By group

Group: Development/PHP

kdevelop-php PHP plugin for kdevelop Development/PHP
kdevelop-php-devel Development files for kdevelop-php Development/PHP
perl-redland Perl modules for the Redland RDF library Development/PHP
php-adodb Active Data Objects Data Base (ADOdb) Development/PHP
php-akrabat-rka-slim-session-middleware Simple session middleware for Slim Framework Development/PHP
php-analog PHP micro logging package Development/PHP
php-base32 Base32 Encoder/Decoder for PHP according to RFC 4648 Development/PHP
php-channel-phpdoc Adds php-channel-phpdoc to PEAR Development/PHP
php-container-interop Promoting the interoperability of container objects (DIC, SL, etc.) Development/PHP
php-cssjanus Convert CSS stylesheets between left-to-right and right-to-left Development/PHP
php-elvanto-litemoji Conversion of unicode, HTML and shortcode emoji Development/PHP
php-fedora-autoloader Fedora Autoloader Development/PHP
php-fedora-autoloader-devel php-fedora-autoloader devel Development/PHP
php-fpdf PHP class to generate PDF files Development/PHP
php-fzaninotto-faker A PHP library that generates fake data Development/PHP
php-geshi Generic Syntax Highlighter Development/PHP
php-htmLawed PHP code to purify and filter HTML Development/PHP
php-iamcal-lib-autolink Adds anchors to urls in a text Development/PHP
php-kolab-net-ldap3 Advanced functionality for accessing LDAP directories Development/PHP
php-libguestfs PHP bindings for libguestfs Development/PHP
php-markdown Markdown implementation in PHP Development/PHP
php-mathmarques-smarty-view Slim Framework 3 Smarty View Development/PHP
php-mediawiki-at-ease Safe replacement to @ for suppressing warnings Development/PHP
php-monolog Sends your logs to files, sockets, inboxes, databases and various web services Development/PHP
php-mso-idna-convert Provides conversion of internationalized strings to UTF8 Development/PHP
php-mythtv PHP bindings for MythTV Development/PHP
php-nikic-fast-route Fast implementation of a regular expression based router Development/PHP
php-oojs-oojs-ui Object-Oriented JavaScript – User Interface Development/PHP
php-otphp Generate One Time Passwords Development/PHP
php-patchwork-jsqueeze Efficient JavaScript minification Development/PHP
php-pear PHP Extension and Application Repository Development/PHP
php-pear-Auth_OpenID PHP OpenID Development/PHP
php-pear-Auth_SASL PEAR: Abstraction of various SASL mechanism responses Development/PHP
php-pear-Benchmark Framework to benchmark PHP scripts or function calls Development/PHP
php-pear-CAS Central Authentication Service client library in php Development/PHP
php-pear-Cache_Lite Fast and Safe little cache system Development/PHP
php-pear-Console_Color2 This Class allows you to easily use ANSI console colors in your application Development/PHP
php-pear-Console_CommandLine A full featured command line options and arguments parser Development/PHP
php-pear-Console_Getargs A command-line arguments parser Development/PHP
php-pear-Console_Getopt Command-line option parser Development/PHP
php-pear-Console_Table Class that makes it easy to build console style tables Development/PHP
php-pear-Crypt_GPG GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG) Development/PHP
php-pear-Crypt_RSA Provides RSA-like encryption support Development/PHP
php-pear-DB Database Abstraction Layer Development/PHP
php-pear-DBA Berkeley-style Database Class Development/PHP
php-pear-DB_odbtp DB interface for ODBTP Development/PHP
php-pear-File Common file and directory routines Development/PHP
php-pear-File_DNS Manipulate RFC1033-style DNS Zonefiles Development/PHP
php-pear-File_Fstab Read and write fstab files Development/PHP
php-pear-File_HtAccess Manipulate .htaccess files Development/PHP
php-pear-File_Ogg Retrieves metadata from Ogg files Development/PHP
php-pear-File_SearchReplace Performs search and replace routines Development/PHP
php-pear-Gtk_VarDump A simple GUI to example PHP data trees Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_BBCodeParser This is a parser to replace UBB style tags with their html equivalents Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Common Base class for other HTML classes Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Common2 Abstract base class for HTML classes (PHP5 port of HTML_Common package) Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Form Simple HTML form package Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Javascript An interface for creating simple JS scripts Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Page Base class for XHTML page generation Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_QuickForm Methods for creating, validating, processing HTML forms Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_QuickForm2 Methods for creating, validating, processing HTML forms Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_QuickForm_ElementGrid An HTML_QuickForm meta-element which holds any other element in a grid Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_QuickForm_SelectFilter Dynamic filters on the client side for select elements Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Table Makes HTML tables easy, flexible, reusable and efficient Development/PHP
php-pear-HTML_Template_IT Integrated Templates Development/PHP
