Copyright Representation of text-based copyright statements Development/Perl
perl-String-Divert String::Divert - String Object supporting Folding and Diversions Development/Perl
perl-String-Errf A simple sprintf-like dialect Development/Perl
perl-String-Escape Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes Development/Perl
perl-String-Flogger String munging for loggers Development/Perl
perl-String-Format Sprintf-like string formatting capabilities with arbitrary format definitions Development/Perl
perl-String-Formatter Ways to put String::Formatter to use Development/Perl
perl-String-Koremutake Convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings Development/Perl
perl-String-License Detect source code license statements in a text string Development/Perl
perl-String-Perl-Warnings Determine if a string looks like a perl warning Development/Perl
perl-String-Print Printf alternative Development/Perl
perl-String-Random Perl module to generate random strings based Development/Perl
perl-String-Range-Expand Expand range-like strings Development/Perl
perl-String-RewritePrefix Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes Development/Perl
perl-String-Scanf Implementation of C sscanf function Development/Perl
perl-String-ShellQuote Quote strings for passing through the shell Development/Perl
perl-String-Similarity Perl extension for calculating the similarity of two strings Development/Perl
perl-String-Tagged An API specification for simple formatted strings Development/Perl
perl-String-Tagged-Terminal Windows-specific code for L<String::Tagged::Terminal> Development/Perl
perl-String-ToIdentifier-EN Convert Strings to Unicode English Program Development/Perl
perl-String-Tokenizer A simple string tokenizer Development/Perl
perl-String-Trim Trim whitespace off your strings Development/Perl
perl-String-Trim-More Various string trimming utilities Development/Perl
perl-String-Truncate A module for when strings are too long to be displayed in Development/Perl
perl-String-TtyLength Calculate length of string excluding ANSI tty codes Development/Perl
perl-String-Util Handy string processing utilities Development/Perl
perl-String-Wildcard-Bash Bash wildcard string routines Development/Perl
perl-Struct-Compare Recursive diff for perl structures Development/Perl
perl-Struct-Dumb Make simple lightweight record-like structures Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Delete Perl module enabling one to delete subroutines Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Exporter A sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods Helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter Export shared globs with Sub::Exporter collectors Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive Only use Sub::Exporter if you need it Development/Perl
perl-Sub-HandlesVia Integration with OO frameworks for Sub::HandlesVia Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Identify Retrieve names of code references Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Infix Create a fake infix operator Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Info Tool for inspecting subroutines Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Install Install subroutines into packages easily Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Mage Multi-Use utility for manipulating subroutines, classes and more Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Name Allows to (re)name a sub Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Override Perl extension for easily overriding subroutines Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Prototype Set a sub's prototype Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Quote Efficient generation of subroutines via string eval Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Retry Retry $n times Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Talisman Use attributes to tag or classify subs Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Talisman-Struct The spawn of MooX-Struct and Sub-Talisman Development/Perl
perl-Sub-Uplevel apparently run a function in a higher stack frame Development/Perl
perl-Subclass-Of Import a magic subclass Development/Perl
perl-Switch A switch statement for Perl Development/Perl
perl-Symbol-Global-Name Finds name and type of a global variable Development/Perl
perl-Symlink-DSL A domain-specific language for setting up symbolic links Development/Perl
perl-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate A Plugin for Component-Pascal syntax highlighting Development/Perl
perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved Highlighting of Perl Syntactical Structures Development/Perl
perl-Syntax-Highlight-Perl6 Perl 6 Syntax Highlighter Development/Perl
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Junction Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5 Development/Perl
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Match A C<match/case> syntax for perl Development/Perl
perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try A C<try/catch/finally> syntax for perl Development/Perl
perl-Sys-CPU Access CPU info. number, etc on Win and UNIX Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Guestfs Perl bindings for libguestfs (Sys::Guestfs) Development/Perl
perl-Sys-HostIP Perl module to get ip address related info Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Hostname-FQDN Get the short or long hostname Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Hostname-Long Try every conceivable way to get full hostname Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Info Fetch information from the host system Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Info-Base Base classes for Sys::Info Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Info-Driver-Linux Linux driver for Sys::Info Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Load A perl5 module that indicate system load Development/Perl
perl-Sys-MemInfo Memory information as Perl module Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Mknod Sys::Mknod - make special files Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Mmap Uses mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable Development/Perl
perl-Sys-RunAlone Make sure only one invocation of a script is active at a time Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Sendfile Zero-copy data transfer Development/Perl