php-pear-HTTP_OAuth PEAR implementation of the OAuth 1.0a specification Development/PHP
php-pear-HTTP_Request2 Provides an easy way to perform HTTP requests Development/PHP
php-pear-HTTP_Session Object-oriented interface to the session_* family functions Development/PHP
php-pear-I18N_UnicodeString Provides a way to work with self contained multibyte strings Development/PHP
php-pear-Image_GIS Visualization of GIS data Development/PHP
php-pear-Image_GraphViz Interface to AT&T's GraphViz tools Development/PHP
php-pear-Image_Text Image_Text - Advanced text manipulations in images Development/PHP
php-pear-Log Logging Framework Development/PHP
php-pear-MDB2 Unified database API Development/PHP
php-pear-MDB2_Driver_mysqli Mysqli MDB2 driver Development/PHP
php-pear-MDB2_Driver_pgsql Pgsql MDB2 driver Development/PHP
php-pear-MIME_Type Utility class for dealing with MIME types Development/PHP
php-pear-Mail Class that provides multiple interfaces for sending emails Development/PHP
php-pear-Mail_Mbox Mbox PHP class to Unix MBOX parsing and using Development/PHP
php-pear-Mail_Mime Mail_Mime provides classes to create MIME messages Development/PHP
php-pear-Mail_mimeDecode Provides a class to decode mime messages Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_Basex Math_Basex - Base X conversion class Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_BigInteger Pure-PHP arbitrary precision integer arithmetic library Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_Histogram Classes to calculate histogram distributions Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_Quaternion Classes that define Quaternions and their operations Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_RPN RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) support Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_Stats Classes to calculate statistical parameters Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_TrigOp Supplementary trigonometric functions Development/PHP
php-pear-Math_Vector Vector and vector operation classes Development/PHP
php-pear-Message Message hash and digest (HMAC) generation methods and classes Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_CheckIP Check the syntax of IPv4 addresses Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_DIME Implements DIME encoding Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_GeoIP Library to perform geo-location lookups of IP addresses Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_IPv4 IPv4 network calculations and validation Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Ident Identification protocol implementation Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_LDAP2 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_LDAP3 Object oriented interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_LMTP Provides an implementation of the RFC2033 LMTP protocol Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_NNTP NNTP implementation Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_POP3 POP3 class to access POP3 server Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Ping Execute ping Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Portscan Portscanner utilities Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_SMPP SMPP v3.4 protocol implementation Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_SMTP An implementation of the SMTP protocol Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Sieve Handles talking to a sieve server Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Socket Network Socket Interface Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Traceroute Execute traceroute Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_URL2 Class for parsing and handling URL Development/PHP
php-pear-Net_Whois Net_Whois class provides a tool to query internet domain name and network number directory services Development/PHP
php-pear-Numbers_Roman Converting to and from Roman numerals Development/PHP
php-pear-PEAR_Command_Packaging Create RPM spec files from PEAR modules Development/PHP
php-pear-PEAR_Delegator Delegation for PHP Development/PHP
php-pear-PHPTAL Implementation of Zope Page Templates (ZPT) for PHP Development/PHP
php-pear-PHP_Archive Create and use PHP Archive files Development/PHP
php-pear-PHP_CodeSniffer PHP_CodeSniffer tokenises PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards Development/PHP
php-pear-Pager Data paging class Development/PHP
php-pear-Stream_SHM Shared memory stream Development/PHP
php-pear-System_Command System_Command is a commandline execution interface Development/PHP
php-pear-System_ProcWatch Monitor Processes Development/PHP
php-pear-Text_Diff Engine for performing and rendering text diffs Development/PHP
php-pear-Text_Huffman Lossless compression algorithm Development/PHP
php-pear-Text_Password Creating passwords with PHP Development/PHP
php-pear-Text_Statistics Compute readability indexes for documents Development/PHP
php-pear-UDDI UDDI - API for PHP Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_MXML Framework to build Macromedia Flex applications Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_NITF Parse NITF documents Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_Parser XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_RDDL Read RDDL (Resource Directory Description Language) documents Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_RPC2 RPC client/server library Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_RSS RSS parser Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_SVG XML_SVG API Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_Serializer Swiss-army knife for reading and writing XML files. Creates XML files from data structures and vice versa Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_Statistics Class to obtain statistical information from an XML documents Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_Tree Represent XML data in a tree structure Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_XPath XPath/DOM XML manipulation, maneuvering and query interface Development/PHP
php-pear-XML_sql2xml Returns XML from a SQL-query Development/PHP
php-phpunit The PHP Unit Testing framework Development/PHP
php-pimple A simple dependency injection container for PHP (extension) Development/PHP
php-psr-cache Common interface for caching libraries Development/PHP
php-psr-container Common Container Interface Development/PHP
php-psr-http-message Common interface for HTTP messages (PSR-7) Development/PHP
php-psr-log Common interface for logging libraries Development/PHP
php-psr-simple-cache Common interfaces for simple caching (PSR-16) Development/PHP
php-qrcode Endroid QR Code Generator Development/PHP
php-sabre-uri Functions for making sense out of URIs Development/PHP
php-sabre-vobject Library to parse and manipulate iCalendar and vCard objects Development/PHP
php-sabre-xml XML library that you may not hate Development/PHP
php-scssphp A compiler for SCSS written in PHP Development/PHP
php-sebastian-diff Diff implementation Development/PHP
php-security-checker PHP security vulnerabilities checker CLI Development/PHP
php-simplepie A simple Atom/RSS parsing library for PHP Development/PHP
php-slim PHP micro framework Development/PHP
php-slim-flash Slim Framework Flash Messages Development/PHP
php-smarty Template/Presentation Framework for PHP Development/PHP
php-smarty-gettext Gettext support for Smarty Development/PHP
php-smarty-gettext-devel Development tools for smarty-gettext Development/PHP
php-tcpdf PHP class for generating PDF documents Development/PHP
php-tcpdf-dejavu DejaVu fonts for tcpdf Development/PHP
php-tcpdf-dejavu-lgc DejaVu LGC fonts for tcpdf Development/PHP
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-mono-fonts GNU FreeFonts mono-spaced for tcpdf Development/PHP
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-sans-fonts GNU FreeFonts sans-serif for tcpdf Development/PHP
php-tcpdf-gnu-free-serif-fonts GNU FreeFonts serif for tcpdf Development/PHP
php-theseer-autoload A tool and library to generate autoload code Development/PHP
php-theseer-directoryscanner A recursive directory scanner and filter Development/PHP
php-true-punycode A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for IDNA Development/PHP
php-wikimedia-cdb CDB functions for PHP Development/PHP
php-zetacomponents-base Zeta Base Component Development/PHP
php-zetacomponents-console-tools Zeta Console Tools Component Development/PHP
php-zetacomponents-graph Zeta Graph Component Development/PHP
php8.3-expect PHP extension for expect library Development/PHP
php8.3-gmagick Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMagick library Development/PHP
php8.3-mcrypt Bindings for the libmcrypt library Development/PHP
php8.3-rrd The RRD module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.3-xdebug Provides functions for function traces and profiling for PHP5 Development/PHP
php8.4-apcu The apcu (APC User Cache) module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-apcu-admin Web admin GUI for apcu (APC User Cache) Development/PHP
php8.4-ast PHP extension exports the AST internally used by PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-bcmath The bcmath module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-bitset BITSET library Development/PHP
php8.4-bz2 Bzip2 extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-calendar Calendar extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-cgi PHP CGI interface Development/PHP
php8.4-cli PHP CLI interface Development/PHP
php8.4-ctype Ctype extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-curl Curl extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-dba DBA extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-dbase dBase database file access functions Development/PHP
php8.4-dio Direct I/O extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-doc Documentation for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-dom Dom extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-ds Data Structures Development/PHP
php8.4-enchant Libenchant binder, support near all spelling tools Development/PHP
php8.4-event Event Scheduling Engine for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-exif EXIF extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-fileinfo Fileinfo extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-filter Extension for safely dealing with input parameters Development/PHP
php8.4-fpm PHP FastCGI Process Manager Development/PHP
php8.4-fpm-apache PHP FastCGI Process Manager config for apache Development/PHP
php8.4-fpm-nginx PHP FastCGI Process Manager config for nginx Development/PHP