perl-Sys-SigAction Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Syscall Perl module to access system calls that Perl doesn't normally provide access to Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Syslog Provides same functionality as BSD syslog Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Trace Sys::Trace implementation for strace(1) Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Virt Interface to libvirt virtual machine management API Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Virt-TCK Sys::Virt::TCK - libvirt Technology Compatibility Kit Development/Perl
perl-Sys-Virt-tests Tests for perl-Sys-Virt Development/Perl
perl-Sysadm-Install Typical installation tasks for system administrators Development/Perl
perl-System-Command Object for running system commands Development/Perl
perl-TAP-DOM Accessors for TAP::DOM summary part Development/Perl
perl-TAP-Formatter-HTML TAP Test Harness output delegate for html output Development/Perl
perl-TAP-Formatter-JUnit TAP formatter, turning TAP into JUnit Development/Perl
perl-TAP-Harness-Archive Create an archive of TAP test results Development/Perl
perl-TAP-Harness-JUnit Generate JUnit compatible output from TAP Development/Perl
perl-TAP-SimpleOutput Simple closure-driven TAP generator Development/Perl
perl-TFTP TFTP Client class Development/Perl
perl-Tapper Automated OS testing, also virtualized Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Base Require that we are running on a particular OS Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Cmd Tapper - Backend functions for CLI and Web Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Config Tapper - Context sensitive configuration hub for all Tapper libs Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Installer Tapper - Install everything needed for a test Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Model Tapper - Context sensitive connected DBIC schema Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-PRC Control running test programs Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Remote Tapper - Common functionality for remote automation libs Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Reports-API Tapper - Remote network API for result evaluation Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Reports-DPath Extended DPath functionality for Tapper reports Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Reports-Receiver Receive test reports Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-Schema Database schemas for Tapper Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-TAP-Harness Tapper - Tapper specific TAP handling Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-TestSuite-AutoTest Complete OS testing in a box via autotest for Tapper Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-TestSuite-Benchmark-Perl-Formance Tapper - Wrapper for Benchmark::Perl::Formance Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-TestSuite-HWTrack Report hardware meta information Development/Perl
perl-Tapper-TestSuite-Netperf Tapper - Network performance measurements - Client Development/Perl
perl-Task-FreecellSolver-Testing Install the CPAN dependencies of the Development/Perl
perl-Task-Latemp Specifications for modules needed by the Latemp CMS Development/Perl
perl-Task-Tapper-Installer Tapper - dependencies for machine installer Development/Perl
perl-Task-Test-Run-AllPlugins Specifications for installing all the Test::Run Development/Perl
perl-Task-Weaken Ensure that a platform has weaken support Development/Perl
perl-Tcl Complete access to Tcl Development/Perl
perl-Tee Pure Perl emulation of GNU tee Development/Perl
perl-Template-Alloy TT2/3, HT, HTE, Tmpl, and Velocity Engine Development/Perl
perl-Template-DBI Template interface to the DBI module Development/Perl
perl-Template-GD GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Template-Multilingual Multilingual templates for Template Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Autoformat Interface to Text::Autoformat module Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Class Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Clickable Make URLs clickable in HTML Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Clickable-Email Make email addresses in to HTML links Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Comma TT Plugin to commify numbers Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-DateTime A Template Plugin To Use DateTime Objects Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-EnvHash Environment Variable Hash for TT2 Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Gravatar Configurable TT2-based generation of Gravatar URLs from email addresses Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Handy Handy vmethods for Template Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-JSON Adds a .json vmethod for all TT values Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-JavaScript TT filter to encode text to be safe in JavaScript Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Latex LaTeX plugin for the Template Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Markdown TT plugin for Text::Markdown Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-MultiMarkdown TT plugin for Text::MultiMarkdown Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Number-Format Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Page A plugin to help when paging through sets of results Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Shuffle TT Vmethods for shuffling lists Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-Subst s/// functionality for Template Toolkit templates Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-VMethods Install vmethods Development/Perl
perl-Template-Plugin-YAML Plugin interface to YAML Development/Perl
perl-Template-Preprocessor-TTML Process command line arguments Development/Perl
perl-Template-Provider-Encoding Template plugin to specify encoding Development/Perl
perl-Template-Semantic Template::Semantic Recipes, tricks, hints Development/Perl
perl-Template-Stash-AutoEscaping Escape automatically in Template-Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Template-Timer Rudimentary profiling for Template Toolkit Development/Perl
perl-Template-Tiny Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible Development/Perl
perl-Template-Toolkit Template-Toolkit module for perl Development/Perl
perl-Template-Toolkit-Simple A Sim