php8.4-ftp FTP extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-gd GD extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-gender Gender Extension Development/PHP
php8.4-gettext Gettext extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-gmp Gmp extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-gnupg A wrapper around the gpgme library for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-iconv Iconv extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-igbinary PHP igbinary extension Development/PHP
php8.4-imagick Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagick library for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-imap Bindings for the libmcrypt library Development/PHP
php8.4-ini INI files for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-inotify Provides inotify functions for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-intl Internationalization extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-jsmin PHP extension for minifying JavaScript Development/PHP
php8.4-ldap LDAP extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-libvirt PHP language binding for Libvirt Development/PHP
php8.4-mailparse Email message manipulation for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-mbstring MBstring extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-memcached A libmemcached library interface for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-mongodb MongoDB driver for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-msgpack PHP extension for interfacing with MessagePack Development/PHP
php8.4-mysqli MySQL database module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-mysqlnd MySQL native database module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-odbc ODBC extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-opcache Zend OPcache for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-openssl OpenSSL extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-pcntl Process Control extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo PHP Data Objects Interface Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo_dblib Sybase Interface driver for PDO Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo_firebird Firebird/InterBase driver for PDO Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo_mysql MySQL Interface driver for PDO Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo_odbc ODBC v3 Interface driver for PDO Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo_pgsql PostgreSQL interface driver for PDO Development/PHP
php8.4-pdo_sqlite SQLite v3 Interface driver for PDO Development/PHP
php8.4-pgsql PostgreSQL database module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-phar Allows running of complete applications out of .phar files Development/PHP
php8.4-posix POSIX extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-pspell This extension allows you to check the spelling of a word and offer suggestions Development/PHP
php8.4-raphf Resource and persistent handles factory Development/PHP
php8.4-readline Readline extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-redis The phpredis extension provides an API for communicating with the Redis key-value store Development/PHP
php8.4-session Session extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-shmop Shared Memory Operations extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-snmp NET-SNMP extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-soap Soap extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-sockets Sockets extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-sodium Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library Development/PHP
php8.4-sqlite3 SQLite database bindings for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-ssh2 PHP bindings for the libssh2 library Development/PHP
php8.4-sysvmsg SysV msg extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-sysvsem SysV sem extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-sysvshm SysV shm extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-tidy Tidy HTML Repairing and Parsing for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-tokenizer Tokenizer extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-translit Transliterates non-latin character sets to latin Development/PHP
php8.4-uuid UUID support functions for php Development/PHP
php8.4-xattr Provides a interface to Extended attributes for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-xdebug Provides functions for function traces and profiling for PHP5 Development/PHP
php8.4-xmlreader Xmlreader extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-xmlwriter Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only means to write XML data Development/PHP
php8.4-xsl Xsl extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-yaml YAML-1.1 parser and emitter Development/PHP
php8.4-zip A zip management extension for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-zlib Zlib extension module for PHP Development/PHP
php8.4-zstd PHP zstd extension Development/PHP
phpdbg8.4 The interactive PHP debugger Development/PHP
xapian-bindings-lua Files needed for developing lua scripts which use Xapian Development/PHP
php-mythtv PHP bindings for MythTV Development/PHP